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  • Google Earth Engine(GEE) JavaScript API




    - Earth Engine Code Editor —— 开发环境

    - 开发者文档 —— 包括我们的开发向导,API参考,和教程。

    - EE浏览器——图形用户界面。不需要编程技巧。



    Get Started with Earth Engine

    You must be registered to use Earth Engine. Apply for Earth Engine

    This Get Started guide is intended as a quick way to start programming with the Earth Engine JavaScript API. For an introductory look at JavaScript and more in-depth exercises with the Earth Engine API, see the tutorials. For recommended JavaScript coding style, see the Google JavaScript Style Guide.

    开始教程是关于Earth Engine JavaScript API的开始教程。要了解JavaScript和更深入的练习Earth Engine API,请查看教程链接。对于建议的JavaScript编写代码风格,请查看Google JavaScript Style Guide。

    Google Earth Engine allows users to run algorithms on georeferenced imagery and vectors stored on Google's infrastructure. The Google Earth Engine API provides a library of functions which may be applied to data for display and analysis. Earth Engine's public data catalog contains a large amount of publicly available imagery and vector datasets. Private assets can also be created in users' personal folders.

    Google Earth Engine允许用户运行算法到地理参考的图像和矢量上(存储在谷歌的基础设施)。Google Earth Engine API提供了一个类库,包含函数,它们可以应用在数据上,做显示和分析。Earth Engine的公开数据目录包含大量的公开可用的图像和矢量数据集。私有的数据集也可以在用户自己的文件夹上创建。

    How to use these docs如何使用这些文档

    The Earth Engine documentation is designed for people familiar with geospatial data analysis. The docs are primarily structured by data type. For example, the left side navigation contains links to sections or pages about important data types such as ImageImageCollectionFeatureFeatureCollectionGeometryReducerChartJoin andArray. This guide only describes only enough about these types to get you started. There are also sections for machine learning, specialized or sensor specific algorithms (e.g. Landsat algorithms), public facing appsdata (asset) management and important details about Earth Engine internal workings. Before diving in to any of that, start here!

    Earth Engine文档为熟悉地理空间数据分析的人士设计使用。这些文档主要由数据类型构成。例如,左侧导航包含指向有关重要数据类型(如图像,ImageCollection,Feature,FeatureCollection,Geometry,Reducer,Chart,Join和Array)的部分或页面的链接。本指南仅对这些类型进行了足够的介绍,以帮助您入门。机器学习,专用或传感器特定的算法(例如Landsat算法),面向公众的应用,数据(资产)管理以及有关Earth Engine内部工作的重要细节的部分也有介绍。在深入了解其中任何一项之前,请从这里开始!

    The Code Editor代码编辑器

    The Code Editor is an interactive environment for developing Earth Engine applications (Figure 1). The center panel provides a JavaScript code editor. Above the editor are buttons to save the current script, run it, and clear the map. The Get Link button generates a unique URL for the script in the address bar. The map in the bottom panel contains the layers added by the script. At the top is a search box for datasets and places. The left panel contains code examples, your saved scripts, a searchable API reference and an asset manager for private data. The right panel has an inspector for querying the map, an output console, and a manager for long-running tasks. The help button help in the upper right contains links to this Guide and other resources for getting help. Learn more from the Code Editor guide and the Get Help guide.

    代码编辑器是用于开发Earth Engine应用程序的交互式环境(图1)。中间面板提供了一个JavaScript代码编辑器。编辑器上方是用于保存当前脚本,运行它并清除地图的按钮。 “获取链接”按钮在地址栏中为脚本生成唯一的URL。底部面板中的地图包含脚本添加的图层。顶部是用于数据集和地点的搜索框。左侧面板包含代码示例,已保存的脚本,可搜索的API参考以及用于私有数据的资产管理器。右侧面板上有一个用于检查地图的检查器,一个输出控制台和一个用于长期运行任务的管理器。右上方的帮助按钮帮助包含指向本指南的链接以及其他获得帮助的资源。从“代码编辑器”指南和“获得帮助”指南中了解更多信息。

     图1 代码编辑器

    Opening and running code in the Code Editor打开CodeEditor并运行代码

    The steps below demonstrate how to open Earth Engine and execute a custom script that displays an image. For best results, you may want to install the latest version of Chrome, Google’s web browser, available here.

    下面的步骤展示了如何打开Earth Engine并执行脚本:展示一张图片。对于最好的结果,最好安装最新版的Chrome。

    1. Open the Earth Engine Code Editor here: code.earthengine.google.com. If you have not already, you will need to enable access by logging in using a registered Google account.在这里打开Earth Engine Code Editor:code.earthengine.google.com。如果你还没准备好,你需要使用一个注册的Google账号才能进入。
    2. Navigate to the Scripts tab located on the far left of the Code Editor. There you will find a collection of example scripts that access, display, and analyze Earth Engine data.在Scripts标签的最左侧。你会发现一系列的示例脚本,允许你获取、展示和分析Earth Engine数据。

                Under “Image Collection,” select the “Filtered Composite” example. You will see a script appear in the center console. Press the Run button to execute the script. The Filtered Composite example selects Landsat 7 images that intersect or are within the boundaries of Colorado and Utah. It then displays a true color composite of the selected images. The samples introduce you to commonly used methods, such as filter(), clip(), andMap.addLayer().在“Image Collection”下,选择“Filtered Composite”例子。按运行按钮执行脚本。 “过滤的合成”示例选择与科罗拉多州和犹他州相交或在其边界内的Landsat 7图像。然后,它将显示所选图像的真彩色合成。这些示例向您介绍了常用的方法,例如filter(),clip()和Map.addLayer()。

    Earth Engine data structures地球引擎数据结构

    The two most fundamental geographic data structures in Earth Engine are Image and Feature corresponding to raster and vector data types, respectively. Images are composed of bands and a dictionary of properties. Features are composed of a Geometry and a dictionary of properties. A stack of images (e.g. an image time series) is handled by an ImageCollection. A collection of features is handled by a FeatureCollection. Other fundamental data structures in Earth Engine include Dictionary, List, Array, Date, Number and String (learn more about basic data types fromthis tutorial. It is important to remember that these are all server-side objects and are not manipulated the same way as client-side JavaScript objects are (learn more).

    Earth Engine中两个最基本的地理数据结构是分别对应于栅格和矢量数据类型的图像和要素。图像由波段和属性字典组成。要素由几何和属性字典组成。一堆图像(例如,图像时间序列)由ImageCollection处理。功能集合由FeatureCollection处理。 Earth Engine中的其他基本数据结构包括Dictionary,List,Array,Date,Number和String(可从本教程中了解有关基本数据类型的更多信息。请务必记住,这些都是服务器端对象,并且操作方式与客户端JavaScript对象是(了解更多)。

    Earth Engine algorithms地球引擎算法

    There are several ways to run operations in the API:有几种在API中运行操作的方法:

    • Calling methods that are attached to objects.调用附加在对象上的方法。
    • Calling algorithms.调用算法。
    • Calling Code Editor specific functions.调用Code Editor专属方法。
    • Defining new functions.定义新方法。

    the Image class has an add()method:


    var image3 = image1.add(image2);
  • 相关阅读:
    jquery Poshy Tip
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/13958562.html
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