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  • 【C语言】学生成绩管理系统V2.0













    1.Append record

    2.Caculate total and average score of every student

    3.Sort in ascending order by total score of every student

    4.Sort in dictionary order by name

    5.Search by number

    6.Search by name

    7.Write to a file

    8.Read from a file


    Please enter your choice:



      1 #include<stdio.h>
      2 #include<stdlib.h>
      3 #include <string.h>
      4 #define N 40
      6 typedef struct student {
      7     long studentID;             //学号
      8     char studentName[10];       //姓名
      9     int score[3];               //3门课程的成绩
     10     int sum;                    //总分
     11     float aver;                 //平均分
     12 } STUDENT;
     14 void ReadScore(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);         //输入成绩
     15 void ScoreSum(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);          //计算总分
     16 void ScoreAverage(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);      //计算平均分
     17 void PrintSumAver(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);      //输出每个学生的总分和平均分
     18 void DataSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);          //按总分由低到高排名
     19 void PrintDataSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);     //按成绩由高到低输出
     20 void NameSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);          //按姓名的字典顺序排名
     21 void PrintNameSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);     //按姓名的字典顺序输出
     22 void Exchange(STUDENT stu[],int i,int j);          //交换学生信息 
     23 void SearchID(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);          //按学号查询学生排名及其考试成绩
     24 void SearchName(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);        //按姓名查询排名及考试成绩
     25 void WritetoFile(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);       //将每个学生的记录信息写入文件
     26 void ReadfromFile(STUDENT stu[],int *n,int *m);    //从文件中读出每个学生的记录信息并显示
     27 void PrintScore(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m);        //从文件中读出每个学生的记录信息并显示
     29 int main(void) {
     30     int n,m=3;
     31     STUDENT stu[N];
     32     do {
     33         printf("1.Append record
     34         printf("2.Caculate total and average score of every student
     35         printf("3.Sort in ascending order by total score of every student
     36         printf("4.Sort in dictionary order by name
     37         printf("5.Search by number
     38         printf("6.Search by name
     39         printf("7.Write to a file
     40         printf("8.Read from a file
     41         printf("0.Exit
     42         printf("Please enter your choice: 
     43         scanf("%d",&m);
     44         switch (m) {
     45             case 1: {
     46                 printf("Input n:");
     47                 scanf("%d",&n);
     48                 ReadScore(stu,n,3);
     49                 break;
     50             }
     51             case 2: {
     52                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     53                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     54                 PrintSumAver(stu,n,3);
     55                 break;
     56             }
     57             case 3: {
     58                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     59                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     60                 DataSort(stu,n,3);
     61                 PrintDataSort(stu,n,3);
     62                 break;
     63             }
     64             case 4: {
     65                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     66                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     67                 NameSort(stu,n,3);
     68                 PrintNameSort(stu,n,3);
     69                 break;
     70             }
     71             case 5: {
     72                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     73                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     74                 SearchID(stu,n,3);
     75                 break;
     76             }
     77             case 6: {
     78                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     79                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     80                 SearchName(stu,n,3);
     81                 break;
     82             }
     83             case 7: {
     84                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     85                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     86                 WritetoFile(stu,n,3);
     87                 break;
     88             }
     89             case 8: {
     90                 ScoreSum(stu,n,3);
     91                 ScoreAverage(stu,n,3);
     92                 ReadfromFile(stu,&n,&m);
     93                 PrintScore(stu,n,3);
     94                 break;
     95             }
     96             case 0: {
     97                 printf("Exit");
     98                 break;
     99             }
    100             default:
    101                 printf("Please enter it again.");
    102         }
    103         printf("
    104     } while(m!=0);
    105     return 0;
    106 }
    108 void ReadScore(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    109     int i,j;
    110     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    111         printf("Input record %d:
    112         scanf("%ld",&stu[i].studentID);
    113         scanf("%s",&stu[i].studentName);
    114         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    115             scanf("%d",&stu[i].score[j]);
    116         }
    117     }
    118 }
    120 void ScoreSum(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    121     int i,j,sum;
    122     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    123         sum=0;
    124         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    125             sum+=stu[i].score[j];
    126         }
    127         stu[i].sum=sum;
    128     }
    129 }
    131 void ScoreAverage(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    132     int i,j,sum;
    133     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    134         sum=0;
    135         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    136             sum+=stu[i].score[j];
    137         }
    138         stu[i].aver=(float)sum/m;
    139     }
    140 }
    142 void PrintSumAver(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    143     int i,j;
    144     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    145         printf("%10ld%8s",stu[i].studentID,stu[i].studentName);
    146         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    147             printf("%4d",stu[i].score[j]);
    148         }
    149         printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    150         printf("%.2f
    151     }
    152     printf("
    153 }
    155 void Exchange(STUDENT stu[],int i,int j)
    156 {
    157     long k;
    158     int temp,x,y;
    159     char t[N];
    160     float a;
    161     temp=stu[j].sum;
    162     stu[j].sum=stu[i].sum;
    163     stu[i].sum=temp;
    164     k=stu[j].studentID;
    165     stu[j].studentID=stu[i].studentID;
    166     stu[i].studentID=k;
    167     strcpy(t,stu[i].studentName);
    168     strcpy(stu[i].studentName,stu[j].studentName);
    169     strcpy(stu[j].studentName,t);
    170     a=stu[j].aver;
    171     stu[j].aver=stu[i].aver;
    172     stu[i].aver=a;
    173     for(x=0;x<3;x++)
    174     {
    175         y=stu[j].score[x];
    176         stu[j].score[x]=stu[i].score[x];
    177         stu[i].score[x]=y;
    178     }
    179 }
    181 void DataSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    182     int i,j,temp,k;
    183     char t[N]; 
    184     for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
    185         for(j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
    186             if(stu[j].sum<stu[i].sum) {
    187                 Exchange(stu,i,j);
    188             }
    189         }
    190     }
    191 }
    193 void PrintDataSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    194     int i,j;
    195     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    196         printf("%10ld%8s",stu[i].studentID,stu[i].studentName);
    197         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    198             printf("%4d",stu[i].score[j]);
    199         }
    200         printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    201         printf("%.2f
    202     }
    203     printf("
    204 }
    206 void NameSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    207     int i,j,k;
    208     char temp[N];
    209     for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
    210         for(j=i+1; j<n; j++) {
    211             if(strcmp(stu[i].studentName,stu[j].studentName)>0) {
    212                 Exchange(stu,i,j);
    213             }
    214         }
    215     }
    216 }
    218 void PrintNameSort(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    219     int i,j;
    220     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    221         printf("%10ld%8s",stu[i].studentID,stu[i].studentName);
    222         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    223             printf("%4d",stu[i].score[j]);
    224         }
    225         printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    226         printf("%.2f
    227     }
    228     printf("
    229 }
    231 void SearchID(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    232     int i,x=-1,count=1;
    233     long t;
    234     printf("Input ID:");
    235     scanf("%ld",&t);
    236     do {
    237         x++;
    238     } while(t!=stu[x].studentID);
    239     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    240         if(stu[i].score>stu[x].score)
    241             count+=1;
    242     }
    243     printf("%2d%10ld%8s",count,stu[x].studentID,stu[x].studentName);
    244     for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
    245         printf("%4d",stu[x].score[i]);
    246     }
    247     printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    248     printf("%.2f
    249 }
    251 void SearchName(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    252     int i,x=-1,count=1;
    253     char name[10];
    254     printf("Input Name:");
    255     scanf("%s",&name);
    256     do {
    257         x++;
    258     } while(strcmp(name,stu[x].studentName)!=0);
    259     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    260         if(stu[i].sum>stu[x].sum)
    261             count+=1;
    262     }
    263     printf("%2d%10ld%8s",count,stu[x].studentID,stu[x].studentName);
    264     for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
    265         printf("%4d",stu[x].score[i]);
    266     }
    267     printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    268     printf("%.2f
    269 }
    271 void WritetoFile(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    272     FILE *fp;
    273     int i,j;
    274     if((fp=fopen("test.txt","w"))==NULL) { //以写方式打开文本文件
    275         printf("Failure to open test.txt!
    276         exit(0);
    277     }
    278     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    279         fprintf(fp,"%10ld%8s",stu[i].studentID,stu[i].studentName);
    280         for(j=0; j<m; j++) {
    281             fprintf(fp,"%4d",stu[i].score[j]);
    282         }
    283         fprintf(fp,"%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    284         fprintf(fp,"%.2f
    285     }
    286     fclose(fp);
    287 }
    289 void ReadfromFile(STUDENT stu[],int *n,int *m) {
    290     FILE *fp;
    291     int i,j;
    292     if((fp=fopen("test.txt","r"))==NULL) { //以读方式打开文本文件
    293         printf("Failure to open test.txt!
    294         exit(0);
    295     }
    296     for(i=0; i<*n; i++) {
    297         fscanf(fp,"%10ld",&stu[i].studentID);
    298         fscanf(fp,"%8s",stu[i].studentName);
    299         for(j=0; j<3; j++) {
    300             fscanf(fp,"%4d",&stu[i].score[j]);
    301         }
    302         fscanf(fp,"%6d",&stu[i].sum);
    303         fscanf(fp,"%f",&stu[i].aver); //不能使用%.2f格式
    304     }
    305     fclose(fp);
    306 }
    308 void PrintScore(STUDENT stu[],int n,int m) {
    309     int i,j;
    310     for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    311         printf("%10ld",stu[i].studentID);
    312         printf("%8s",stu[i].studentName);
    313         for(j=0; j<3; j++) {
    314             printf("%4d",stu[i].score[j]);
    315         }
    316         printf("%6d   ",stu[i].sum);
    317         printf("%.2f
    318     }
    319     printf("
    320 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/20201212ycy/p/14883706.html
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