def cheese_and_crackers(cheese_count, boxes_of_crackers):
print (f"You have {cheese_count} cheeses!")
print (f"You have {boxes_of_crackers} boxes of crackers!")
print ("Man that's enough for a party!")
print ("Get a blanker.
# 定义一个 cheese_and_crackers 函数
print ("We can just give the function numbers directly:")
cheese_and_crackers(20 , 30)
#调用cheese_and_crackers 函数,将函数里的 `cheese_count` ,`boxes_of_crackers` 替换成20,30
print ("OR, we can use variables from our script:")
amount_of_cheese = 10
amount_of_crackers = 50
cheese_and_crackers (amount_of_cheese, amount_of_crackers)
# 定义amount_of_cheese, amount_of_crackers 两个变量值,然后调用 cheese_and_crackers 函数,将函数里的变量替换成 amount_of_cheese, amount_of_crackers
print ("We can even do math inside too:")
cheese_and_crackers (10+20 , 5+6)
#调用 cheese_and_crackers 函数,将函数里的变量替换成 10+20 , 5+6 计算 。
print ("And we can combine the two, variables and math:")
cheese_and_crackers (amount_of_cheese + 100, amount_of_crackers + 1000)
# 调用 cheese_and_crackers 函数,将函数里的变量替换成 amount_of_cheese + 100, amount_of_crackers + 1000 计算