Vasiliy is fond of solving different tasks. Today he found one he wasn't able to solve himself, so he asks you to help.
Vasiliy is given n strings consisting of lowercase English letters. He wants them to be sorted in lexicographical order (as in the dictionary), but he is not allowed to swap any of them. The only operation he is allowed to do is to reverse any of them (first character becomes last, second becomes one before last and so on).
To reverse the i-th string Vasiliy has to spent ci units of energy. He is interested in the minimum amount of energy he has to spent in order to have strings sorted in lexicographical order.
String A is lexicographically smaller than string B if it is shorter than B (|A| < |B|) and is its prefix, or if none of them is a prefix of the other and at the first position where they differ character in A is smaller than the character in B.
For the purpose of this problem, two equal strings nearby do not break the condition of sequence being sorted lexicographically.
The first line of the input contains a single integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — the number of strings.
The second line contains n integers ci (0 ≤ ci ≤ 109), the i-th of them is equal to the amount of energy Vasiliy has to spent in order to reverse the i-th string.
Then follow n lines, each containing a string consisting of lowercase English letters. The total length of these strings doesn't exceed100 000.
If it is impossible to reverse some of the strings such that they will be located in lexicographical order, print - 1. Otherwise, print the minimum total amount of energy Vasiliy has to spent.
Sample Input
2 1 2 ba ac
3 1 3 1 aa ba ac
2 5 5 bbb aaa
2 3 3 aaa aa
In the second sample one has to reverse string 2 or string 3. To amount of energy required to reverse the string 3 is smaller.
In the third sample, both strings do not change after reverse and they go in the wrong order, so the answer is - 1.
In the fourth sample, both strings consists of characters 'a' only, but in the sorted order string "aa" should go before string "aaa", thus the answer is - 1.
所以如果f[i][0]==-1或f[i][1] ==-1,则表示这个状态不符合升序的要求。不能由这个状态推出下一个状态。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct ss { string zhengs, fans;//用来存正的序列和反向之后的序列。 }; ss a[100001]; __int64 f[100001][2], c[100001]; int n; int main() { //freopen("F:\rush.txt", "r", stdin); //freopen("F:\rush_out.txt", "w", stdout); scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)//读入对某一个操作需要的能量值。 scanf("%I64d", &c[i]); char s[100001]; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)//读入n个字符串 { scanf("%s", s);//用scanf读会快一点。 a[i].zhengs = string(s); a[i].fans = string(s); int begin = 0, end = a[i].zhengs.size() - 1; while (begin <= end)//进行反转的过程 { a[i].fans[begin] = a[i].zhengs[end]; a[i].fans[end] = a[i].zhengs[begin]; begin++; end--; } } memset(f, 255, sizeof(f));//一开始所有的状态都无法到达。 f[1][0] = 0; f[1][1] = c[1];//初值表示前1个字符串,不反转则消耗为0,翻转则消耗为c[1] for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { if (a[i].zhengs >= a[i - 1].zhengs && f[i - 1][0] != -1)//根据上面题解的规则写转移就可以了。 f[i][0] = f[i - 1][0]; if (a[i].zhengs >= a[i - 1].fans && f[i - 1][1] != -1) if (f[i][0] == -1 || f[i][0] > f[i - 1][1]) f[i][0] = f[i - 1][1]; //要注意。一定要f[i-1][x]这个状态存在才能转移。 if (a[i].fans >= a[i - 1].zhengs && f[i - 1][0] != -1) f[i][1] = f[i - 1][0] + c[i]; if (a[i].fans >= a[i - 1].fans && f[i - 1][1] != -1) if (f[i][1] == -1 || f[i][1] > f[i - 1][1] + c[i]) f[i][1] = f[i - 1][1] + c[i]; } __int64 ans = f[n][1];//最后取f[n][1],f[n][0]中的较小值 if (f[n][0] < f[n][1]) ans = f[n][0];//如果较小值是-1,就取f[n][1],f[n][0]中的较大值。 if (ans == -1) //如果最小值是-1,则取最大值。这样就能指向答案了(当然,如果还是-1则答案是-1) { __int64 temp = f[n][1]; if (f[n][0] > f[n][1]) temp = f[n][0]; ans = temp; } printf("%I64d", ans); return 0; }