Now give you an string which only contains 0, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9.You are asked to add the sign ‘+’ or ’-’ between the characters. Just like give you a string “12345”, you can work out a string “123+4-5”. Now give you an integer N, please tell me how many ways can you find to make the result of the string equal to N .You can only choose at most one sign between two adjacent characters.
InputEach case contains a string s and a number N . You may be sure the length of the string will not exceed 12 and the absolute value of N will not exceed 999999999999.OutputThe output contains one line for each data set : the number of ways you can find to make the equation.Sample Input
123456789 3 21 1
Sample Output
18 1
题目大意就是 在一个在来两个数字之间添加+ — 或者不做处理 使他可以得到后一个数,并记录次数就好了
#include<iostream> #include<string > using namespace std; string a; typedef long long ll; ll n,ans; void dfs(int row,int sum){ if(row==a.size()) { if(sum==n) ans++; return ; } ll t=0; for(int i=row;i<a.size();i++) { t=t*10+a[i]-'0'; dfs(i+1,sum+t); if(row==0) continue ; //因为当row==0时 sum=0,如过加减号的话相当于在第一个数前边加负号,所以要跳过
dfs(i+1,sum-t); } } int main() { while(cin>>a>>n){ ans=0; dfs(0,0); cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; }