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  • 基于ASP.NET生成条形码(code128)

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Data;
    namespace MvcGuestBook.Common
        public class BarCode128
            private DataTable m_Code128 = new DataTable();
            private uint m_Height = 40;
            /// <summary>
            /// 高度
            /// </summary>
            public uint Height { get { return m_Height; } set { m_Height = value; } }
            private Font m_ValueFont = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// 是否显示可见号码  如果为NULL不显示号码
            /// </summary>
            public Font ValueFont { get { return m_ValueFont; } set { m_ValueFont = value; } }
            private byte m_Magnify = 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// 放大倍数
            /// </summary>
            public byte Magnify { get { return m_Magnify; } set { m_Magnify = value; } }
            /// <summary>
            /// 条码类别
            /// </summary>
            public enum Encode
            public BarCode128()
                m_Code128.CaseSensitive = true;
                #region 数据表
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("0", " ", " ", "00", "212222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("1", "!", "!", "01", "222122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("2", """, """, "02", "222221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("3", "#", "#", "03", "121223");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("4", "$", "$", "04", "121322");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("5", "%", "%", "05", "131222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("6", "&", "&", "06", "122213");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("7", "'", "'", "07", "122312");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("8", "(", "(", "08", "132212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("9", ")", ")", "09", "221213");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("10", "*", "*", "10", "221312");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("11", "+", "+", "11", "231212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("12", ",", ",", "12", "112232");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("13", "-", "-", "13", "122132");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("14", ".", ".", "14", "122231");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("15", "/", "/", "15", "113222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("16", "0", "0", "16", "123122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("17", "1", "1", "17", "123221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("18", "2", "2", "18", "223211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("19", "3", "3", "19", "221132");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("20", "4", "4", "20", "221231");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("21", "5", "5", "21", "213212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("22", "6", "6", "22", "223112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("23", "7", "7", "23", "312131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("24", "8", "8", "24", "311222");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("25", "9", "9", "25", "321122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("26", ":", ":", "26", "321221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("27", ";", ";", "27", "312212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("28", "<", "<", "28", "322112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("29", "=", "=", "29", "322211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("30", ">", ">", "30", "212123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("31", "?", "?", "31", "212321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("32", "@", "@", "32", "232121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("33", "A", "A", "33", "111323");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("34", "B", "B", "34", "131123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("35", "C", "C", "35", "131321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("36", "D", "D", "36", "112313");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("37", "E", "E", "37", "132113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("38", "F", "F", "38", "132311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("39", "G", "G", "39", "211313");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("40", "H", "H", "40", "231113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("41", "I", "I", "41", "231311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("42", "J", "J", "42", "112133");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("43", "K", "K", "43", "112331");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("44", "L", "L", "44", "132131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("45", "M", "M", "45", "113123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("46", "N", "N", "46", "113321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("47", "O", "O", "47", "133121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("48", "P", "P", "48", "313121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("49", "Q", "Q", "49", "211331");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("50", "R", "R", "50", "231131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("51", "S", "S", "51", "213113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("52", "T", "T", "52", "213311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("53", "U", "U", "53", "213131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("54", "V", "V", "54", "311123");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("55", "W", "W", "55", "311321");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("56", "X", "X", "56", "331121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("57", "Y", "Y", "57", "312113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("58", "Z", "Z", "58", "312311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("59", "[", "[", "59", "332111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("60", "\", "\", "60", "314111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("61", "]", "]", "61", "221411");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("62", "^", "^", "62", "431111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("63", "_", "_", "63", "111224");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("64", "NUL", "`", "64", "111422");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("65", "SOH", "a", "65", "121124");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("66", "STX", "b", "66", "121421");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("67", "ETX", "c", "67", "141122");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("68", "EOT", "d", "68", "141221");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("69", "ENQ", "e", "69", "112214");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("70", "ACK", "f", "70", "112412");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("71", "BEL", "g", "71", "122114");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("72", "BS", "h", "72", "122411");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("73", "HT", "i", "73", "142112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("74", "LF", "j", "74", "142211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("75", "VT", "k", "75", "241211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("76", "FF", "I", "76", "221114");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("77", "CR", "m", "77", "413111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("78", "SO", "n", "78", "241112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("79", "SI", "o", "79", "134111");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("80", "DLE", "p", "80", "111242");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("81", "DC1", "q", "81", "121142");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("82", "DC2", "r", "82", "121241");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("83", "DC3", "s", "83", "114212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("84", "DC4", "t", "84", "124112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("85", "NAK", "u", "85", "124211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("86", "SYN", "v", "86", "411212");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("87", "ETB", "w", "87", "421112");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("88", "CAN", "x", "88", "421211");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("89", "EM", "y", "89", "212141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("90", "SUB", "z", "90", "214121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("91", "ESC", "{", "91", "412121");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("92", "FS", "|", "92", "111143");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("93", "GS", "}", "93", "111341");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("94", "RS", "~", "94", "131141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("95", "US", "DEL", "95", "114113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("96", "FNC3", "FNC3", "96", "114311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("97", "FNC2", "FNC2", "97", "411113");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("98", "SHIFT", "SHIFT", "98", "411311");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("99", "CODEC", "CODEC", "99", "113141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("100", "CODEB", "FNC4", "CODEB", "114131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("101", "FNC4", "CODEA", "CODEA", "311141");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("102", "FNC1", "FNC1", "FNC1", "411131");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("103", "StartA", "StartA", "StartA", "211412");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("104", "StartB", "StartB", "StartB", "211214");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("105", "StartC", "StartC", "StartC", "211232");
                m_Code128.Rows.Add("106", "Stop", "Stop", "Stop", "2331112");
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取128图形
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Text">文字</param>
            /// <param name="p_Code">编码</param>      
            /// <returns>图形</returns>
            public Bitmap GetCodeImage(string p_Text, Encode p_Code)
                string _ViewText = p_Text;
                string _Text = "";
                IList<int> _TextNumb = new List<int>();
                int _Examine = 0;  //首位
                switch (p_Code)
                    case Encode.Code128C:
                        _Examine = 105;
                        if (!((p_Text.Length & 1) == 0)) throw new Exception("128C长度必须是偶数");
                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                                int _CodeNumb128 = Int32.Parse(p_Text.Substring(0, 2));
                                throw new Exception("128C必须是数字!");
                            _Text += GetValue(p_Code, p_Text.Substring(0, 2), ref _Temp);
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 2);
                    case Encode.EAN128:
                        _Examine = 105;
                        if (!((p_Text.Length & 1) == 0)) throw new Exception("EAN128长度必须是偶数");
                        _Text += "411131";
                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                                int _CodeNumb128 = Int32.Parse(p_Text.Substring(0, 2));
                                throw new Exception("128C必须是数字!");
                            _Text += GetValue(Encode.Code128C, p_Text.Substring(0, 2), ref _Temp);
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 2);
                        if (p_Code == Encode.Code128A)
                            _Examine = 103;
                            _Examine = 104;
                        while (p_Text.Length != 0)
                            int _Temp = 0;
                            string _ValueCode = GetValue(p_Code, p_Text.Substring(0, 1), ref _Temp);
                            if (_ValueCode.Length == 0) throw new Exception("无效的字符集!" + p_Text.Substring(0, 1).ToString());
                            _Text += _ValueCode;
                            p_Text = p_Text.Remove(0, 1);
                if (_TextNumb.Count == 0) throw new Exception("错误的编码,无数据");
                _Text = _Text.Insert(0, GetValue(_Examine)); //获取开始位
                for (int i = 0; i != _TextNumb.Count; i++)
                    _Examine += _TextNumb[i] * (i + 1);
                _Examine = _Examine % 103;           //获得严效位
                _Text += GetValue(_Examine);  //获取严效位
                _Text += "2331112"; //结束位
                Bitmap _CodeImage = GetImage(_Text);
                GetViewText(_CodeImage, _ViewText);
                return _CodeImage;
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取目标对应的数据
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Code">编码</param>
            /// <param name="p_Value">数值 A b  30</param>
            /// <param name="p_SetID">返回编号</param>
            /// <returns>编码</returns>
            private string GetValue(Encode p_Code, string p_Value, ref int p_SetID)
                if (m_Code128 == null) return "";
                DataRow[] _Row = m_Code128.Select(p_Code.ToString() + "='" + p_Value + "'");
                if (_Row.Length != 1) throw new Exception("错误的编码" + p_Value.ToString());
                p_SetID = Int32.Parse(_Row[0]["ID"].ToString());
                return _Row[0]["BandCode"].ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// 根据编号获得条纹
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_CodeId"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private string GetValue(int p_CodeId)
                DataRow[] _Row = m_Code128.Select("ID='" + p_CodeId.ToString() + "'");
                if (_Row.Length != 1) throw new Exception("验效位的编码错误" + p_CodeId.ToString());
                return _Row[0]["BandCode"].ToString();
            /// <summary>
            /// 获得条码图形
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Text">文字</param>
            /// <returns>图形</returns>
            private Bitmap GetImage(string p_Text)
                char[] _Value = p_Text.ToCharArray();
                int _Width = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i != _Value.Length; i++)
                    _Width += Int32.Parse(_Value[i].ToString()) * (m_Magnify + 1);
                Bitmap _CodeImage = new Bitmap(_Width, (int)m_Height);
                Graphics _Garphics = Graphics.FromImage(_CodeImage);
                //Pen _Pen;
                int _LenEx = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i != _Value.Length; i++)
                    int _ValueNumb = Int32.Parse(_Value[i].ToString()) * (m_Magnify + 1);  //获取宽和放大系数
                    if (!((i & 1) == 0))
                        //_Pen = new Pen(Brushes.White, _ValueNumb);
                        _Garphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _ValueNumb, (int)m_Height));
                        //_Pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, _ValueNumb);
                        _Garphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(_LenEx, 0, _ValueNumb, (int)m_Height));
                    //_Garphics.(_Pen, new Point(_LenEx, 0), new Point(_LenEx, m_Height));
                    _LenEx += _ValueNumb;
                return _CodeImage;
            /// <summary>
            /// 显示可见条码文字 如果小于40 不显示文字
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="p_Bitmap">图形</param>           
            private void GetViewText(Bitmap p_Bitmap, string p_ViewText)
                if (m_ValueFont == null) return;
                Graphics _Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p_Bitmap);
                SizeF _DrawSize = _Graphics.MeasureString(p_ViewText, m_ValueFont);
                if (_DrawSize.Height > p_Bitmap.Height - 10 || _DrawSize.Width > p_Bitmap.Width)
                int _StarX = p_Bitmap.Width - (int)_DrawSize.Width;
                int _StarY = p_Bitmap.Height - (int)_DrawSize.Height;
                _Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, _StarY, p_Bitmap.Width, (int)_DrawSize.Height));
                _Graphics.DrawString(p_ViewText, m_ValueFont, Brushes.Black, _StarX / 2, _StarY);//文字在图片的中间位置
            //(105 + (1 * 12 + 2 * 34 + 3 * 56 + 4 *78)) % 103 = 47
            //结果为starc +12 +34 +56 +78 +47 +end
            internal Image GetCodeImage(string p)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public ActionResult BarCode() 
                BarCode128 code = new BarCode128();
                code.ValueFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);//声明条码下方的字体  
                Bitmap bitmap = code.GetCodeImage("321322198709129870", BarCode128.Encode.Code128A);//通过对文本框的文件进行Code128编码获得位图  
                string WebPath = "FlexPaper/BarCodeFile/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                string filepath = Server.MapPath(WebPath);
                if (!Directory.Exists(filepath))
                string FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + ".jpg";
                bitmap.Save(filepath + "/" + FileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                TempData["BarCode11"] = WebPath + "/" + FileName;
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
    <% if (TempData["BarCode11"] != null)
       { %>
    <img src="/Message/<%: TempData["BarCode11"] %>" alt="BarCode" />
    <%} %>
    <%: Html.ActionLink("生成条形码", "BarCode")%>
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