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  • 查看job运行时间,以便不影响生产数据库正常运行

    You may find yourself in a position where you need to look at what jobs have been running over a specified
    period of time. SQL Server has a stored procedure sphelpjob that will allow you to look at the jobs and
    what their status is currently, but maybe you need to do some additional processing like sending a database
    mail email to someone so that they know to look at the job. Perhaps you want to have the system check
    itself before the start of business each day to ensure that no overnight jobs got stuck and are still running
    which could cause degraded performance or problems with processing during the day. The following code
    will work on SQL 2000, 2005, and 2008.

    JobID to ProcessID Function

    This function is used to convert the sysjobs.jobid field into the processid that will show up in
    sysprocesses.program_name field for an executing job.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_SysJobs_GetProcessid(@job_id uniqueidentifier)
    RETURN (substring(left(@job_id,8),7,2) +
    		substring(left(@job_id,8),5,2) +
    		substring(left(@job_id,8),3,2) +

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    TSQL Code to Find Jobs Running Over x Minutes

    The following code will return a row for each job that is currently running and has been running for
    over the number of minutes set in the @MaxMinutes variable. To adjust the time frame it looks for,
    just change this variable value.

    DECLARE @MaxMinutes int
    SET @MaxMinutes = 30
    SELECT	p.spid, 
    	isnull(DATEDIFF(mi, p.last_batch, getdate()), 0) [MinutesRunning], 
    FROM master..sysprocesses p
    JOIN msdb..sysjobs j ON dbo.udf_sysjobs_getprocessid(j.job_id) = substring(p.program_name,32,8)
    WHERE program_name like 'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job %'
      AND isnull(DATEDIFF(mi, p.last_batch, getdate()), 0) > @MaxMinutes

    You may find yourself in a position where you need to look at what jobs have been running over a specified
    period of time. SQL Server has a stored procedure sphelpjob that will allow you to look at the jobs and
    what their status is currently, but maybe you need to do some additional processing like sending a database
    mail email to someone so that they know to look at the job. Perhaps you want to have the system check
    itself before the start of business each day to ensure that no overnight jobs got stuck and are still running
    which could cause degraded performance or problems with processing during the day. The following code
    will work on SQL 2000, 2005, and 2008.

    JobID to ProcessID Function

    This function is used to convert the sysjobs.jobid field into the processid that will show up in
    sysprocesses.program_name field for an executing job.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_SysJobs_GetProcessid(@job_id uniqueidentifier)
    RETURN (substring(left(@job_id,8),7,2) +
    		substring(left(@job_id,8),5,2) +
    		substring(left(@job_id,8),3,2) +

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    TSQL Code to Find Jobs Running Over x Minutes

    The following code will return a row for each job that is currently running and has been running for
    over the number of minutes set in the @MaxMinutes variable. To adjust the time frame it looks for,
    just change this variable value.

    DECLARE @MaxMinutes int
    SET @MaxMinutes = 30
    SELECT	p.spid, 
    	isnull(DATEDIFF(mi, p.last_batch, getdate()), 0) [MinutesRunning], 
    FROM master..sysprocesses p
    JOIN msdb..sysjobs j ON dbo.udf_sysjobs_getprocessid(j.job_id) = substring(p.program_name,32,8)
    WHERE program_name like 'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job %'
      AND isnull(DATEDIFF(mi, p.last_batch, getdate()), 0) > @MaxMinutes

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Amaranthus/p/1999544.html
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