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  • SQL CSDN问题解决

    create table #month_max
     id int,
     dianliang decimal(18,2),
     Dt datetime

    insert into #month_max
    select 1, 36800.2, '2008-04-21 11:38:12.000'
    union all 
    select 1, 36300.2, '2008-04-18 07:32:39.000'
    union all
    select 1, 36200.2, '2008-04-15 11:27:12.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 36100.2, '2008-04-12 11:21:45.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 36000.2, '2008-04-02 11:16:15.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35900.2, '2008-03-29 05:10:43.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35800.2, '2008-03-18 02:05:06.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35700.2, '2008-03-08 11:38:12.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35600.2, '2008-03-01 07:32:39.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35500.2, '2008-02-27 11:27:12.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35400.2, '2008-02-16 11:21:45.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35300.2, '2008-02-10 11:16:15.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35100.2, '2008-02-09 05:10:43.000' 
    union all
    select 1, 35000.2, '2008-02-08 02:05:06.000'

    select * from #month_max order by dt

    select max(dianliang),datepart(month,dt)
    from #month_max
    where id=1
    group by datepart(month,dt)
    order by datepart(month,dt)

    select min(dianliang),datepart(month,dt)
    from #month_max
    where id=1
    group by datepart(month,dt)
    order by datepart(month,dt)

    drop table #month_max

    exec SP_MSFOREACHTABLE sp_msforeachtable

    create table #a
    name varchar(20),  
    peo varchar(50), 
    pom varchar(50)

    insert into #a
    select   'aa' ,              '07',            'q'
    union all
    select  'aa'         ,      '08'        ,    'w'
    union all
    select  'aa'          ,     '09'         ,   'e'
    union all
    select  'bb'           ,    '07'          ,  'r'
    union all
    select  'bb'            ,   '08'           , 't'
    union all
    select  'bb'             ,  '09'            ,'y'

    select x.name, x.peo+x.pom as peopom, y.id into #b from #a x left join (

    select name,row_number() over(order by name) as id
    from #a
    group by name ) y on x.name=y.name

    declare @i int
    set @i=1
    while @i<=(select max(id) from #b)

    select rand(1)
    SELECT cast(STUFF(RAND(),1,2,'') as varchar(4))
    select id = cast(RAND() * 10000 as int)
    select cast(RAND() * 10000 as int)

    create table #t
     id int identity(1,1),
     startday varchar(20),
     zhouqi int,
     finishday varchar(20)
    insert into #t
    select '2008-04-23', 1,null
    select '2008-04-23', 7,null
    select '2008-04-24', 10,null
    select '2008-04-22', 9,null

    update a set a.finishday=convert(varchar(20),b.et,20)
    from #t a
    inner join (
    select *,case when datepart(dw,startday)-1+zhouqi>=7 then
    dateadd(day,zhouqi+cast((datepart(dw,startday)-1+zhouqi)/6 as int),startday)
    else dateadd(day,zhouqi,startday)
    end as et
    from #t ) b on a.id=b.id

    update #T set finishday =
    select dateadd(day,(9+(9+(@@datefirst+datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')-1)%7-1)/6),'2008-04-24')
    select dateadd(day,(50+(50+(@@datefirst+datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')-1)%7-1)/6),'2008-04-24')
    select (9+(@@datefirst+datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')-1)%7-1)/6
    select (50+(@@datefirst+datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')-1)%7-1)/6
    select (@@datefirst+datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')-1)%7-1
    select datepart(weekday,'2008-04-24')
    select (datepart(dw,'2008-04-24')-1+8)/6
    select dateadd(day,50+(datepart(dw,'2008-04-24')-1+50-1)/6,'2008-04-24')

    create table #MR
    PurchaseBillNo VARCHAR(21),
    PurchaseNo DECIMAL(10,2),
    StockBillNo VARCHAR(21),
    Row INT,
    StockNo DECIMAL(10,2)

    INSERT INTO #MR SELECT 'MR19302',37800.00,'HK-0020853',2,111000.0000
    insert into #MR SELECT 'MR19305',35290.00,'HK-0020853',2,111000.0000
    insert into #MR SELECT 'MR19299',37800.00,'HK-0020853',2,111000.0000
    insert into #MR SELECT 'MR19298',800.00,'HK-0020853',2,111000.0000
    insert into #MR SELECT 'MR19299',1660.00,'HK-0021572',2,1600.0000

    select * from #MR
    drop table #
    select id =identity(int,1,1),PurchaseBillNo qd,PurchaseNo qsl,StockBillNo cd,StockNo csl into # from #MR
    select * from #
    select qd 请购单,sum(qsl) 申购量,sum(case when  ssl-qsl >0 then qsl else ssl end) 已采购量
     select qd,qsl,csl - isnull((select sum(qsl) from # where id <a.id and cd = a.cd),0) ssl from # a
    ) b
    group by qd

    select id = identity(int,1,1), * into #m from #MR
    select * from #m
    select purchasebillno, sum(purchaseno), sum( case when purchaseno-sum1>0 then sum1 else purchaseno end)
    from (
    select purchasebillno, purchaseno, stockno-isnull((select sum(purchaseno)
     from #m
     where stockbillno=a.stockbillno and id<a.id), 0) as sum1
    from #m a
    ) b
    group by purchasebillno

    create table #s
     ID int identity(1,1),
     mn varchar(20)
    insert into #s
    select ''
    union all
    select 'a'
    union all
    select ''
    union all
    select ''
    union all
    select 'b'

    select * from #s

    --update s set s.mn=t.mn
    select *
    from #s s
    inner join (
     select *, isnull((select min(id) from #s where mn<>'' and id<a.id), 1) ssid
     (select * from #s where mn<>'') a
    ) t
    on s.id between t.ssid and t.id
    where s.mn=''

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Ammy/p/1187951.html
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