By building components, you can extend basic HTML elements and reuse encapsulated code. Most options that are passed into a Vue constructor can be passed into a component. Each instance of a component has an isolated scope. Data can only be passed one direction and it must be from parent to child using props
. To communicate with the parent element, use the $emit
Child component:
<template> <section> <h1>Child component {{name }}</h1> <div> Child button: <button @click="insideInc">Inc from inside {{insideCounter}}</button> </div> </section> </template> <script> export default { name: 'item-description', props: ['counter', 'name'], data: function() { return { insideCounter: this.counter } }, methods: { insideInc() { this.insideCounter += 1; this.$emit('total', this.insideCounter); } } } </script>
From parent, we will receive:
props: ['counter', 'name'],
And we rename 'counter' from parent to 'insideCounter':
data: function() { return { insideCounter: this.counter } },
If we want to tell parent component, we can use '$emit':
this.$emit('total', this.insideCounter);
From parent component:
<item-description v-bind:counter = "counter" v-bind:name = "message" @total="getTotalFromChild" ></item-description>
<script> import ItemDescription from '../components/item-description'; components: { ItemDescription }, .. </script>