You are given a string consisting of parentheses () and []. A string of this type is said to be correct:
- (a)
- if it is the empty string
- (b)
- if A and B are correct, AB is correct,
- (c)
- if A is correct, (A) and [A] is correct.
Write a program that takes a sequence of strings of this type and check their correctness. Your program can assume that the maximum string length is 128.
The file contains a positive integer n and a sequence of n strings of parentheses () and [], one string a line.
A sequence of Yes or No on the output file.
Sample Input
3 ([]) (([()]))) ([()[]()])()
Sample Output
Yes No Yes
1 /*UVa 673 Parentheses Balance*/ 2 #include<iostream> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<cmath> 5 #include<cstring> 6 #include<stack> 7 using namespace std; 8 char c[500]; 9 int n; 10 int pd(char q,char e){//匹配 11 if(q=='(' && e==')')return 1; 12 if(q=='[' && e==']')return 1; 13 return 0; 14 } 15 int main(){ 16 scanf("%d ",&n); 17 while(n--){ 18 gets(c);//因为可能读入空串,所以用gets 19 if(strcmp(c," ")==0){//空串合法 20 printf("Yes"); 21 continue; 22 } 23 int flag=0; 24 stack<char>st; 25 int L=strlen(c); 26 for(int i=0;i<L;i++){ 27 if(c[i]=='(' || c[i]=='[') st.push(c[i]);//左括号入栈 28 else{//右括号处理 29 if(st.empty()){ 30 flag=1; 31 break; 32 } 33 if(pd(,c[i])==1) st.pop(); 34 else{ 35 flag=1; 36 break; 37 } 38 } 39 } 40 if(flag==1 || !st.empty())printf("No "); 41 else printf("Yes "); 42 } 43 return 0; 44 }