Let's call an array of non-negative integers a1,a2,…,an a k-extension for some non-negative integer k if for all possible pairs of indices 1≤i,j≤n the inequality k⋅|i−j|≤min(ai,aj) is satisfied. The expansion coefficient of the array a is the maximal integer k such that the array a is a k-extension. Any array is a 0-expansion, so the expansion coefficient always exists.
You are given an array of non-negative integers a1,a2,…,an. Find its expansion coefficient.
The first line contains one positive integer n — the number of elements in the array a (2≤n≤300000). The next line contains n non-negative integers a1,a2,…,an, separated by spaces (0≤ai≤10^9).
Print one non-negative integer — expansion coefficient of the array a1,a2,…,an.
input |
4 6 4 5 5 |
output |
1 |
input |
3 0 1 2 |
output |
0 |
input |
4 821 500 479 717 |
output |
239 |
In the first test, the expansion coefficient of the array [6,4,5,5] is equal to 1 because |i−j|≤min(ai,aj), because all elements of the array satisfy ai≥3. On the other hand, this array isn't a 2-extension, because 6=2⋅|1−4|≤min(a1,a4)=5 is false.
In the second test, the expansion coefficient of the array [0,1,2] is equal to 0 because this array is not a 1-extension, but it is 0-extension.
对于数列 a1,a2,…,an,分析其中任意一项ai,考虑所有的aj >= ai(aj < ai的算在aj里面考虑了),则使得min(ai,aj) = ai,要使所有的j都满足k*|i-j| <= min(ai,aj) = ai,则对于ai来说,j应该尽量远离i,这样解出来的最大的k才是有用的(即对ai的k值的约束最紧)。显然最远的j应该是数列两端中的一端,但两端不一定大于ai。那怎么办呢?仔细一想,对于两端的情况,考虑最前端a1及最后端an:
- 如果a1 >= ai,则对于当前ai来说,k要满足k <= ai/|i-1|(如果i == 1,则说明k值没有限制)。如果a1 < ai,则对于当前ai来说,k要满足k <= a1/|i-1| < ai/|i-1|。
- 如果an >= ai,则对于当前ai来说,k要满足k <= ai/|i-n|(如果i == n,则说明k值没有限制)。如果an < ai,则对于当前ai来说,k要满足k <= an/|i-n| < ai/|i-n|。
- 在所有大于等于ai的aj中,k对于ai来说要满足k <= ai/|i-j|,而|i-j| <= |i-1|或|i-j| <= |i-n|,故ai/|i-1| <= ai/|i-j|或ai/|i-n| <= ai/|i-j|。
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstdlib> 4 #include <cstring> 5 #include <string.h> 6 #include <algorithm> 7 #define re register 8 #define il inline 9 #define ll long long 10 #define ld long double 11 const ll MAXN = 1e6+5; 12 const ll INF = 1e9; 13 14 //快读 15 il ll read() 16 { 17 char ch = getchar(); 18 ll res = 0, f = 1; 19 while(ch < '0' || ch > '9') 20 { 21 if(ch == '-') f = -1; 22 ch = getchar(); 23 } 24 while(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') 25 { 26 res = (res<<1) + (res<<3) + (ch-'0'); 27 ch = getchar(); 28 } 29 return res*f; 30 } 31 32 ll a[MAXN]; 33 34 int main() 35 { 36 ll n = read(); 37 for(re ll i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 38 { 39 a[i] = read(); 40 } 41 ll k = INF; 42 for(re ll i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 43 { 44 k = std::min(i==1?k:std::min(a[i],a[1])/(i-1),k); 45 k = std::min(i==n?k:std::min(a[i],a[n])/(n-i),k); 46 } 47 printf("%lld\n", k); 48 return 0; 49 }