Farmer John is building a brand new, NNN -story barn, with the help of his KKK cows ( 1≤N≤K≤10121 leq N leq K leq 10^{12}1≤N≤K≤1012 and N≤105N leq 10^5N≤105 ). To build it as quickly as possible, he needs your help to figure out how to allocate work among the cows.
Each cow must be assigned to work on exactly one specific floor out of the NNN total floors in the barn, and each floor must have at least one cow assigned to it. The iii th floor requires aia_iai units of total work, and each cow completes one unit of work per hour, so if ccc cows work on floor iii , it will be completed in ai/ca_i / cai/c units of time. For safety reasons, floor iii must be completed before construction can begin on floor i+1i+1i+1 .
Please compute the minimum total time in which the barn can be completed, if the cows are allocated to work on floors in an optimal fashion. Output this number rounded to the nearest integer; it is guaranteed that the solution will be more than 0.1 from the boundary between two integers.
The first line of input contains NNN and KKK .
The next NNN lines contain a1…aNa_1 ldots a_Na1…aN , each a positive integer of size at most 101210^{12}1012 .
Please output the minimum time required to build the barn, rounded to the
nearest integer.
2 5 10 4
提交地址: Luogu3606
答案抄的真爽, 就是抄了一晚上,WA了n次,才找出来错误, 崩溃ing...
这道题其实一眼就知道二分答案, 想都没想直接敲,16分,what...f?
回过头再仔细读题解, 发现这题并不简单;
就是我们考虑, 如果这个楼层加一个牛比不加一个牛优,那我们肯定会把别的楼层的牛拿过来给他;
我们设:ti = ai / (ci + 1) - ai / ci , ci是第i层楼的牛数量;
化简一下得到 ti = ai / (ci * (ci + 1)) ,移项得 ci^2 - ci - ai/ti = 0;
发现我们只要枚举ti, 就可以通过简单的小学数学,把ci算出来;
有几个坑点,首先记得开long long,还得记得二分一个小数一定要设eps...
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <cmath> 5 using namespace std; 6 #define int long long 7 #define ll long long 8 double eps = 1e-9; 9 ll n, k; 10 double a[100010]; 11 12 double l = 1e-9, r = 12, mid; 13 double ans; 14 ll now; 15 16 inline bool check(double x) 17 { 18 now = 0; 19 double res = 0; 20 for (register ll i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) 21 { 22 double h = (sqrt(1 + 4 * a[i] / x) - 1) / 2; 23 ll f = ceil(h); 24 now += f; 25 if (now > k) return 0; 26 } 27 return 1; 28 } 29 30 signed main() 31 { 32 scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &k); 33 for (register ll i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) cin >> a[i]; 34 35 36 while (r - l > eps) 37 { 38 mid = (l + r) / 2; 39 bool fl = check(mid); 40 if (fl) r = mid; 41 else l = mid; 42 } 43 44 ans = 0.0, now = 0; 45 for (register ll i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) 46 { 47 double h = (sqrt(1 + 4 * (a[i] / r)) - 1) / 2; 48 ll f = ceil(h); 49 ans += a[i]/f; 50 now += f; 51 } 52 53 printf("%.0lf", ans - (k - now) * r); 54 return 0; 55 }