1.在文件info.pilist 中导入 NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
//IOS8新功能用户开启定位 2.appDelegate中带入 #import<CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> 3.加入下面的语句 CLLocationManager* location = [CLLocationManager new]; [location requestAlwaysAuthorization]; 再次运行软件就可以定位了。 原因如下: scussion: * When +authorizationStatus == kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined, * calling this method will trigger a prompt to request "always" * authorization from the user. If possible, perform this call in response * to direct user request for a location-based service so that the reason * for the prompt will be clear. Any authorization change as a result of * the prompt will be reflected via the usual delegate callback: * -locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:. * * If received, "always" authorization grants access to the user's * location via any CLLocationManager API, and grants access to * launch-capable monitoring API such as geofencing/region monitoring, * significante location visits, etc. Even if killed by the user, launch * events triggered by monitored regions or visit patterns will cause a * relaunch. * * "Always" authorization presents a significant risk to user privacy, and * as such requesting it is discouraged unless background launch behavior * is genuinely required. Do not call +requestAlwaysAuthorization unless * you think users will thank you for doing so. * * When +authorizationStatus != kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined, (ie * generally after the first call) this method will do nothing. * * If the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key is not specified in your * Info.plist, this method will do nothing, as your app will be assumed not * to support Always authorization. 大概意思就是说:IOS8 新增加了一个选项 ,如果要开启定位这个隐私选项的话 需要在Pilist导入NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription,然后掉用 requestAlwaysAuthorization这个方法。 此方法执行后,当要执行定位功能的时候就会触发一个询问,询问用户是否使用定位功能,如果选择是,则启动定位功能,如果选择否,则方法返回,下次还将继续询问用户。 |