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  • English trip V1

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about people's interests.    


    interest v. 使…感兴趣(interest的第三人称单数形式)

    interests 兴趣;利益(interest的复数)  

    interesting   adj.  形容事和物

    interested   adj.  形容人

    What day is it today? 今天星期几

    What month is this month?  这个月是几月

    What do you do on ...?  # 你做了什么在...?

    Sunday    call friends 

    Monday    play volleyball(排球)

    Tuesday    do yoga

    Wednesday    jog(慢跑)

    Thursday    cook fish

    Friday    ride a bike

    Saturday    listen to music

    词汇(Key Word )

    spaghetti  [spə'ɡɛti]  意大利面

    hamburger  汉堡包

    stew  炖       #   chick and mushroom  stew 小鸡炖蘑菇

    suchi  寿司  # 注意 chi的发音

    sashimi 生鱼片

    wasabi  芥末

    burrito  墨西哥卷;n. 玉米煎饼   # taco n. 墨西哥煎玉米卷;墨西哥人

    wrap  vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护  vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣  n. 外套;围巾

    Italy - Italian - Rome

    the US - American - Washington DC

    Japan - Japanese - Tokyo

    Mexico - Mexican - Mexico City

    France - French - Paris

    Canada - Canadian - Ottawa

    Greece - Greek - Athens

    Germany - German - Berlin

    capital 首都;省会;大写字母

    Germany 德国

    interest  兴趣,爱好

    Mexico 墨西哥

    nationality  国籍;国家

    special 特别的;专门的

    play volleyball  打排球

    ride a bike 骑自行车


    What day is it today?

    What do you do during the week?

    What do you do on the weekend?

    What kind of food does Marco cook on Monday?

    What do you during the week?

    What do you do on the weekend?

    Which sport does the woman enjoy?

    Which sport is the man interested in ?

    What do they have in common?

    meeting friends,people

    doing homework, house work, exercise

    playing cards, video games, sports

    listening to radio, music, CDs

    going dancing,fishing,swimming

    talking to friends, on the phone, on the internet     # talking = talk vt. 说;谈话;讨论

    watching TV,DVDs,footall

    taking photos, the dog for a walk      # taking = take  vt. 拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)

    reading books,newspapers,magazines


    Do you like cooking?

    Not very much

    Are you interested in cooking meals?

    Yes.I like cooking ham and eggs

    What do you like doing on weekends?

    Watching TV and meeting friends.

    What do you like doing exercise?

    I like swimming

    What do you enjoy doing on vacation.

    Sitting on beach with a drink

    What things do you disklike?

    I don't like housework or homework.And I don't like listening to my daughter's music.


    Healthy Living

    Lucy Williams worked in an office near the city center.

    She usually went for a walk in the park during her lunch hour.

    Nearly every day she saw a very old man,Who was always in the park on the same bench .

    He had white hair, a long white beard and a very contented expression.

    She sometimes nodded to him or said hello, and he always smiled back very  happily.

    One day, she decided to stop and speak to him.

    "Excuse me," said Lucy, " I often see you here.

    You always seem very cheerful and you're never sick!

    What's your secret for a long and happy life?"

    "My secret?' asked the old man,smiling at her." I don't have a secret."

    "But how often do you exercise?" asked Lucy.

    "I never exercise, young lady."

    "What about your diet? How often do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables?"

    "I hardly ever eat vegetables,' he replied, still smiling,"and I smoke all the time."

    "That's amazing!" said Lucy." How old are you?"

    "Thirty five," he replied.

    Extra Vocabulary

    during  prep. 在…的时候,在…的期间

    Nearly adv. 差不多,几乎;密切地

    bench n. 长凳;工作台;替补队员  vt. 给…以席位;为…设置条凳

    beard n. 胡须;颌毛  vt. 公然反对;抓…的胡须  vi. 充当掩护;充当男随员  n. (Beard)人名;(英)比尔德

     a very contented expression. 一个非常满足的表情

    noded v. 点头;打瞌睡;摇动(nod的过去式)

    he always smiled back very  happily  他总是他总是很开心地笑了笑。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/10488427.html
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