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    In the lesson you will learn to talk about driving a car.



    词汇(Key Word )

    wheel n. 轮子,车轮

    steer vt. 驾驶;掌舵,操控

    prohibit .vt 禁止,阻止

    backfire vi. 发生回火;发生意外

    fierce adj.激烈的

    outcry n. 公开反对

    accuse vt. 职责,谴责

    charge vt.控告,控诉

    stunt n.特技,惊人的表演

    constitute vt.构成,组成

    conclude vt./vi. 总结,得出结论

    stir vt.搅动;使激动

    flurry n. 一阵,疾风;骤雨

    comment n.评论;意见

    offense n.进攻;冒犯;触犯(法律)

    lot n.一块地;场地


    The mother was shooting a video with her cell phone while the cild sat on the father's lap steering the vehicle /ˈviːəkl/  # 这位母亲正在用手机拍摄视频,而孩子就坐在父亲的腿上驾驶汽车

    After a three-month investigation, both were charged with dangerous driving.  # 经过三个月的调查,两人都被控危险驾驶。

    The judgment stirred up another flurry of comment on Internet forms.  # 这一判决激起了网民对互联网形式的又一轮评论。

    browser    #  a computer program that makes it possible for you to read information on the Internet   # 使你能够在因特网上阅读信息的一种计算机程序

    server    #  a central computer from which other computers get information  # 一种中央计算机,其他计算机从它获得信息

    encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/  偶遇     #  to meet somebody by chance  偶然遇见某人

    request    #  when you politely or officially ask for something  当你礼貌地或正式地提出要求时

    derive    # to get something from something else  从别的东西中得到别的东西

    devise  # to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually cleverly or using imagination  创造计划、系统、物体等,通常巧妙地或运用想象力

    staff  # the group of people who work for an organization  为一个组织工作的一群人

    confuse   /kənˈfjuːz/  vt. 使混乱;使困惑  # to mix up someone's mind or ideas, or to make something difficult to understand  搅乱某人的思想或想法,或使某事难以理解

    response  /rɪˈspɑːns/   n. 响应;反应;回答  # an answer or reaction  答案或反应

    I was home late because of heavy traffic  由于交通拥挤,我回家晚了

    She offered to give some to the station.  她主动提出给电视台送一些。

    In the US, all drivers and passengers have to wear a seatbelt while in the car.  在美国,所有的司机和乘客在车内都必须系上安全带。

    I change gears when we started going up the hill.  我们开始上山时,我换了档。

    I had to brake sharply when a dog ran into the road. 当一条狗跑到路上时,我不得不急刹车。

    I want to learn how to read a map so that I will not get lost. 我想学习如何看地图,这样我就不会迷路了。

    I honk the horn to warn him about the danger.  我按喇叭警告他有危险。

    If you are caught driving dangerously, you can lose your license  如果你危险驾驶被抓住,你可能会失去驾照     # caught  v. 捕捉(catch的过去分词)

    When it is very cold, it can be hard to start the engine  天气很冷的时候,引擎很难启动

    Before you turn, you should always look in the mirror  你转弯的时候你需要看下后视镜

    My car break down on the way to Washington  我的车在去华盛顿的路上抛锚了

    You can increase your speed when there isn't much traffic on the road  当路上车辆不多的时候,你可以提高速度

    What are some things people do while driving?

    navigation  导航

    turn round 掉头

    make a turn  转弯

    overtake 超车


    Who/That/Which    # Attributive  clause  定语从句

    a. The girl who was in jured in the accident is now in the hospital  在事故中受伤的女孩现在住院了

    b. The man who answered the phone told me you were away

    c. The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient

    d. A building witch was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

    e. Some people who were arrested have now been released.

    f. A bus which goes to the airport runs every half hour.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/12928186.html
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