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Meet our new student.
His first name is Ernesto. 欧内斯托
His last name is Delgado. 德尔加多
He is from Mexico
Welcome, Ernesto Delgado!
Ecuador 厄瓜多尔
Months of the year 月份(一年中的几个月) 一周中的几天: days of the week
月份 音节拆词
January Ja.nua.ry
February Feb.rua.ry
April Ap ril
May M ay
June Ju ne
July Ju ly
August Au gu st
September Sep tem ber
October Oc to ber
November No vem ber
December De cem ber
1st first
2st second
3st third
20th twentieth
30th thirtieth
What's your name?
When's your birthday?
In April
My birthday is on December eleventh。 or eleventh of December
Nation = 名族 = country
Capital City 首都、省会
The capital of China is Beijing
The capital of Chengdu is Sichuan
第一人称 我 I we 我的 My 我们的 our
第二人称 你 you 你的 your
第三人称 他 he she 他的 his her it‘’s loki's 他们的 their
French 法国人
brazilians 巴西人
Italian 意大利人
Canadians 加拿大人
Amehica 美国人
Australian 澳大利亚人
Jpan 日本人