3.接口里定义的方法只能是抽象方法、类方法或默认方法,所以系统会自动为普通方法增加public abstract修饰,同时普通方法不能有方法体(抽象方法)。但是类方法和默认方法都必须要有方法体。
package biology; public interface Animal { int classification = 7; String eat(); String move(); default void description() { System.out.println("I am a kind of biology"); } static String summary() { return "The nature is wonderful"; } } package biology; public class Dog implements Animal { public String name; public Dog(String name) { this.name = name; } public String eat() { return name + " eat meat and grass"; } public String move() { return name + " move with dog's legs"; } } package biology; public class Goat implements Animal { public String name; public Goat(String name) { this.name = name; } public String eat() { return name + " eat grass"; } public String move() { return name + " move with goat's legs"; } } package biology; public class Tiger implements Animal { public String name; public Tiger(String name) { this.name = name; } public String eat() { return name + " eat meat"; } public String move() { return name + " move with tiger's legs"; } } package biology; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Dog animal1 = new Dog("Shepherd"); Tiger animal2 = new Tiger("Bengal Tiger"); Goat animal3 = new Goat("sheep"); System.out.println("The classification of biology is " + Animal.classification); System.out.println(animal1.name + ": " + animal1.eat() + ". " + animal1.move()); System.out.println(animal2.name + ": " + animal2.eat() + ". " + animal2.move()); System.out.println(animal3.name + ": " + animal3.eat() + ". " + animal3.move()); animal1.description(); animal2.description(); animal3.description(); System.out.println(Animal.summary()); } }
The classification of biology is 7 Shepherd: Shepherd eat meat and grass. Shepherd move with dog's legs Bengal Tiger: Bengal Tiger eat meat. Bengal Tiger move with tiger's legs sheep: sheep eat grass. sheep move with goat's legs I am a kind of biology I am a kind of biology I am a kind of biology The nature is wonderful
在这里例子中,我们定义了一个接口Animal, 在这个接口中定义了一个成员变量classification(自动添加public static final 修饰, 由接口调用),两个抽象方法eat()和move()(自动添加public abstract 修饰, 由接口实现类来实现), 一个默认方法(由接口实现类的实例调用),一个类方法(直接由接口调用)。