1 # 编辑者:闫龙 2 if __name__ == '__main__': 3 import UserLoginFuncation 4 5 LoclCount=[]; 6 while True: 7 UserName = input("用户名:>>") 8 if(UserLoginFuncation.CheckUserLock(UserName)): 9 print("用户",UserName,"已被锁定") 10 continue 11 PassWd = input("密 码:>>") 12 if(UserLoginFuncation.UserInfo(UserName,PassWd)): 13 print("欢迎",UserName,"登陆") 14 break 15 else: 16 LoclCount.append(UserName); 17 print("用户名或密码错误,您还有",3-LoclCount.count(UserName),"次尝试机会") 18 if(LoclCount.count(UserName) == 3): 19 UserLoginFuncation.LockUser(UserName) 20 print("对不起,尝试次数过多",UserName,"用户已被锁定")
1 # 编辑者:闫龙 2 import os 3 def CheckUserLock(UserName): 4 if(os.path.exists("LockUser")): 5 with open("LockUser","r",encoding="utf8") as ReadLock: 6 p = ReadLock.readline().split(",") 7 if(p.count(UserName) != 0): 8 return True 9 10 def LockUser(UserName): 11 if(os.path.exists("LockUser")): 12 LockFile = open("LockUser", "a", encoding="utf8") 13 LockFile.write(UserName+",") 14 LockFile.close() 15 else: 16 LockFile = open("LockUser", "w", encoding="utf8") 17 LockFile.write(UserName+",") 18 LockFile.close() 19 20 def UserInfo(UserName,PassWd): 21 with open("UserInfo",mode="r",encoding="utf8") as userinfo: 22 p = userinfo.readlines() 23 for i in p: 24 i= i.strip().split(":") 25 if(i[0] == UserName and i[1] == PassWd): 26 return True 27 else: 28 continue 29 return False
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