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  • 获得硬盘的ID序列号(XE10.1+WIN8.1)





    2.SysUtils 在XE中要改为System.SysUtils。


      1 unit Unit1;
      3 interface
      5 uses
      6   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      7   Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg;
      9 type
     10   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     11     Panel1: TPanel;
     12     Memo1: TMemo;
     13     Button1: TButton;
     14     Label1: TLabel;
     15     Image1: TImage;
     16     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
     17   private
     18     { Private declarations }
     19   public
     20     { Public declarations }
     21   end;
     23 var
     24   Form1: TForm1;
     26 implementation
     28 {$R *.dfm}
     30 function GetScsiSerialNumber(const i: smallint): string;
     31 type
     32   TScsiPassThrough = record
     33     Length: Word;
     34     ScsiStatus: Byte;
     35     PathId: Byte;
     36     TargetId: Byte;
     37     Lun: Byte;
     38     CdbLength: Byte;
     39     SenseInfoLength: Byte;
     40     DataIn: Byte;
     41     DataTransferLength: ULONG;
     42     TimeOutValue: ULONG;
     43     DataBufferOffset: DWORD;
     44     SenseInfoOffset: ULONG;
     45     Cdb: array[0..15] of Byte;
     46   end;
     47   TScsiPassThroughWithBuffers = record
     48     spt: TScsiPassThrough;
     49     bSenseBuf: array[0..31] of Byte;
     50     bDataBuf: array[0..191] of Byte;
     51   end;
     52 var
     53   dwReturned: DWORD;
     54   len: DWORD;
     55   Buffer: array[0..SizeOf(TScsiPassThroughWithBuffers) + SizeOf(TScsiPassThrough) - 1] of Byte;
     56   sptwb: TScsiPassThroughWithBuffers absolute Buffer;
     57   hDevice: thandle;
     58 begin
     59   Result := '';
     60   if SysUtils.win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
     61   begin
     62     if i = 0 then
     63       hDevice := CreateFile('//./PhysicalDrive0',
     64         GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
     66         nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)
     67     else
     68       hDevice := CreateFile('//./PhysicalDrive1',
     69         GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
     71         nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
     72   end
     73   else exit;
     74   if hDevice = invalid_handle_value then exit;
     75   FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), #0);
     76   with sptwb.spt do
     77   begin
     78     Length := SizeOf(TScsiPassThrough);
     79     CdbLength := 6; // CDB6GENERIC_LENGTH
     80     SenseInfoLength := 24;
     81     DataIn := 1; // SCSI_IOCTL_DATA_IN
     82     DataTransferLength := 192;
     83     TimeOutValue := 2;
     84     DataBufferOffset := PChar(@sptwb.bDataBuf) - PChar(@sptwb);
     85     SenseInfoOffset := PChar(@sptwb.bSenseBuf) - PChar(@sptwb);
     86     Cdb[0] := $12; //  OperationCode := SCSIOP_INQUIRY;
     87     Cdb[1] := $01; //  Flags := CDB_INQUIRY_EVPD;  Vital product data
     88     Cdb[2] := $80; //  PageCode            Unit serial number
     89     Cdb[4] := 192; // AllocationLength
     90   end;
     91   len := sptwb.spt.DataBufferOffset + sptwb.spt.DataTransferLength;
     92   if DeviceIoControl(hDevice, $0004D004, @sptwb, SizeOf(TScsiPassThrough), @sptwb, len, dwReturned, nil)
     93     and ((PChar(@sptwb.bDataBuf) + 1)^ = #$80) then
     94     SetString(Result, PChar(@sptwb.bDataBuf) + 4, Ord((PChar(@sptwb.bDataBuf) + 3)^));
     95 end;
     97 function GetIdeSerialNumber: pchar;
     98 const IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
     99 type
    100   TIDERegs = packed record
    101     bFeaturesReg: BYTE;
    102     bSectorCountReg: BYTE;
    103     bSectorNumberReg: BYTE;
    104     bCylLowReg: BYTE;
    105     bCylHighReg: BYTE;
    106     bDriveHeadReg: BYTE;
    107     bCommandReg: BYTE;
    108     bReserved: BYTE;
    109   end;
    110   TSendCmdInParams = packed record
    111     cBufferSize: DWORD;
    112     irDriveRegs: TIDERegs;
    113     bDriveNumber: BYTE;
    114     bReserved: array[0..2] of Byte;
    115     dwReserved: array[0..3] of DWORD;
    116     bBuffer: array[0..0] of Byte;
    117   end;
    118   TIdSector = packed record
    119     wGenConfig: Word;
    120     wNumCyls: Word;
    121     wReserved: Word;
    122     wNumHeads: Word;
    123     wBytesPerTrack: Word;
    124     wBytesPerSector: Word;
    125     wSectorsPerTrack: Word;
    126     wVendorUnique: array[0..2] of Word;
    127     sSerialNumber: array[0..19] of CHAR;
    128     wBufferType: Word;
    129     wBufferSize: Word;
    130     wECCSize: Word;
    131     sFirmwareRev: array[0..7] of Char;
    132     sModelNumber: array[0..39] of Char;
    133     wMoreVendorUnique: Word;
    134     wDoubleWordIO: Word;
    135     wCapabilities: Word;
    136     wReserved1: Word;
    137     wPIOTiming: Word;
    138     wDMATiming: Word;
    139     wBS: Word;
    140     wNumCurrentCyls: Word;
    141     wNumCurrentHeads: Word;
    142     wNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack: Word;
    143     ulCurrentSectorCapacity: DWORD;
    144     wMultSectorStuff: Word;
    145     ulTotalAddressableSectors: DWORD;
    146     wSingleWordDMA: Word;
    147     wMultiWordDMA: Word;
    148     bReserved: array[0..127] of BYTE;
    149   end;
    150   PIdSector = ^TIdSector;
    151   TDriverStatus = packed record
    152     bDriverError: Byte;
    153     bIDEStatus: Byte;
    154     bReserved: array[0..1] of Byte;
    155     dwReserved: array[0..1] of DWORD;
    156   end;
    157   TSendCmdOutParams = packed record
    158     cBufferSize: DWORD;
    159     DriverStatus: TDriverStatus;
    160     bBuffer: array[0..0] of BYTE;
    161   end;
    162   procedure ChangeByteOrder(var Data; Size: Integer);
    163   var
    164     ptr: Pchar;
    165     i: Integer;
    166     c: Char;
    167   begin
    168     ptr := @Data;
    169     for I := 0 to (Size shr 1) - 1 do begin
    170       c := ptr^;
    171       ptr^ := (ptr + 1)^;
    172       (ptr + 1)^ := c;
    173       Inc(ptr, 2);
    174     end;
    175   end;
    176 var
    177   hDevice: Thandle;
    178   cbBytesReturned: DWORD;
    179   SCIP: TSendCmdInParams;
    180   aIdOutCmd: array[0..(SizeOf(TSendCmdOutParams) + IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) - 1] of Byte;
    181   IdOutCmd: TSendCmdOutParams absolute aIdOutCmd;
    182 begin
    183   Result := '';
    184   if SysUtils.Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
    185     //   Windows   NT,   Windows   2000
    186     hDevice := CreateFile('//./PhysicalDrive0', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
    188   else
    189     //   Version   Windows   95   OSR2,   Windows   98
    190     hDevice := CreateFile('//./SMARTVSD', 0, 0, nil, CREATE_NEW, 0, 0);
    191   if hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit;
    192   try
    193     FillChar(SCIP, SizeOf(TSendCmdInParams) - 1, #0);
    194     FillChar(aIdOutCmd, SizeOf(aIdOutCmd), #0);
    195     cbBytesReturned := 0;
    196     with SCIP do begin
    197       cBufferSize := IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE;
    198       with irDriveRegs do begin
    199         bSectorCountReg := 1;
    200         bSectorNumberReg := 1;
    201         bDriveHeadReg := $A0;
    202         bCommandReg := $EC;
    203       end;
    204     end;
    205     if not DeviceIoControl(hDevice, $0007C088, @SCIP, SizeOf(TSendCmdInParams) - 1,
    206       @aIdOutCmd, SizeOf(aIdOutCmd), cbBytesReturned, nil) then Exit;
    207   finally
    208     CloseHandle(hDevice);
    209   end;
    210   with PIdSector(@IdOutCmd.bBuffer)^ do begin
    211     ChangeByteOrder(sSerialNumber, SizeOf(sSerialNumber));
    212     (Pchar(@sSerialNumber) + SizeOf(sSerialNumber))^ := #0;
    213     Result := Pchar(@sSerialNumber);
    214   end;
    215 end;
    217 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    218 var
    219   stmp:String;
    220 begin
    221   //记得右击以管理员运行
    222   stmp := StrPas(PAnsiChar(GetIdeSerialNumber));
    223   if stmp<>'' then
    224   begin
    225     Memo1.Lines.Add('无参:' + stmp);
    226   end
    227   else
    228   begin
    229     stmp := Trim(GetScsiSerialNumber(0));
    230     Memo1.Lines.Add('有参:' + stmp);
    231   end;
    232 end;
    234 end.
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