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  • mysql语句学习

    mysql -uroot -p
    mysql -uroot -p密码
    show Databases;
    select version();
    select now();
    create database python01;
    create database python02 charset=utf8;
    drop database python01;
    use 数据库
    show databases;
    show database();
    show tables;
    create table xxx(id int, name varchar(30));
    create table students(
                    id int unsigned primary key not null auto_increment, 
                    name varchar(30),
                    age tinyint unsigned default 0,
                    high decimal(5,2),
                    gender enum("男","女","保密") default "保密",
                    cls_id int unsigned
    desc xxx;
    insert into students values(0, "王俊杰",18,"男", 0);
    select * from students;
    insert into students (name, gender) values ("大乔", 12),("小乔", 22);
    insert into students values (xx),(xxx),(xxxx);
    alter table 表名 add 字段名 字段类型 
    alter table 表名 drop 字段名
    alter table 表名 modify 字段名 新字段类型
    alter table students modify birthday date;
    alter table 表名 change 字段名 新字段名 新字段类型
    alter table students change birthday birth date;
    drop table 表名;
    drop database 数据库;
    alter drop table 表字段名;
    show create table students;
    show create database ss;
    update students set gender=1,age=12 where id=1;
    select * from students;
    select * from students where name="xx";
    select name,gender from student;
    select name as 姓名,gender as 姓名 students;
    delete from student where xx; 
    create table classes(
        id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
        name varchar(30) not null
    insert into classes (0, "mysql学习班");
    mysql -uroot -p
    create database python_test charset=utf8;
    use python_test;
    select database();
    create table students(
    id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,
    name varchar(20) default '',
    age tinyint unsigned default 0,
    height decimal(5,2),
    gender enum('','','中性','保密') defaule '保密',
    cls_id int unsigned default 0,
    is_delete bit default 0
    create table classes(
    id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,
    name varchar(30) not null
    show tables;
    show create tables students;
    insert into students values
    (0, '小明',18,180.00,2,1,0)
    insert into classes values
    select * from student;
    select* from classes;
    select id,name from student;
    select name as 姓名, age as 年龄 from students;
    select students.name, students.age from students;
    select s.name,s.age from students as s;
    select distinct gender from students;
    select name as 名字, age as 年龄 from students where age=18 or age=34;
    select name,age from students age in(12, 15, 24); 
    select name,age from students age not in(12, 15, 24);
    select name,age from students age between 18 and 24;
    --not between 是一个用法,不能分开not (between)
    select name,age from students age not between 18 and 24;
    --in null
    --in not null
    select * from students where height is null;
    select * from students where height is not null;
    select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=1;
    --按照age 从小到大排序,默认asc升序,可以不写
    select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=1 order by age;
    select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=1 order by age asc;
    --按照age从大到小排序,desc 降序
    select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender=1 order by age desc;
    select name as 名字,age as 年龄 from students where (age between 18 and 24) and gender=2 order by heigth desc; 
    select name as 名字,age as 年龄 from students where (age between 18 and 24) and gender=2 order by height desc,id desc; 
    select name as 名字,age as 年龄 from students where (age between 18 and 24) and gender=2 order by height, age asc,id desc;
    select * from students order by age asc,height desc;
    select * from students where gender=1;
    select count(*) as 男性总数 from students where gnder=1;
    select max(age) from students;
    select max(height) from students where gender=2;
    select min(age) from students where gender=1;
    select sum(age) from students;
    select avg(age) from students;
    select sum(age)/count(*)from students;
    select round(sum(age)/count(*),2) from students;
    select round(avg(height),2) from students where gender=1;
    --group by
    select gender from students group by gender;
    select gender,count(*) from students group by gender;
    select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender;
    select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender;
    --group by,查询结果过滤
    select gender,count(*) from students where gender=1 group by gender; 
    select gender,count(*),group_concat(name,age,id) from students where gender=1 group by gender; 
    select gender,count(*),group_concat(name,"_",age,"",id) from students where gender=1 group by gender; 
    --查询平均年龄超过30岁的性别,以及姓名 having avg(age)>30;
    select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age)>30;
    --where 和 having 的区别
    --having count(*)>2
    select gender,group_concat(name) from students group gender having count(*)>2;
    --limit start,count 
    --limit 要写在句子最后面
    --where group (having) limit
    select * from students gender=1 limit=2;
    select * from students limit 0,5;
    select * from students limit 5,5;
    --limit (N-1)*每个的个数,每页的个数
    select * from students order by age asc limit 10,2;
    select * from student where gender=2 order by height desc limit 0,2;
    --inner join,多表数据连接,取表的交集
    --select ... from tableA inner join tableB;
    select * from students inner join classer on students.cls_id=classed.id;
    select students.*,class.name from students inner join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id;
    select students.name,classes.name from students inner join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id;
    select s.name,c.name from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;
    --查询 有能够对应班级的学生以及班级信息,显示学生的所有信息,只显示班级名称
    select s.*,c.name from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;
    select c.name,s.* from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;
    --查询 有能够对对应班级的学生以及班级信息,按照班级进行排序
    select c.name,s.* from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id order by c.name;
    select c.name,s.* from students as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id order by c.name,s.id;
    --left join,以后左表为基准,找不到显示为null
    select * from students as s left join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;
    select * from students as s left join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id having c.id is null;
    select * from students as s left join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id where c.id is null;
    --right join
    --一般用left join代替
    --将数据表名字互换位置,用left join完成
    source areas.sql
    select * from areas as a  inner join areas as b on a.pid=c.pid having a.name="山东省";
    select * from students height = (select max(height) from students);
    select * from areas where pid = (select aid from areas where name="河北省");


    use mysql;
    ALTER USER ‘root’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘新密码’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    8.0的详细设置参考 :
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Fightingbirds/p/11444204.html
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