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  • 【原生JS】评论编辑器 文本操作



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                    <div class="pl"><div>评论&nbsp;<span>7</span></div></div>
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                            <div class="srknr"><textarea class="area" id="txtarea">你的评论可以一针见血</textarea></div>
                            <div class="s-button">
                                <input type="button" class="jc btn" onclick="bold()" />                       //使用ul li标签一样可行
                                <input type="button" class="qx btn" onclick="italic()"/>
                                <input type="button" class="syh btn" onclick="Quotes()"/>
                                <input type="button" class="scx btn" onclick="linetrough()"/>
                                <input type="button" class="xhx btn" onclick="underline()"/>
                            <div class="button"><input type="button" class="tj-button" name="" id="" value="提交评论" /></div>
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                        <div class="text"><input type="text" name="name" class="texts" id="name" value="昵称" onclick = "change('name')"/></div>
                        <div class="text"><input type="text" name="email" class="texts" id="email" value="邮箱" onclick = "change('email')"/></div>
                        <div class="text"><input type="text" name="site" class="texts" id="site" value="网址" onclick = "change('site')"/></div>
                        <div class="label"><div class="lab">昵称(必填)</div><div class="lab">邮箱(必填)</div><div class="lab">网址</div></div>


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        .box .wbk .srk .s-button .jc{background:url(../img/bold.gif) no-repeat;}
        .box .wbk .srk .s-button .qx{background:url(../img/italic.gif) no-repeat;}
        .box .wbk .srk .s-button .syh{background:url(../img/syh.gif) no-repeat;}      
        .box .wbk .srk .s-button .scx{background:url(../img/font.gif) no-repeat;}
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                    function change(x){document.getElementById(x).value = '';}
                    function bold(){
                        var obj = document.getElementById('txtarea');
                        if(obj.style.fontWeight == ''|| obj.style.fontWeight == 'normal'){obj.style.fontWeight = 'bold';}
                        else{obj.style.fontWeight = 'normal';}
                    function italic(){
                        var obj = document.getElementById('txtarea');
                        if(obj.style.fontStyle == '' || obj.style.fontStyle == 'normal'){obj.style.fontStyle = 'italic';}
                        else{obj.style.fontStyle = 'normal';}
                    function linetrough(){
                        var obj = document.getElementById('txtarea');
                        var value = obj.style.textDecoration;
                        if(value == '' || value == 'none' || value == 'underline'){if(value == 'underline'){obj.style.textDecoration = 'line-through underline'}else{obj.style.textDecoration = 'line-through'};}
                        else{obj.style.textDecoration = 'none';}
                    function underline(){
                        var obj = document.getElementById('txtarea');
                        var value = obj.style.textDecoration;
                        if(value == '' || value == 'none' || value == 'line-through'){if(value == 'line-through'){obj.style.textDecoration = 'line-through underline'}else{obj.style.textDecoration = 'underline'};}
                        else{obj.style.textDecoration = 'none';}
                    function Quotes(){
                        var total = Handletext('txtarea').slice();
                        if(total.length == 1){total[0].innerHTML = total[0].innerHTML + '"' + '"' ;return;}
                        if(total.length > 1){total[0].innerHTML = total[1] + '"' + total[2] + """ + total[3]}
                    function Handletext(x){
                        var obj = document.getElementById(x);
                        var selecttext = obj.innerHTML.substring(obj.selectionStart,obj.selectionEnd);
                        if(selecttext.length == 0){ var total = [obj];return total;}
                        var start = obj.innerHTML.indexOf(selecttext);
                        var end = start + selecttext.length;
                        var textlength = obj.innerHTML.length;
                        var starttext;
                        var endtext;
                        if(start > 0){starttext = obj.innerHTML.substring(0,start);}
                        else{starttext = '';}
                        if(textlength > end){endtext = obj.innerHTML.substring(end,obj.innerHTML.length);}
                        else{endtext = '';}
                        var total = [obj,starttext,selecttext,endtext];
                        return (total);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/GruntFish/p/6689315.html
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