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  • D3DXMatrixDecompose Sample

    //z 2015-09-28 23:59:03 L.94 '57    BG57IV3@BYH T1810273247.K.F4146951713[T38,L836,R30,V798]
    //z D3DXMatrixDecompose Sample 例子 tutorial
    #include "Math.h"
    #include <cassert>
    void debug(const Matrix &m)
    _11 = %10.4f, _12 = %10.4f _13 = %10.4f _14 = %10.4f
    _21 = %10.4f, _22 = %10.4f _23 = %10.4f _24 = %10.4f
    _31 = %10.4f, _32 = %10.4f _33 = %10.4f _34 = %10.4f
    _41 = %10.4f, _42 = %10.4f _43 = %10.4f _44 = %10.4f
    		m._11, m._12, m._13, m._14, 
    		m._21, m._22, m._23, m._24, 
    		m._31, m._32, m._33, m._34, 
    		m._41, m._42, m._43, m._44);
    void debug(const Point3 &m){
    	printf("(%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f)
    ", m.x, m.y, m.z);
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Vector3& v){
    	return s << "(" << v.x << ", " << v.y << ", " << v.z << ")";
    bool affine(const Matrix& m)
    	if (fabs(m._14) > ZERO) return false;
    	if (fabs(m._24) > ZERO) return false;
    	if (fabs(m._34) > ZERO) return false;
    	if (fabs(m._44-1)>ZERO) return false;
    	return true;
    float abs(const Vector3 &A)
    	return sqrt(A.x*A.x + A.y*A.y + A.z*A.z);
    Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &A, const Vector3 &B)
    	Vector3 C;
    	D3DXVec3Cross(&C, &A, &B);
    	return C;
    float dot(const Vector3 &A, const Vector3 &B)
    	return D3DXVec3Dot(&A, &B);
    Vector3& normalize(Vector3& A){
    	D3DXVec3Normalize(&A, &A);
    	//cout << "normalized: " << A << endl;
    	return A; ///= length(A);
    Vector3 project(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
    	return b * (dot(a,b) / dot(b,b));
    Vector3 projectOnto(const Vector3 &v, const Vector3 &normal)
    	return v - normal*dot(v, normal);
    Vector3 normalized(const Vector3& A){
    	Vector3 result;
    	D3DXVec3Normalize(&result, &A);
    	return result;
    Vector3 mul0(const Matrix &m, const Vector3 &v)
    	// Make sure the matrix is affine
    	// assert(affine(m));
    	Vector3 r;
    	D3DXVec3TransformNormal(&r, &v, &m);
    	return r;
    Point3	mul1(const Matrix &m, const Point3  &v)
    	// Make sure the matrix is affine
    	// assert(affine(m));
    	Vector4 t;
    	D3DXVec3Transform(&t, &v, &m);
    	Vector3 r;
    	memcpy(&r, &t, sizeof(Vector3));
    	return r;
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, const Matrix& orientation)
    	Matrix r = orientation;
    	r._41 = position.x;
    	r._42 = position.y;
    	r._43 = position.z;
    	return r;
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ){
    	Matrix result(	scaleX, 0, 0, 0,
    									0, scaleY, 0, 0,
    									0, 0, scaleZ, 0,
    									position.x, position.y, position.z, 1);
    	return result;
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float s){
    	Matrix result(	s, 0, 0, 0,
    					0, s, 0, 0,
    					0, 0, s, 0,
    					position.x, position.y, position.z, 1);
    	return result;
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float angle, const Vector3& axis, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ){
    	Matrix m1;
    	Matrix m2;
    	Matrix result;
    	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&m2, &axis,angle);
    	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&m1, &result, &m2);
    	D3DXMatrixTranslation(&m2, position.x,position.y,position.z); 
    	return *D3DXMatrixMultiply(&result, &m1, &m2);
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, const Vector3& up, const Vector3& fw, float uniformScale)
    	Vector3 ap = position;
    	Vector3 az = normalized(fw);      
    	Vector3 ax = normalized(cross(up, az));
    	Vector3 ay = cross(az, ax);
    	Matrix scalingMatrix;
    	return scalingMatrix * Matrix(
    		ax.x, ax.y, ax.z,   0,
    		ay.x, ay.y, ay.z,   0,
    		az.x, az.y, az.z,   0,
    		ap.x, ap.y, ap.z,   1
    Matrix CreateMatrix(float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ){
    	Matrix result;
    	return result;
    Point3 ExtractPosition(const Matrix& matrix, Point3* position){
    	Point3 pos;
    	pos.x = matrix._41;
    	pos.y = matrix._42;
    	pos.z = matrix._43;
    	if (position) *position = pos;
    	return pos;
    void ExtractScaling(const Matrix& matrix, float& scaleX, float& scaleY, float& scaleZ){
    	Vector3 scale;
    	Vector3 translation;
    	D3DXQUATERNION rotation;
    	assert(SUCCEEDED(D3DXMatrixDecompose(&scale,&rotation,&translation, &matrix)));
    	scaleX = scale.x;
    	scaleY = scale.y;
    	scaleZ = scale.z;
    void ExtractRotation(const Matrix& matrix, Matrix& rotationMatrix){
    	Vector3 scaleOrAxis;
    	Vector3 translation;
    	D3DXQUATERNION rotation;
    	float angle;
    	assert(SUCCEEDED(D3DXMatrixDecompose(&scaleOrAxis,&rotation,&translation, &matrix)));
    	D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle(&rotation,&scaleOrAxis, &angle);
    	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&rotationMatrix, &scaleOrAxis,angle);
    void ExtractAngleAxis(const Matrix& matrix, float& angle, Vector3& axis){
    	Vector3 scale;
    	Vector3 translation;
    	D3DXQUATERNION rotation;
    	assert(SUCCEEDED(D3DXMatrixDecompose(&scale,&rotation,&translation, &matrix)));
    	D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle(&rotation,&axis, &angle);
    void Decompose(const Matrix& matrix, Point3& position, Matrix& rotation, float& scaleX, float& scaleY, float& scaleZ){
    	Vector3 scaleOrAxis;
    	float angle;
    	assert(SUCCEEDED(D3DXMatrixDecompose(&scaleOrAxis,&quat,&position, &matrix)));
    	scaleX = scaleOrAxis.x;
    	scaleY = scaleOrAxis.y;
    	scaleZ = scaleOrAxis.z;
    	D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle(&quat,&scaleOrAxis, &angle);
    	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&rotation, &scaleOrAxis,angle);
    Matrix& SetTranslation(Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation){
    	matrix._41 = translation.x;
    	matrix._42 = translation.y;
    	matrix._43 = translation.z;
    	return matrix;
    Matrix& Translate(Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation){
    	matrix._41 += translation.x;
    	matrix._42 += translation.y;
    	matrix._43 += translation.z;
    	return matrix;
    Matrix Translated(const Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation){
    	Matrix result(matrix);
    	return Translate(result,translation);
    Vector3 GetTranslation(const Matrix& matrix){
    	return Vector3(matrix._41, matrix._42, matrix._43);
    Matrix& Rotate(Matrix& matrix, float yaw, float pitch, float roll){
    	Matrix m2;
    	D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&m2, yaw, pitch, roll);
    	return matrix*=m2;
    Matrix Rotated(const Matrix& matrix, float yaw, float pitch, float roll){
    	Matrix result(matrix);
    	return result;
    Matrix Inverse(const Matrix& m)
    	Matrix r;
    	D3DXMatrixInverse(&r, NULL, &m);
    	return r;
    Matrix Scaled(const Matrix& matrix, float x, float y, float z){
    	Matrix result;
    	Matrix scaling;
    	D3DXMatrixScaling(&scaling, x,y,z);
    	return result = scaling*matrix;

    #ifndef MATH_H_
    #define MATH_H_
    #include <d3dx9math.h>
    #include <limits>
    #include <cfloat>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #define PI D3DX_PI
    #define DEG2RAD(x) (PI*(x)/180.0)
    #define RAD2DEG(x) (180.0*(x)/PI)
    #define ZERO (1e-5)
    const float INF   = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
    const float NaN   = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
    template <typename T>
    bool isnan(T x) { return x != x; }
    typedef D3DXVECTOR3 Vector3;
    typedef D3DXVECTOR4 Vector4;
    typedef D3DXVECTOR3 Point3;
    typedef D3DXVECTOR4 Point4;
    typedef D3DXMATRIX Matrix;
    struct Vector2
      float u,v;
    #undef RGB
    typedef D3DXVECTOR3 RGB;
    typedef D3DXVECTOR4 RGBA;
    const Point3 ORIGIN = Point3(0,0,0); 
    const Vector3 X = Vector3(1,0,0); 
    const Vector3 Y = Vector3(0,1,0); 
    const Vector3 Z = Vector3(0,0,1);
    const RGB RED   = RGB(1,0,0); 
    const RGB GREEN = RGB(0,1,0); 
    const RGB BLUE  = RGB(0,0,1);
    const RGB WHITE = RGB(1,1,1);
    const RGB GREY = RGB(0.5,0.5,0.5);
    const RGBA RED   = RGBA(1,0,0,1); 
    const RGBA GREEN = RGBA(0,1,0,1); 
    const RGBA BLUE  = RGBA(0,0,1,1);
    const RGBA WHITE = RGBA(1,1,1,1);
    const Matrix IDENTITY = Matrix(1,0,0,0, 
    #pragma warning( disable : 4996 4995 ) // disable deprecated warning 
    #include <strsafe.h>
    void debug(const Matrix &m);
    void debug(const Point3 &m);
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Vector3& v);
    float abs(const Vector3 &A);
    Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &A, const Vector3 &B);
    float dot(const Vector3 &A, const Vector3 &B);
     * @brief normalize a vector in-place
     * @param A
     *      the vector to normalize
     * @return a reference to the vector - for chaining
    Vector3& normalize(Vector3& A);
     * @brief create a normalized version of a vector
     * @param A
     *      the vector to normalize - will not be changed!
     * @return a new vector that is the normalized ve rsion of A
    Vector3 normalized(const Vector3& A);
    inline float length(const Vector3& v){
      return D3DXVec3Length(&v);
    Vector3 mul0(const Matrix &m, const Vector3 &v);
    Point3  mul1(const Matrix &m, const Point3  &v);
    Vector3 project(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
    Vector3 projectOnto(const Vector3 &v, const Vector3 &normal);
    bool affine(const Matrix& m);
     * @brief Construct a matrix from position and orientation
     * @param position
     *			the translational component of the matrix - default: origin
     * @param orientation
     *			the rotational component of the matrix as a matrix - default: identity
     * @return the matrix TR, where T is the transation matrix and R the rotation matrix. This means R is applied first!
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position=ORIGIN, const Matrix& orientation=IDENTITY);
    // create tx from a frame of reference (position, up, forward)
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, const Vector3& up, const Vector3& fw, float uniformScale = 1.0f);
     * @brief Construct a matrix from position, angle, axis and scaling.
     * @param position
     *			the translational component of the matrix
     * @param angle
     *			the angle by which to rotate
     * @param axis
     *			the axis around which we rotate
     * @param scaleX
     *			scaling factor in x direction - default: 1
     * @param scaleY
     *			scaling factor in y direction - default: 1
     * @param scaleZ
     *			scaling factor in z direction - default: 1
     * @return the matrix representing the transformation of first applying the scaling, 
     *			then the rotation and finally the translation
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float angle, const Vector3& axis, float scaleX=1, float scaleY=1, float scaleZ=1);
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ);
    Matrix CreateMatrix(const Point3& position, float uniformScale);
    Matrix CreateMatrix(float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ);
     * @brief Extract only the translational component from a transformation matrix.
     * @param matrix
     *			the matrix to extract from
     * @param position
     *			out: the translational component
    Point3 ExtractPosition(const Matrix& matrix, Point3* position=NULL);
     * @brief Extract only the scaling component from a transformation matrix.
     * @param matrix
     *			the matrix to extract from
     * @param scaleX
     *			out: the scaling factor in x direction
     * @param scaleY
     *			out: the scaling factor in y direction
     * @param scaleZ
     *			out: the scaling factor in z direction
    void ExtractScaling(const Matrix& matrix, float& scaleX, float& scaleY, float& scaleZ);
     * @brief Extract only the rotational component as a matrix from a transformation matrix.
     * @param matrix
     *			the matrix to extract from
     * @param rotation
     *			out: the rotational component as a matrix
    void ExtractRotation(const Matrix& matrix, Matrix& rotation);
     * @brief Extract only the rotational component as angle/axis pair from a transformation matrix.
     * @param matrix
     *			the matrix to extract from
     * @param angle
     *			out: the angle by which is rotated 
     * @param axis
     *			out: the axis around which is rotated
    void ExtractAngleAxis(const Matrix& matrix, float& angle, Vector3& axis);
     * @brief Decompose a transformation matrix into a position, a rotation matrix and three scale factors
     * @param matrix
     *			the matrix to decompose
     * @param position
     *			out: the translational component
     * @param rotation
     *			out: the rotational component as a matrix
     * @param scaleX
     *			out: the scaling factor in x direction
     * @param scaleY
     *			out: the scaling factor in y direction
     * @param scaleZ
     *			out: the scaling factor in z direction
    void Decompose(const Matrix& matrix, Point3& position, Matrix& rotation, float& scaleX, float& scaleY, float& scaleZ);
    Matrix& SetTranslation(Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation);
    Matrix& Translate(Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation);
    Matrix  Translated(const Matrix& matrix, const Vector3& translation);
    Vector3 GetTranslation(const Matrix& matrix);
    Matrix& SetRotation(Matrix& matrix, float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
    Matrix& Rotate(Matrix& matrix, float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
    Matrix  Rotated(const Matrix& matrix, float yaw, float pitch, float roll);
    Matrix  Inverse(const Matrix& m);
    Matrix  Scaled(const Matrix& matrix, float x, float y, float z);

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