zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • vbscript 运行程序

    //z 2016-08-31 17:22:37 L.122'23843 BG57IV3@LLZ T3644615673.K.F3651456730[T214,L5661,R206,V3836]
    //z urmain.vbs
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    objShell.ShellExecute "cscript", "E:\MyDoc\Bin\urmain_internal.vbs", "", "runas", 1

    //z urmain_internal.vbs
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    strCommand = "D:\Program Files (x86)\Your Uninstaller! 7\urmain.exe"
    Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand)

    //z 2015-12-06 18:00:31 L.25 '21569 BG57IV3@BYH T4244696972.K.F2332745515[T1,L62,R1,V7]
    Option explicit
    Dim oShell
    set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'Replace the path with the program you wish to run c:\program files...
    oShell.Run "RunAs /noprofile /user:mmk ""D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"""
    WScript.Sleep 100
    'Replace the string --> yourpassword~ with the
    'password used on your system. Include the tilde "~"
    oShell.Sendkeys "yourpassword~"

    6:17 PM 9/1/2011@is2120

    1. 不出现cmd窗口,运行程序

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    strCommand = "win32pad d:\mydoc\log\note.log"
    Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand)

    2. 删除默认共享
    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"& strComputer&"\root\cimv2")

    Set colShares = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_Share")

    For Each objShare in colShares
    If InStr(Right(objShare.Name,1),"$")Then
    WScript.Echo "Deleting "& objShare.Name
    End If

    3. runas
    Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    strCommand = "notepad.exe"
    objSh.ShellExecute strCommand,"","","runas",1

    4. 关闭显示器
    Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    strCommand = "nircmd.exe monitor off"
    objSh.ShellExecute strCommand,"","","runas",1

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    strCommand = "nircmd.exe monitor off"
    Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand)

    //z 2011-11-17 4:35 PM IS2120@CSDN
    5. ST
    @echo off
    Rem note : it depends on date , time format
    set TDate=%DATE:~-10%
    set THour=%TIME:~0,2%
    if %THour% LSS 10 set THour=0%TIME:~1,1%
    set TMin=%time:~3,2%
    set TSed=%time:~6,2%
    set TMs=%TIME:~-2%
    set OLDDIR=%CD%
    set File=e:\%1.%TDate%.%THour%_%TMin%_%TSed%.%TMs%.%2
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo.  CmdLine:%~d0%~p0%0 %* >>%File%
    @echo.  WorkDir:%OLDDIR% >> %File%
    @echo.  FileName:%File% >> %File%
    @echo.  Time:%TDate% %THour%:%TMin%:%TSed%#is2120@csdn>> %File%
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    grep -i -r -n -B7 -A7 --include=*.%2 "%1" * >>%File%
    rem echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo on


    @echo off
    Rem note : it depends on date , time format
    set TDate=%DATE:~-10%
    set THour=%TIME:~0,2%
    if %THour% LSS 10 set THour=0%TIME:~1,1%
    set TMin=%time:~3,2%
    set TSed=%time:~6,2%
    set TMs=%TIME:~-2%
    set OLDDIR=%CD%
    set File=e:\%1.%TDate%.%THour%_%TMin%_%TSed%.%TMs%.%2

    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo.  CmdLine:%~d0%~p0%0 %* >>%File%
    @echo.  WorkDir:%OLDDIR% >> %File%
    @echo.  FileName:%File% >> %File%
    @echo.  Time:%TDate% %THour%:%TMin%:%TSed%@HD.TC#B >> %File%
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%

    IF "%3"=="" GOTO NOCONTEXT
    grep2 -i -S -n -A%3 -B%3 "%1" *.%2 >>%File%

    grep2 -i -S -n -A12 -B12 "%1" *.%2 >>%File%

    notepad++ %File%

    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo on
    //z 2013-08-28 13:48:27 IS2120@BG57IV3 T2662258111.K.F4133067613[T50,L729,R28,V829]
    @echo off
    Rem note : it depends on date , time format

    @rem --------------------------------------------
    set start_time=%time%
    echo Beginning at: %TDate% %start_time%

    @rem echo %*  <-- Extension for all args -- easier than following line
    @rem echo %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 ... ...
    @rem DO YOUR WORK HERE -- see "call" / PAUSE is here to "fake" work
    @rem call userscript.bat %*

    set TDate=%DATE:~-10%
    set THour=%TIME:~0,2%
    if %THour% LSS 10 set THour=0%TIME:~1,1%
    set TMin=%time:~3,2%
    set TSed=%time:~6,2%
    set TMs=%TIME:~-2%
    set OLDDIR=%CD%
    set FileTime=%1.%TDate%.%THour%_%TMin%_%TSed%.%TMs%.%2

    ConvertFilenameToValid %FileTime% > %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt
    set /p FileTmp=<%TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt
    del %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt
    set File=e:\%FileTmp%

    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo.  CmdLine:%~d0%~p0%0 %* >>%File%
    @echo.  WorkDir:%OLDDIR% >> %File%
    @echo.  FileName:%File% >> %File%
    @echo.  Time:%TDate% %THour%:%TMin%:%TSed%.%TMs%@HD.BG#B >> %File%
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%

    IF "%3"=="" GOTO NOCONTEXT
    grep2 -i -S -n -A%3 -B%3 "%1" *.%2 >>%File%

    grep2 -i -S -n -A12 -B12 "%1" *.%2 >>%File%

    set stop_time=%time%

    set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~0,2%
    set start_hour=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~3,2%
    set start_min=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~6,2%
    set start_sec=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~9,2%
    set start_hundredths=%TEMPRESULT%

    set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~0,2%
    set stop_hour=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~3,2%
    set stop_min=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~6,2%
    set stop_sec=%TEMPRESULT%
    set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~9,2%
    set stop_hundredths=%TEMPRESULT%

    set /A start_total=(((((%start_hour%*60)+%start_min%)*60)+%start_sec%)*100)+%start_hundredths%
    set /A stop_total=(((((%stop_hour%*60)+%stop_min%)*60)+%stop_sec%)*100)+%stop_hundredths%

    set /A total_time=%stop_total% - %start_total%

    set /A total_hundredths=%total_time% %% 100
    set total_hundredths=00%total_hundredths%
    set total_hundredths=%total_hundredths:~-2%
    set /A total_time=%total_time% / 100

    set /A total_sec="%total_time% %% 60"
    set total_sec=00%total_sec%
    set total_sec=%total_sec:~-2%
    set /A total_time=%total_time% / 60

    set /A total_min="%total_time% %% 60"
    set total_min=00%total_min%
    set total_min=%total_min:~-2%
    set /A total_time=%total_time% / 60

    set /A total_hour="%total_time% %% 60"
    @rem Handle if it wrapped around over midnight
    if "%total_hour:~0,1%"=="-" set /A total_hour=%total_hour% + 24

    @rem Echo Time Stat
    @echo  Start time: %TDate% %start_time%
    @echo  Stop time : %TDate% %stop_time%
    @echo  Total time: %total_hour%:%total_min%:%total_sec%.%total_hundredths%

    echo>> %File%
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    @echo.  TGrep K >>%File%
    @echo.  Start time: %TDate% %start_time% >>%File%
    @echo.  Stop time : %TDate% %stop_time% >>%File%
    @echo.  Total time: %total_hour%:%total_min%:%total_sec%.%total_hundredths% >>%File%
    echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File%
    notepad++ %File%

    @rem --------------------------------------------
    @rem Exit the BAT Program
    @echo on
    goto END

    @rem --------------------------------------------
    @rem  Used to remove leading zeros from Decimal
    @rem  numbers so they are not treated as Octal.
    if "%TEMPRESULT%"=="0" goto END
    if "%TEMPRESULT:~0,1%" NEQ "0" goto END
    @rem --------------------------------------------


    BG57IV3 Fifth  11471
    Zero 60136 BG57IV3

    //z 2014-01-09 20:27:57 IS2120@BG57IV3 T110639222 .K.F3499268100[T7,L57,R1,V17]

    //z 2014-01-09 08:11:15 T2058096711.K.F2461725675[T2,L60,R1,V7]
    x41 Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection

    //z 2013-07-16 11:30:51 IS2120@BG57IV3.T3418049101.K[T80,L883,R27,V1267]

    IS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3 @echo off Rem note : it depends on date , time format set TDate=%DATE:~-10% set THour=%TIME:~0,2% if %THour% LSS 10 set THour=0%TIME:~1,1% set TMin=%time:~3,2% set TSed=%time:~6,2% set TMs=%TIME:~-2% set OLDDIR=%CD% set FileTime=%1.%TDate%.%THour%_%TMin%_%TSed%.%TMs%.%2 ConvertFilenameToValid %FileTime% > %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt set /p FileTmp=<%TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt del %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt set File=e:\%FileTmp% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% @echo. CmdLine:%~d0%~p0%0 %* >>%File% @echo. WorkDir:%OLDDIR% >> %File% @echo. FileName:%File% >> %File% @echo. Time:%TDate% %THour%:%TMin%:%TSed%@HD.BG#B >> %File% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% IF "%3"=="" GOTO NOCONTEXT grep2 -i -S -n -A%3 -B%3 "%1" *.%2 >>%File% GOTO EOF :NOCONTEXT grep2 -i -S -n -A12 -B12 "%1" *.%2 >>%File% :EOF notepad++ %File% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% @echo on IS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3

    IS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3 @echo off Rem note : it depends on date , time format @rem -------------------------------------------- setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set start_time=%time% echo Beginning at: %TDate% %start_time% echo. @rem echo %* <-- Extension for all args -- easier than following line @rem echo %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 ... ... @rem DO YOUR WORK HERE -- see "call" / PAUSE is here to "fake" work @rem call userscript.bat %* set TDate=%DATE:~-10% set THour=%TIME:~0,2% if %THour% LSS 10 set THour=0%TIME:~1,1% set TMin=%time:~3,2% set TSed=%time:~6,2% set TMs=%TIME:~-2% set OLDDIR=%CD% set FileTime=%1.%TDate%.%THour%_%TMin%_%TSed%.%TMs%.%2 ConvertFilenameToValid %FileTime% > %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt set /p FileTmp=<%TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt del %TEMP%\tgrep_temp.txt set File=e:\%FileTmp% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% @echo. CmdLine:%~d0%~p0%0 %* >>%File% @echo. WorkDir:%OLDDIR% >> %File% @echo. FileName:%File% >> %File% @echo. Time:%TDate% %THour%:%TMin%:%TSed%.%TMs%@HD.BG#B >> %File% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% IF "%3"=="" GOTO NOCONTEXT grep2 -i -S -n -A%3 -B%3 "%1" *.%2 >>%File% GOTO EOF :NOCONTEXT grep2 -i -S -n -A12 -B12 "%1" *.%2 >>%File% :EOF set stop_time=%time% set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~0,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set start_hour=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~3,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set start_min=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~6,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set start_sec=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%start_time:~9,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set start_hundredths=%TEMPRESULT% set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~0,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set stop_hour=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~3,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set stop_min=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~6,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set stop_sec=%TEMPRESULT% @rem set TEMPRESULT=%stop_time:~9,2% call:FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS set stop_hundredths=%TEMPRESULT% set /A start_total=(((((%start_hour%*60)+%start_min%)*60)+%start_sec%)*100)+%start_hundredths% set /A stop_total=(((((%stop_hour%*60)+%stop_min%)*60)+%stop_sec%)*100)+%stop_hundredths% set /A total_time=%stop_total% - %start_total% set /A total_hundredths=%total_time% %% 100 set total_hundredths=00%total_hundredths% set total_hundredths=%total_hundredths:~-2% set /A total_time=%total_time% / 100 set /A total_sec="%total_time% %% 60" set total_sec=00%total_sec% set total_sec=%total_sec:~-2% set /A total_time=%total_time% / 60 set /A total_min="%total_time% %% 60" set total_min=00%total_min% set total_min=%total_min:~-2% set /A total_time=%total_time% / 60 set /A total_hour="%total_time% %% 60" @rem Handle if it wrapped around over midnight if "%total_hour:~0,1%"=="-" set /A total_hour=%total_hour% + 24 @rem Echo Time Stat @echo Start time: %TDate% %start_time% @echo Stop time : %TDate% %stop_time% @echo Total time: %total_hour%:%total_min%:%total_sec%.%total_hundredths% echo. >> %File% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% @echo. TGrep K >>%File% @echo. Start time: %TDate% %start_time% >>%File% @echo. Stop time : %TDate% %stop_time% >>%File% @echo. Total time: %total_hour%:%total_min%:%total_sec%.%total_hundredths% >>%File% echo +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ >> %File% notepad++ %File% @rem -------------------------------------------- @rem Exit the BAT Program endlocal @echo on goto END @rem -------------------------------------------- @rem FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS function @rem Used to remove leading zeros from Decimal @rem numbers so they are not treated as Octal. :FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS if "%TEMPRESULT%"=="0" goto END if "%TEMPRESULT:~0,1%" NEQ "0" goto END set TEMPRESULT=%TEMPRESULT:~1% goto FN_REMOVELEADINGZEROS @rem -------------------------------------------- @rem BAT PROGRAM / FUNCTION FILE EXIT :ENDIS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3

    先看看vim编辑器提供的色彩配置方案:首先进入vim的color目录(/usr/share/vim62/colors,不同的系统目录不同,建议在~/建立.vim目录,然后在些目录里建立对应的文件夹和文件)$ ls /usr/share/vim/vim62/colorsblue.vim delek.vim evening.vim murphy.vim README.txt torte.vimdarkblue.vim desert.vim koehler.vim pablo.vim ron.vim zellner.vimdefault.vim elflord.vim morning.vim peachpuff.vim shine.vim然后再自己的~HOME/建立一个 .vimrc文档 [$ vi .vimrc:colorscheme evening

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/IS2120/p/6746024.html
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