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  • Luogu4069 SDOI2016 游戏 树链剖分、李超线段树






    //this code is written by Itst
    using namespace std;
    int read(){
        int a = 0; bool f = 0; char c = getchar();
        while(!isdigit(c)){f = c == '-'; c = getchar();}
        while(isdigit(c)){a = a * 10 + c - 48; c = getchar();}
        return f ? -a : a;
    #define int long long
    #define ld long double
    struct line{
        int k , b;
        line(int _k = 0 , int _b = 123456789123456789ll) : k(_k) , b(_b){}
    ld sect(line a , line b){return 1.0 * (a.b - b.b) / (b.k - a.k);}
    const int _ = 1e5 + 7;
    struct Edge{
        int end , upEd , w;
    }Ed[_ << 1];
    int head[_] , fa[_] , dep[_] , len[_] , dfn[_] , ind[_] , top[_] , sz[_] , son[_];
    int N , M , cntEd , ts;
    void addEd(int a , int b , int c){
        Ed[++cntEd] = (Edge){b , head[a] , c};
        head[a] = cntEd;
    void dfs1(int x , int p){
        sz[x] = 1; fa[x] = p; dep[x] = dep[p] + 1;
        for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd)
            if(Ed[i].end != p){
                len[Ed[i].end] = len[x] + Ed[i].w;
                dfs1(Ed[i].end , x); sz[x] += sz[Ed[i].end];
                if(sz[Ed[i].end] > sz[son[x]]) son[x] = Ed[i].end;
    void dfs2(int x , int t){
        top[x] = t; ind[dfn[x] = ++ts] = x;
        if(!son[x]) return;
        dfs2(son[x] , t);
        for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd)
            if(Ed[i].end != fa[x] && Ed[i].end != son[x])
                dfs2(Ed[i].end , Ed[i].end);
    namespace segTree{
        line arr[_ << 2]; int mn[_ << 2] , pl[_ << 2] , pr[_ << 2];
    #define mid ((l + r) >> 1)
    #define lch (x << 1)
    #define rch (x << 1 | 1)
        void init(int x , int l , int r){
            pl[x] = l; pr[x] = r; mn[x] = 123456789123456789ll;
            if(l != r){
                init(lch , l , mid); init(rch , mid + 1, r);
        int calc(line A , int x){return A.k * x + A.b;}
        void up(int x){
            if(pl[x] != pr[x])
                mn[x] = min(min(mn[lch] , mn[rch]) , min(calc(arr[x] , len[ind[pl[x]]]) , calc(arr[x] , len[ind[pr[x]]])));
                mn[x] = min(calc(arr[x] , len[ind[pl[x]]]) , calc(arr[x] , len[ind[pr[x]]]));
        void insert(int x , int l , int r , int L , int R , line now){
            if(l >= L && r <= R){
                if(arr[x].k == now.k)
                    return (void)(arr[x] = arr[x].b < now.b ? arr[x] : now) , up(x);
                ld pos = sect(arr[x] , now);
                if(arr[x].k > now.k) swap(arr[x] , now);
                if(pos > len[ind[r]]) arr[x] = now;
                    if(!(pos < len[ind[l]]))
                        if(pos >= len[ind[mid]]){
                            swap(arr[x] , now);
                            if(l != r) insert(rch , mid + 1 , r , L , R , now);
                            if(l != r) insert(lch , l , mid , L , R , now);
                return up(x);
            if(mid >= L) insert(lch , l , mid , L , R , now);
            if(mid < R) insert(rch , mid + 1 , r , L , R , now);
        int query(int x , int l , int r , int L , int R){
            if(l >= L && r <= R) return mn[x];
            int ans = 123456789123456789ll;
            if(mid >= L) ans = query(lch , l , mid , L , R);
            if(mid < R) ans = min(ans , query(rch , mid + 1 , r , L , R));
            return min(ans , min(calc(arr[x] , len[ind[max(l , L)]]) , calc(arr[x] , len[ind[min(r , R)]])));
    int LCA(int x , int y){
        int tx = top[x] , ty = top[y];
        while(tx != ty){
            if(dep[tx] < dep[ty]){swap(tx , ty); swap(x , y);}
            x = fa[tx]; tx = top[x];
        return dfn[x] > dfn[y] ? y : x;
    void modify(int x , int y , int a , int b){
        int tx = top[x] , ty = top[y] , flgx = -1 , flgy = 1 , lx = 0 , ly = len[x] + len[y] - 2 * len[LCA(x , y)];
        while(tx != ty){
            if(dep[tx] < dep[ty]){swap(tx , ty); swap(flgx , flgy); swap(x , y); swap(lx , ly);}
            int _k = flgx * a , _b = lx * a + b - len[x] * _k;
            segTree::insert(1 , 1 , N , dfn[tx] , dfn[x] , line(_k , _b));
            lx += -flgx * (len[x] - len[fa[tx]]);
            x = fa[tx]; tx = top[x];
        if(dep[x] < dep[y]){swap(flgx , flgy); swap(x , y); swap(lx , ly);}
        int _k = flgx * a , _b = lx * a + b - len[x] * _k;
        segTree::insert(1 , 1 , N , dfn[y] , dfn[x] , line(_k , _b));
    int work(int x , int y){
        int tx = top[x] , ty = top[y] , ans = 123456789123456789ll;
        while(tx != ty){
            if(dep[tx] < dep[ty]){swap(tx , ty); swap(x , y);}
            ans = min(ans , segTree::query(1 , 1 , N , dfn[tx] , dfn[x]));
            x = fa[tx]; tx = top[x];
        return min(ans , segTree::query(1 , 1 , N , min(dfn[x] , dfn[y]) , max(dfn[x] , dfn[y])));
    signed main(){
    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
        N = read(); M = read();
        for(int i = 1 ; i < N ; ++i){
            int a = read() , b = read() , c = read();
            addEd(a , b , c); addEd(b , a , c);
        dfs1(1 , 0); dfs2(1 , 1); segTree::init(1 , 1 , N);
        for(int i = 1 ; i <= M ; ++i)
            if(read() == 1){
                int s = read() , t = read() , a = read() , b = read();
                modify(s , t , a , b);
                int s = read() , t = read();
    " , work(s , t));
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Itst/p/11009430.html
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