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  • [GE]手动截取当前活动窗口,并且按规则命名(1/2)

    Function Take-ScreenShot {
        Used to take a screenshot of the desktop or the active window.
        Used to take a screenshot of the desktop or the active window and save to an image file if needed.
    .PARAMETER screen
        Screenshot of the entire screen
    .PARAMETER activewindow
        Screenshot of the active window
    .PARAMETER file
        Name of the file to save as. Default is image.bmp
    .PARAMETER imagetype
        Type of image being saved. Can use JPEG,BMP,PNG. Default is bitmap(bmp)
    .PARAMETER print
        Sends the screenshot directly to your default printer
        Name: Take-ScreenShot
        Author: Boe Prox
        DateCreated: 07/25/2010
        Take-ScreenShot -activewindow
        Takes a screen shot of the active window
        Take-ScreenShot -Screen
        Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop
        Take-ScreenShot -activewindow -file "C:image.bmp" -imagetype bmp
        Takes a screenshot of the active window and saves the file named image.bmp with the image being bitmap
        Take-ScreenShot -screen -file "C:image.png" -imagetype png
        Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop and saves the file named image.png with the image being png
        Take-ScreenShot -Screen -print
        Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop and sends to a printer
        Take-ScreenShot -ActiveWindow -print
        Takes a screenshot of the active window and sends to a printer
    #Requires -Version 2
                    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
                    DefaultParameterSetName = "screen",
                    ConfirmImpact = "low"
    Param (
                Mandatory = $False,
                ParameterSetName = "screen",
                ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                ParameterSetName = "window",
                ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                ParameterSetName = "",
                ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
                Mandatory = $False,
                ParameterSetName = "",
                ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
                $imagetype = "bmp",
                Mandatory = $False,
                ParameterSetName = "",
                ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
    # C# code
    $code = @'
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging;
    namespace ScreenShotDemo
      /// <summary>
      /// Provides functions to capture the entire screen, or a particular window, and save it to a file.
      /// </summary>
      public class ScreenCapture
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Image object containing a screen shot the active window
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image CaptureActiveWindow()
          return CaptureWindow( User32.GetForegroundWindow() );
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Image object containing a screen shot of the entire desktop
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image CaptureScreen()
          return CaptureWindow( User32.GetDesktopWindow() );
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Image object containing a screen shot of a specific window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle">The handle to the window. (In windows forms, this is obtained by the Handle property)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Image CaptureWindow(IntPtr handle)
          // get te hDC of the target window
          IntPtr hdcSrc = User32.GetWindowDC(handle);
          // get the size
          User32.RECT windowRect = new User32.RECT();
          User32.GetWindowRect(handle,ref windowRect);
          int width = windowRect.right - windowRect.left;
          int height = windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top;
          // create a device context we can copy to
          IntPtr hdcDest = GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
          // create a bitmap we can copy it to,
          // using GetDeviceCaps to get the width/height
          IntPtr hBitmap = GDI32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcSrc,width,height);
          // select the bitmap object
          IntPtr hOld = GDI32.SelectObject(hdcDest,hBitmap);
          // bitblt over
          // restore selection
          // clean up
          // get a .NET image object for it
          Image img = Image.FromHbitmap(hBitmap);
          // free up the Bitmap object
          return img;
        /// <summary>
        /// Captures a screen shot of the active window, and saves it to a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        public void CaptureActiveWindowToFile(string filename, ImageFormat format)
          Image img = CaptureActiveWindow();
        /// <summary>
        /// Captures a screen shot of the entire desktop, and saves it to a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        public void CaptureScreenToFile(string filename, ImageFormat format)
          Image img = CaptureScreen();
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper class containing Gdi32 API functions
        /// </summary>
        private class GDI32
          public const int SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020; // BitBlt dwRop parameter
          public static extern bool BitBlt(IntPtr hObject,int nXDest,int nYDest,
            int nWidth,int nHeight,IntPtr hObjectSource,
            int nXSrc,int nYSrc,int dwRop);
          public static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleBitmap(IntPtr hDC,int nWidth,
            int nHeight);
          public static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr hDC);
          public static extern bool DeleteDC(IntPtr hDC);
          public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);
          public static extern IntPtr SelectObject(IntPtr hDC,IntPtr hObject);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper class containing User32 API functions
        /// </summary>
        private class User32
          public struct RECT
            public int left;
            public int top;
            public int right;
            public int bottom;
          public static extern IntPtr GetDesktopWindow();
          public static extern IntPtr GetWindowDC(IntPtr hWnd);
          public static extern IntPtr ReleaseDC(IntPtr hWnd,IntPtr hDC);
          public static extern IntPtr GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd,ref RECT rect);
          public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
    #User Add-Type to import the code
    add-type $code -ReferencedAssemblies 'System.Windows.Forms','System.Drawing'
    #Create the object for the Function
    $capture = New-Object ScreenShotDemo.ScreenCapture
    #Take screenshot of the entire screen
    If ($Screen) {
        Write-Verbose "Taking screenshot of entire desktop"
        #Save to a file
        If ($file) {
            If ($file -eq "") {
                $file = "$pwdimage.bmp"
            Write-Verbose "Creating screen file: $file with imagetype of $imagetype"
        ElseIf ($print) {
            $img = $Capture.CaptureScreen()
            $pd = New-Object System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
            $pd.Add_PrintPage({$_.Graphics.DrawImage(([System.Drawing.Image]$img), 0, 0)})
        Else {
    #Take screenshot of the active window
    If ($ActiveWindow) {
        Write-Verbose "Taking screenshot of the active window"
        #Save to a file
        If ($file) {
            If ($file -eq "") {
                $file = "$pwdimage.bmp"
            Write-Verbose "Creating activewindow file: $file with imagetype of $imagetype"
        ElseIf ($print) {
            $img = $Capture.CaptureActiveWindow()
            $pd = New-Object System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
            $pd.Add_PrintPage({$_.Graphics.DrawImage(([System.Drawing.Image]$img), 0, 0)})
        Else {
    $datetime = (Get-Date).Tostring("yyyyMMdd")
    $lastday = ((Get-Date 0).AddYears((Get-Date).Year - 1).AddMonths((Get-Date).Month).AddDays(-1)).Day
    switch($null) {
        {(Get-Date).Day -eq $lastday} {$filename = "Monthly backup " + $datetime}
        {(Get-Date).DayOfWeek -ne "Friday" -or "Saturday" -or "Sunday" -and (Get-Date).Day -ne $lastday} {$filename = "Daily backup " + $datetime}
        {(Get-Date).DayOfWeek -eq "Friday" -and (Get-Date).Day -ne $lastday} {$filename = "Weekly backup " + $datetime}
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    Take-ScreenShot -activewindow -imagetype jpeg -file "C:ScreenShot$filename.JPEG"
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