/*Qmenu Style Sheets*/ QMenu { background-color: white; /* sets background of the menu 设置整个菜单区域的背景色,我用的是白色:white*/ border: 1px solid white;/*整个菜单区域的边框粗细、样式、颜色*/ } QMenu::item { /* sets background of menu item. set this to something non-transparent if you want menu color and menu item color to be different */ background-color: transparent; padding:8px 32px;/*设置菜单项文字上下和左右的内边距,效果就是菜单中的条目左右上下有了间隔*/ margin:0px 8px;/*设置菜单项的外边距*/ border-bottom:1px solid #DBDBDB;/*为菜单项之间添加横线间隔*/ } QMenu::item:selected { /* when user selects item using mouse or keyboard */ background-color: #2dabf9;/*这一句是设置菜单项鼠标经过选中的样式*/ }
Customizing QMenu Individual items of a QMenu are styled using the 'item' subcontrol as follows: QMenu{ background-color:#ABABAB; /* sets background of the menu */ border:1px solid black; } QMenu::item { /* sets background of menu item. set this to something non-transparent if you want menu color and menu item color to be different */ background-color: transparent; } QMenu::item:selected {/* when user selects item using mouse or keyboard */ background-color:#654321; } For a more advanced customization, use a style sheet as follows: QMenu{ background-color: white; margin:2px;/* some spacing around the menu */ } QMenu::item { padding:2px25px2px20px; border:1px solid transparent;/* reserve space for selection border */ } QMenu::item:selected { border-color: darkblue; background: rgba(100,100,100,150); } QMenu::icon:checked{/* appearance of a 'checked' icon */ background: gray; border:1px inset gray; position: absolute; top:1px; right:1px; bottom:1px; left:1px; } QMenu::separator { height:2px; background: lightblue; margin-left:10px; margin-right:5px; } QMenu::indicator { width:13px; height:13px; } /* non-exclusive indicator = check box style indicator (see QActionGroup::setExclusive) */ QMenu::indicator:non-exclusive:unchecked{ image: url(:/images/checkbox_unchecked.png); } QMenu::indicator:non-exclusive:unchecked:selected { image: url(:/images/checkbox_unchecked_hover.png); } QMenu::indicator:non-exclusive:checked{ image: url(:/images/checkbox_checked.png); } QMenu::indicator:non-exclusive:checked:selected { image: url(:/images/checkbox_checked_hover.png); } /* exclusive indicator = radio button style indicator (see QActionGroup::setExclusive) */ QMenu::indicator:exclusive:unchecked{ image: url(:/images/radiobutton_unchecked.png); } QMenu::indicator:exclusive:unchecked:selected { image: url(:/images/radiobutton_unchecked_hover.png); } QMenu::indicator:exclusive:checked{ image: url(:/images/radiobutton_checked.png); } QMenu::indicator:exclusive:checked:selected { image: url(:/images/radiobutton_checked_hover.png); } Customizing QMenuBar QMenuBar is styled as follows: QMenuBar{ background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 lightgray, stop:1 darkgray); } QMenuBar::item { spacing:3px;/* spacing between menu bar items */ padding:1px4px; background: transparent; border-radius:4px; } QMenuBar::item:selected {/* when selected using mouse or keyboard */ background:#a8a8a8; } QMenuBar::item:pressed { background:#888888; }