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  • C# 自定义箭头组件



        1) 箭头方向属性左、右、上、下;

        2) 颜色渐变,且颜色任意调整;

        3) 箭头大小位置任意调整;

        4) 其他。


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections;
      3 using System.ComponentModel;
      4 using System.Drawing;
      5 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
      6 using System.Data;
      7 using System.Windows.Forms;
      8 using System.ComponentModel.Design;
     10 namespace TestControls
     11 {
     12     #region enum
     13     /// <summary>
     14     /// 颜色填充方向
     15     /// </summary>
     16     public enum LinearGradientDirection
     17     {
     18         Vertical,
     19         Horizontal
     20     }
     22     /// <summary>
     23     /// 箭头方向
     24     /// </summary>
     25     public enum ArrowStyleType
     26     {
     27         None,
     28         Left,
     29         Right,
     30         Top,
     31         Bottom,
     32         LeftRight,
     33         TopBottom,
     34         UpBow,
     35         DownBow,
     36         LeftBow,
     37         RightBow,
     38     }
     39     #endregion
     41     public partial class ArrowLine : System.Windows.Forms.Control
     42     {
     43         #region 变量
     44         //private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
     45         private PointF[] m_pnts = null;                              // 箭头点坐标
     46         GraphicsPath m_gp = new GraphicsPath();                      // 绘制路径
     47         private Color m_ColorS = Color.WhiteSmoke;                  // 起始渐变色
     48         private Color m_ColorE = Color.DarkGray;
     49         private Color m_NormalStartColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;      // 常规起始渐变色
     50         private Color m_NormalEndColor = Color.DarkGray;
     51         private LinearGradientDirection m_lgdirect = LinearGradientDirection.Horizontal;
     52         private ArrowStyleType m_ArrowType = ArrowStyleType.None; // 箭头类型
     53         private float m_ArrowLength = 8.0f;                       // 箭标长度
     54         private float m_ArrowBodyWidth = 8.0f;                    // 箭身宽度
     56         private float m_BowHeight = 4.0f;                         // 弓长度
     57         private float m_BowWidth = 4.0f;                          // 弓宽度
     58         private bool m_antiAlias = false;                         // 反走样绘制
     60         private bool m_FrameEnabled = false;
     61         private int m_pCount = 8;
     63         private const int MINSIZE = 2;                        // 最小大小
     64         #endregion
     66         #region 属性
     67         /// <summary>
     68         /// 开始渐变颜色
     69         /// </summary>
     70         public Color NormalStartColor
     71         {
     72             get { return m_NormalStartColor; }
     73             set { m_NormalStartColor = value; Refresh(); }
     74         }
     76         /// <summary>
     77         ///结束渐变颜色
     78         /// </summary>
     79         public Color NormalEndColor
     80         {
     81             get { return m_NormalEndColor; }
     82             set { m_NormalEndColor = value; Refresh(); }
     83         }
     85         /// <summary>
     86         /// 渐变色方向
     87         /// </summary>
     88         public LinearGradientDirection ColorLinearDirection
     89         {
     90             get { return m_lgdirect; }
     91             set { m_lgdirect = value; Refresh(); }
     92         }
     95         /// <summary>
     96         /// 是否有立体框架
     97         /// </summary>
     98         public bool FrameEnabled
     99         {
    100             get { return m_FrameEnabled; }
    101             set { m_FrameEnabled = value; Refresh(); }
    102         }
    104         /// <summary>
    105         /// 箭头类型
    106         /// </summary>
    107         public ArrowStyleType ArrowStyle
    108         {
    109             get { return m_ArrowType; }
    110             set
    111             {
    112                 m_ArrowType = value;
    113                 Clear();
    114                 Init();
    115                 Refresh();
    116             }
    117         }
    119         /// <summary>
    120         /// 箭标长度
    121         /// </summary>
    122         public float ArrowLength
    123         {
    124             get { return m_ArrowLength; }
    125             set
    126             {
    127                 m_ArrowLength = value;
    128                 // AdjustmentBodyWH();
    129                 Clear();
    130                 Init();
    131                 Refresh();
    132             }
    133         }
    135         /// <summary>
    136         /// 箭身宽度
    137         /// </summary>
    138         public float ArrowBodyWidth
    139         {
    140             get { return m_ArrowBodyWidth; }
    141             set
    142             {
    143                 m_ArrowBodyWidth = value;
    144                 //AdjustmentBodyWH();
    145                 Clear();
    146                 Init();
    147                 Refresh();
    148             }
    149         }
    151         /// <summary>
    152         /// 弓长度
    153         /// </summary>
    154         public float BowHeight
    155         {
    156             get { return m_BowHeight; }
    157             set
    158             {
    159                 m_BowHeight = value;
    160                 Clear();
    161                 Init();
    162                 Refresh();
    163             }
    164         }
    166         /// <summary>
    167         /// 弓宽度
    168         /// </summary>
    169         public float BowWidth
    170         {
    171             get { return m_BowWidth; }
    172             set
    173             {
    174                 m_BowWidth = value;
    175                 Clear();
    176                 Init();
    177                 Refresh();
    178             }
    179         }
    181         /// <summary>
    182         /// 反走样
    183         /// </summary>
    184         public bool AntiAlias
    185         {
    186             get { return m_antiAlias; }
    187             set
    188             {
    189                 m_antiAlias = value;
    190                 Clear();
    191                 Init();
    192                 Refresh();
    193             }
    194         }
    196         private bool m_LinearGradientUsingClient = true;  //渐变色使用客户区
    197         /// <summary>
    198         /// 渐变色使用是否只使用控件客户区
    199         /// </summary>
    200         public bool LinearGradientUsingClient
    201         {
    202             get { return m_LinearGradientUsingClient; }
    203             set
    204             {
    206                 m_LinearGradientUsingClient = value;
    207                 {
    208                     Clear();
    209                     Init();
    210                     Refresh();
    211                 }
    212             }
    213         }
    215         private Rectangle m_LinearGradientRect;
    216         /// <summary>
    217         /// 渐变色使用区区域范围
    218         /// </summary>
    219         public Rectangle LinearGradientRect
    220         {
    221             get { return m_LinearGradientRect; }
    222             set
    223             {
    225                 m_LinearGradientRect = value;
    226                 {
    227                     Clear();
    228                     Init();
    229                     Refresh();
    230                 }
    231             }
    232         }
    233         #endregion
    235         #region 构造函数
    236         public ArrowLine()
    237         {
    238             InitializeComponent();
    239             Init();
    241             SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
    242             SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
    243             SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
    244             SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
    245             SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
    246             SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
    247             SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
    248             this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
    250             m_LinearGradientRect = this.ClientRectangle;
    251         }
    253         public ArrowLine(IContainer container)
    254         {
    255             container.Add(this);
    256             InitializeComponent();
    257         }
    258         #endregion
    260         #region 继承函数
    262         /// <summary>
    263         /// Resize
    264         /// </summary>
    265         /// <param name="e"></param>
    266         protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
    267         {
    268             Clear();
    269             Init();
    270             Refresh();
    271         }
    273         /// <summary>
    274         /// Paint
    275         /// </summary>
    276         /// <param name="e"></param>
    277         protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
    278         {
    279             m_ColorS = NormalStartColor;
    280             m_ColorE = NormalEndColor;
    282             Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle;
    283             if (m_LinearGradientUsingClient)
    284             {
    285                 rect = this.ClientRectangle;
    286             }
    287             else
    288             {
    289                 rect = this.RectangleToClient(m_LinearGradientRect);
    290             }
    293             LinearGradientBrush b = null;
    294             if (ColorLinearDirection == LinearGradientDirection.Horizontal)
    295             {
    296                 b = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, m_ColorS, m_ColorE, 0, false);
    297             }
    298             else
    299             {
    300                 b = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, m_ColorS, m_ColorE, 90, false);
    301             }
    303             // 设计模式
    304             if (this.DesignMode != true)
    305             {
    306                 e.Graphics.SetClip(m_gp);
    307             }
    309             //反走样
    310             if (m_antiAlias)
    311             {
    312                 e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
    313             }
    314             else
    315             {
    316                 e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
    317             }
    319             e.Graphics.FillPath(b, m_gp);  //填充路径
    320             b.Dispose();
    322             //划框
    323             if (m_FrameEnabled)
    324             {
    325                 ColorArrowFrame(e);
    326             }
    327         }
    329         #endregion
    331         #region 方法
    333         private void Clear()
    334         {
    335             m_pnts = null;
    336             m_gp.Reset();
    337         }
    339         private void ColorArrowFrame(PaintEventArgs e)
    340         {
    341             Pen p1 = null;
    342             {
    343                 if (this.Width < this.Height)
    344                 {
    345                     for (int i = 0; i < m_pCount - 1; i++)
    346                     {
    347                         if (m_pnts[i].Y <= m_pnts[i + 1].Y)
    348                         {
    349                             p1 = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlLightLight, 1f);
    350                         }
    351                         else
    352                         {
    353                             p1 = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark, 1f);
    354                         }
    355                         e.Graphics.DrawLine(p1, m_pnts[i].X, m_pnts[i].Y, m_pnts[i + 1].X, m_pnts[i + 1].Y);
    356                     }
    357                 }
    358                 else
    359                 {
    360                     for (int i = 0; i < m_pCount - 1; i++)
    361                     {
    362                         if (m_pnts[i].Y > m_pnts[i + 1].Y)
    363                         {
    364                             p1 = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlLightLight, 1f);
    365                         }
    366                         else
    367                         {
    368                             p1 = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark, 1f);
    369                         }
    370                         e.Graphics.DrawLine(p1, m_pnts[i].X, m_pnts[i].Y, m_pnts[i + 1].X, m_pnts[i + 1].Y);
    371                     }
    372                 }
    373             }
    375         }
    377         /// <summary>
    378         /// Sequence to create the button
    379         /// </summary>
    380         private void Init()
    381         {
    382             MakeSquare();
    384             float dx = this.Width - 2;
    385             float dy = this.Height - 2;
    387             if (m_FrameEnabled == false)
    388             {
    389                 dx = this.Width;
    390                 dy = this.Height;
    391             }
    393             // 产生箭头坐标
    394             BuildInitialArrow();
    396             // 绘制
    397             GraphicsPathFromPoints(m_pnts, m_gp);
    399         }
    401         private void MakeSquare()
    402         {
    403             this.SuspendLayout();
    404             if (this.Width < MINSIZE)
    405             {
    406                 this.Size = new Size(MINSIZE, MINSIZE);
    407             }
    408             else
    409             {
    410                 //if ( this.Size.Width < this.Size.Height )
    411                 //{
    412                 //    this.Size = new Size ( this.Size.Width, this.Size.Width );
    413                 //}
    414                 //else
    415                 //{
    416                 //    this.Size = new Size ( this.Size.Height, this.Size.Height );
    417                 //}
    418             }
    419             this.ResumeLayout();
    420         }
    422         /// <summary>
    423         /// 创建箭头点
    424         /// </summary>
    425         private void BuildInitialArrow()
    426         {
    427             // AdjustmentBodyWH();
    429             float dx = this.Width - 2;
    430             float dy = this.Height - 2;
    432             if (m_FrameEnabled == false)
    433             {
    434                 dx = this.Width;
    435                 dy = this.Height;
    436             }
    438             switch (m_ArrowType)
    439             {
    440                 case ArrowStyleType.None:
    441                     m_pCount = 5;
    442                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    444                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, 0);
    445                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(dx, 0);
    446                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx, dy);
    447                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(0, dy);
    448                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(0, 0);
    449                     break;
    450                 case ArrowStyleType.Top:
    451                     m_pCount = 8;
    452                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    454                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, dy);
    455                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, m_ArrowLength);
    456                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(0, m_ArrowLength);
    457                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx / 2f, 0);
    458                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx, m_ArrowLength);
    459                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, m_ArrowLength);
    460                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, dy);
    461                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, dy);
    462                     break;
    463                 case ArrowStyleType.Left:
    464                     m_pCount = 8;
    465                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    466                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(dx, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    467                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    468                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, 0);
    469                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f);
    470                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy);
    471                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    472                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    473                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(dx, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    474                     break;
    475                 case ArrowStyleType.Right:
    476                     m_pCount = 8;
    477                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    478                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    479                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    480                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, 0);
    481                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx, dy / 2f);
    482                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy);
    483                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    484                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    485                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    486                     break;
    487                 case ArrowStyleType.Bottom:
    488                     m_pCount = 8;
    489                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    490                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, 0);
    491                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    492                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(0, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    493                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx / 2f, dy);
    494                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    495                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    496                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, 0);
    497                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF((dx - m_ArrowBodyWidth) / 2f, 0);
    498                     break;
    499                 case ArrowStyleType.LeftRight:
    500                     m_pCount = 11;
    501                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    502                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f);
    503                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, 0);
    504                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    505                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    506                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, 0);
    507                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx, dy / 2f);
    508                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy);
    509                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(dx - m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    510                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f);
    511                     m_pnts[9] = new PointF(m_ArrowLength, dy);
    512                     m_pnts[10] = new PointF(0, dy / 2f);
    513                     break;
    514                 case ArrowStyleType.TopBottom:
    515                     m_pCount = 11;
    516                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    517                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(dx / 2f, dy);
    518                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(0, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    519                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    520                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx / 2f - m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, m_ArrowLength);
    521                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(0, m_ArrowLength);
    522                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx / 2f, 0);
    523                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx, m_ArrowLength);
    524                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, m_ArrowLength);
    525                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(dx / 2f + m_ArrowBodyWidth / 2f, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    526                     m_pnts[9] = new PointF(dx, dy - m_ArrowLength);
    527                     m_pnts[10] = new PointF(dx / 2f, dy);
    528                     break;
    529                 case ArrowStyleType.UpBow:
    530                     m_pCount = 9;
    531                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    532                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, 0);
    533                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(0, dy);
    534                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx, dy);
    535                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx, 0);
    536                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, 0);
    537                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, dy - m_BowHeight);
    538                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, dy - m_BowHeight);
    539                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, 0);
    540                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(0, 0);
    541                     break;
    542                 case ArrowStyleType.DownBow:
    543                     m_pCount = 9;
    544                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    545                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, dy);
    546                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(0, 0);
    547                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx, 0);
    548                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(dx, dy);
    549                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, dy);
    550                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, m_BowHeight);
    551                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, m_BowHeight);
    552                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, dy);
    553                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(0, dy);
    554                     break;
    555                 case ArrowStyleType.LeftBow:
    556                     m_pCount = 9;
    557                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    558                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, 0);
    559                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(dx, 0);
    560                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx, dy);
    561                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(0, dy);
    562                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(0, dy - m_BowHeight);
    563                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, dy - m_BowHeight);
    564                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx - m_BowWidth, m_BowHeight);
    565                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(0, m_BowHeight);
    566                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(0, 0);
    567                     break;
    568                 case ArrowStyleType.RightBow:
    569                     m_pCount = 9;
    570                     m_pnts = new PointF[m_pCount];
    571                     m_pnts[0] = new PointF(0, 0);
    572                     m_pnts[1] = new PointF(dx, 0);
    573                     m_pnts[2] = new PointF(dx, m_BowHeight);
    574                     m_pnts[3] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, m_BowHeight);
    575                     m_pnts[4] = new PointF(m_BowWidth, dy - m_BowHeight);
    576                     m_pnts[5] = new PointF(dx, dy - m_BowHeight);
    577                     m_pnts[6] = new PointF(dx, dy);
    578                     m_pnts[7] = new PointF(0, dy);
    579                     m_pnts[8] = new PointF(0, 0);
    580                     break;
    582                 default:
    583                     break;
    584             }
    585         }
    588         private void GraphicsPathFromPoints(PointF[] pnts, GraphicsPath gp)
    589         {
    590             for (int i = 0; i < pnts.Length - 1; i++)
    591             {
    592                 gp.AddLine(pnts[i].X, pnts[i].Y, pnts[i + 1].X, pnts[i + 1].Y);
    593             }
    594         }
    596         //protected override void PostFilterProperties(IDictionary Properties)
    597         //{
    598         //    Properties.Remove("AllowDrop");
    599         //    Properties.Remove("BackColor");
    600         //    Properties.Remove("BackgroundImage");
    601         //    Properties.Remove("ContextMenu");
    602         //    Properties.Remove("FlatStyle");
    603         //    Properties.Remove("Image");
    604         //    Properties.Remove("ImageAlign");
    605         //    Properties.Remove("ImageIndex");
    606         //    Properties.Remove("ImageList");
    607         //    Properties.Remove("TextAlign");
    608         //    Properties.Remove("Text");
    609         //    Properties.Remove("Enabled");
    610         //}
    611         #endregion
    612     }
    613 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jins/p/3122781.html
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