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  • 当启动文档转换负载平衡器服务时出现如下问题The system cannot find the file specified的解决方案

    "The system cannot find the file specified" error message when you try to connect to a Terminal Server that is located on a Small Business Server 2003 domain
    当您尝试建立一个终端服务器会话到Microsoft Windows Server 2003的成员服务器或Microsoft Windows 2000的成员服务器是基于微软Small Business Server(SBS)的2003域上,您会收到以下错误信息:
    The system cannot find the file specified.该系统找不到指定的文件。 The working directory is invalid: %allusersprofile\Application Data\Microsoft\BackOffice\Management\.工作目录无效:%allusersprofile \应用数据\微软\后台\管理\。
    Please check the working directory in the client configuration.请检查在客户端配置工作目录。
    Note This problem does not occur if you use an administrator account to establish the Terminal Server session. 注意 :此问题不会发生如果您使用的管理员帐户,建立终端服务器会话。


    • You use the Add User Wizard to create a user account.您使用添加用户向导创建一个用户帐户。
    • The Allow logon to Terminal Server option is selected on the Connection Access page of the Add User Wizard. 允许登录到终端服务器的选择是在添加用户向导连接访问选择页面。
    This combination of settings changes the following user environment settings:这种设置的组合变化下面的用户环境设置:
    • The Start the following program at logon option is enabled.开始就在登录选项下面的程序已启用。
    • Mmc.exe MySBSConsole.msc is entered in the Program file name area. Mmc.exe中MySBSConsole.msc输入的程序文件的名称领域。
    • %allusersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\BackOffice\Management\ is entered in the Start in area. %allusersprofile%\应用数据\微软\后台\管理\是在开始进入地区。
    These settings are not valid when Terminal Services is running on a computer other than the SBS 2000-based server.这些设置不是有效的终端服务时,计算机上比其他基于SBS 2000的运行的服务器。 Both the program that is specified in the Start the following program at logon area and the path that is specified in the Start in area are valid only on the SBS 2000-based server.无论是中指定开始在登录区域下面的程序 ,并认为是在开始指定区域路径程序仅适用于在SBS 2000的服务器上。

    要解决此问题,清除开始在登录复选框下面的程序To do this, follow these steps:为此,请按照下列步骤:
    1. Click Start , point to Programs , point to Administrative Tools , and then click Active Directory Users and Computers .单击开始 ,指向程序 ,指向管理工具 ,然后单击 Active Directory 用户和计算机
    2. Right-click the affected user, and then click Properties .右键单击受影响的用户,然后单击属性
    3. Click the Environment tab.单击环境选项卡。
    4. Click to clear the Start the following program at logon check box, and then click OK .单击以清除登录时启动下列程序复选框,然后单击确定


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/KingStar/p/1583204.html
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