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  • Mybatis中and和or的细节处理


    <select id="listSelectAllBusiness">
            select * from ***
            <if test="a!= null">
                a = #{a}
            <if test="b!= null">
                and b in
                <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
            <if test="c!= null">
                and name like '%${c}%' or code like '%${c}%'
                order by id desc
                limit #{limit} offset #{page}

    这样写的错误是如果a==null那么第二个条件中就会多一个and,语句会变成select * from *** where and b in (...),而如果条件全都不满足的话SQL会变成select * from *** where order by id desc limit...解决办法:加上<where>标签,如下:

    <select id="listSelectAllBusiness">
            select * from ***
            <if test="a!= null">
                a = #{a}
            <if test="b!= null">
                and b in
                <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
            <if test="c!= null">
                and name like '%${c}%' or code like '%${c}%'
                order by id desc
                limit #{limit} offset #{page}

    如上代码所示,加上一个<where>标签即可,where标签会自动识别,如果前面条件不满足的话,会自己去掉and。如果满足的话会自己加上and。但是这句语句还是有问题,就是c条件里的语句里面有一个or,如果前面全部ab条件中有满足的话就会形成这样的SQL,select * from *** where a = ? and name like '%%' or code like '%%',这条就类似SQL注入了,只要后面or条件满足都能查出来,不满足需求。解决办法:给c条件的语句加上(),如下:

    <select id="listSelectAllBusiness">
            select * from ***
            <if test="a!= null">
                a = #{a}
            <if test="b!= null">
                and b in
                <foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
            <if test="c!= null">
                and (name like '%${c}%' or code like '%${c}%')
                order by id desc
                limit #{limit} offset #{page}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Kingram/p/9981957.html
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