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  • SQL_50题

    select a.S# from
    (select S#,score from sc where C#=1001) a,
    (select S#,score from sc where C# = 1002) b
    where a.score>b.score and a.s#=b.s#;

    select S# as 学号,avg(score) as 平均成绩 from sc group by S# having avg(score) > 60;

    select sc.S# as 学号,Sname as 姓名,count(sc.c#) as 选棵数,sum(score) as 总成绩
    from sc,student s where sc.s# = s.s# group by sc.S#,Sname;

    select count(*) from teacher where Tname like '张%';

    select S# as 学号,Sname as 姓名 from student where S# not in(
    select S# from sc,course c,teacher t where sc.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t# and t.tname = '叶平');

    select sc.S#,Sname from sc,student s where sc.s# = s.s# and sc.C# = 1001 and
    exists(select * from sc sc2 where sc.s# = sc2.s# and sc2.c#=1002)
    -- 如果没有查询到结果,返回false,前面的查询不在执行

    select S#,Sname from student where S# in (
    select sc.S# from sc,course c,teacher t where sc.c#=c.c# and c.t#=t.t#
    and Tname = '叶平' group by S# having count(sc.C#) = (
    select count(C#) from course c,teacher t where c.t#=t.t#
    and Tname = '叶平'))

    select S#,Sname from student where S# in (
    select a.S# from (select S#,score from sc where C#=1001) a,
    (select S#,score from sc where C#=1002) b where a.score < b.score and a.s#=b.s#);

    select S#,Sname from student where S# not in (
    select S# from sc where score > 60 );

    select sc.s#,Sname from sc,student s where sc.s#=s.s# group by sc.S#,Sname
    having count(sc.C#) < (select count(*) from course );

    select sc.S#,Sname from sc,student s
    where sc.s#=s.s# and sc.c# in (select C# from sc where s#=1)
    group by sc.S#,Sname;

    select distinct S# from sc where C# in(
    select C# from sc where S#=1)

    update sc
    set score =
    (select avg(score)
    from sc
    where c# =
    (select c#
    from course
    where t# = (select t# from teacher where tname = '叶平')))
    where c# = (select c#
    from course
    where t# = (select t# from teacher where tname = '叶平'));

    -- (14)查询和“002”号的同学学习的课程完全相同的其他同学学号和姓名;

    select student.S#, sname
    from student
    join sc
    on student.s# = sc.s#
    where C# in (select C# from SC where S# = '1')
    group by student.S#, sname
    having count(*) = (select count(*) from SC where S# = '1');
    delete from sc
    where c# = (select c#
    from course, teacher
    where course.t# = teacher.t#
    and tname = '叶平')

    select * from sc;
    insert into sc select s.S#,1002,(select avg(score) from sc where C#=1002)
    from Student s where S# not in(select S# from sc where C#=1002)

    -- (17)按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,
    --按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分;
    select t.S#,
    (select sc.score from sc where sc.s#=t.s# and sc.c#=1001) as 语文,
    (select sc.score from sc where sc.s#=t.s# and sc.c#=1002) as 数学,
    (select sc.score from sc where sc.s#=t.s# and sc.c#=1003) as 英语,
    count(t.c#) as 课程数,
    avg(t.score) as 平均分
    from sc t group by t.s# order by avg(t.score)

    select C#,max(score),min(score) from sc group by C#


    select C#,avg(score),sum(case when score>=80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)*100 || '%' as 及格率
    from sc group by C# order by avg(score) asc;

    -- 数学(001),马克语文思(002),英语 (003),物理(004)
    select avg(a.score) as 语文平均成绩,
    sum(case when sc.c#=1001 and sc.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when sc.c#=1001 then 1 else 0 end)*100
    || '%' as 语文及格率,
    avg(a.score) as 数学平均成绩,
    sum(case when sc.c#=1002 and sc.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when sc.c#=1002 then 1 else 0 end)*100
    || '%' as 数学及格率,
    avg(a.score) as 英语平均成绩,
    sum(case when sc.c#=1002 and sc.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when sc.c#=1003 then 1 else 0 end)*100
    || '%' as 英语及格率
    (select score from sc where c#=1001) a,
    (select score from sc where c#=1002) b,
    (select score from sc where c#=1003) c,sc

    select sc.c#, course.cname, teacher.tname, avg(score)
    from teacher, sc, course
    where teacher.t# = course.t#
    and course.c# = sc.c#
    group by sc.c#, course.cname, teacher.tname
    order by avg(score) desc

    --23、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
    select sc.c# as 课程号,Cname as 课程名,
    sum(case when score between 85 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) as "[100-85]",
    sum(case when score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end) as "[85-70]",
    sum(case when score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end) as "[70-60]",
    sum(case when score < 60 then 1 else 0 end) as "[ <60] "

    from sc,course c where sc.c#=c.c# group by sc.c#,Cname


    select C#,S#,score from
    (select S#,C#,score,rank() over(partition by C# order by score desc) rn from sc)
    where rn<=3 order by C#,S#;

    select C#,count(s#) from sc group by C#;

    select sc.S#,Sname from student s,sc where sc.s#=s.s# group by sc.s#,Sname having count(sc.c#)=1

    select distinct
    (select count(1) from student where ssex='m') as 男生人数,
    (select count(1) from student where ssex='w') as 女生人数
    from student group by student.ssex;

    select sname from student where sname like '张%'

    select Sname,count(*) from student group by Sname having count(*) > 1;


    --select to_number(Sage) from Student; --将varchar2转为number
    --select to_number(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')) from dual;

    select S#,Sname from Student where Sage=(
    select to_number(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy'))-1999 from dual


    select C#, avg(score) from sc group by C# order by avg(score) ,C# desc

    select sc.S#,Sname,avg(score) from sc,student s where sc.s#=s.s# having avg(score)>85 group by sc.S#,Sname

    select s.Sname,score from Student s,sc,course c where
    s.s#=sc.s# and sc.c#=c.c# and c.cname='数学' and sc.score<80;

    -- 35、查询所有学生的选课情况;??????????
    select s.S#,s.Sname,c.Cname from Student s,sc,course c where s.s#=sc.s#
    and sc.c#=c.c# group by s.S#,s.Sname,c.Cname order by s.S# ;

    -- 36、查询任何一门课程成绩在70分以上的姓名、课程名称和分数;
    select Sname,c.Cname,score from Student s,course c,sc where
    s.s#=sc.s# and sc.c#=c.c# and sc.score>70 order by s.s#;

    -- 37、查询不及格的课程,并按课程号从大到小排列
    select c# from sc where score<60 order by C# desc;

    select sc.s#,sc.c#,Sname from sc, student s where sc.s#=s.s# and C#=1003 and score>80;

    select count(distinct S#) from sc

    select Sname,score from sc,student s,course c,teacher t where
    sc.s#=s.s# and c.c#=sc.c# and c.t#=t.t# and t.tname='张老师'
    and score=(select max(score) from sc sc2 where sc2.s#=s.s#)

    select C#,count(S#) from sc group by C# order by C#;

    select distinct a.S#,a.C#,b.score from sc a,sc b where a.score=b.score and a.c#<>b.c#;

    select * from (select S#,C#,score,row_number() over(partition by C# order by score desc) rn
    from sc) where rn<=2;

    select C# as 课程号, count(S#) as 选修人数 from sc group by C#
    having count(S#)>4 order by count(S#) desc,C# asc;

    select S#, count(C#) from sc group by S# having count(C#)>=2;

    select sc.C#,c.Cname from course c,sc where c.c#=sc.c# group by sc.c#,c.Cname
    having count(sc.c#)=(select count(*) from Student)


    select sc.C#,c.Cname from SC sc,Course c
    where sc.C#=c.C#
    group by sc.C#,c.Cname
    having COUNT(sc.S#)=(select COUNT(distinct s.S#) from Student s)

    select S#,Sname from student where S# not in(
    select S# from SC where C# in(
    select C# from course where T#=(select T# from teacher where Tname='张叶平老师')))

    select sname
    from student
    where s# not in (select s#
    from sc, course, teacher
    where sc.c# = course.c#
    and teacher.t# = course.t#
    and tname = '叶平')


    select s#, avg(score)
    from sc
    where s# in (select sc2.s#
    from sc sc2
    where sc2.score < 79
    group by sc2.s#
    having count(sc2.c#) > 2)
    group by s#


    select S#,score from sc where C#=1004 and score>60 order by score desc;

    delete from sc where S#=1 and C#=1001

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LLLaoJia/p/11213875.html
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