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  • Codeforces Round #600 (Div. 2) [A-E]

    Codeforces Round #600 (Div. 2)

    A. Single Push


    你可以进行最多一次操作:选择三个数(l, r, k),且(1le lle rle n)(k>0)。使得(a)数组可以转化为(b)数组。

    Note: (n le 100;000)




    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define DEBUG 0
    // #define int long long
    #define pb push_back
    #define vt std::vector
    #define lb lower_bound
    #define sz(x) (int(x.size()))
    #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
    #define mst(x, bit) memset(x, bit, sizeof(x))
    #define rep(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i < (r); ++ i)
    #define forr(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i >= (r); -- i)
    #define dmp(x) cerr << __LINE__ << "->" << #x << " " << x << "
    using ll = long long;
    using db = double;
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
    template<typename... Args>
    inline void wpr(Args... args) { std::cout << '
    '; }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void wpr(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << val << " "; wpr(args...); }
    const int maxn = 1e5 + 50;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    void solve(){
        int n; 
        std::cin >> n;
        vt<int> a(n), b(n), dlt(n + 2, 0);
        rep (i, 0, n) std::cin >> a[i];
        rep (i, 0, n) std::cin >> b[i];
        rep (i, 0, n) dlt[i + 1] = b[i] - a[i];
        // 数形结合,绘图可以发现,左右边界都为 0,此时保证只有两个波动。
        int cnt = 0;
        rep (i, 1, n + 2){
            if (dlt[i] < 0) { wpr("no"); return; }
            if (dlt[i] != dlt[i - 1]) ++ cnt;
        if (cnt <= 2) wpr("yes");
        else wpr("no");
    signed main(){
        ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
        int t = 1;
        std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) solve();
        return 0;

    B. Silly Mistake



    Note: (nle100;000;-1e6le a_i le 1e6)

    对于每个people定义三个状态:(利用const int定义,学到了。)

    • WAIT 代表等待有人进入。
    • COME 代表已经有人进入。
    • LEFT 代表人已经出去了。

    同时我们定义ofs代表办公室的人数,利用贪心的想法,每次ofs == 0时便结束一天。基于该思想判断是否合法,请注意新的一天需要你清空状态。


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define DEBUG 0
    // #define int long long
    #define pb push_back
    #define vt std::vector
    #define lb lower_bound
    #define sz(x) (int(x.size()))
    #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
    #define mst(x, bit) memset(x, bit, sizeof(x))
    #define rep(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i < (r); ++ i)
    #define forr(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i >= (r); -- i)
    #define dmp(x) cerr << __LINE__ << "->" << #x << " " << x << "
    using ll = long long;
    using db = double;
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
    template<typename... Args>
    inline void _wpr_(Args... args) { std::cout << '
    '; }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    inline void _wpr_(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << " " << val; _wpr_(args...); }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void wpr(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << val; _wpr_(args...); }
    const int maxn = 1e6 + 50;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    const int WAIT = 0, COME = 1, LEFT = 2;
    int m[maxn];
    void solve(){
        int n; std::cin >> n;
        // ofc means the count of office
        int ofc = 0;
        // cur denote the current array. ans means answer array.
        vt<int> cur, ans;
        rep (i, 0, n){
            int x; std::cin >> x;
            int abx = abs(x);
            if (x > 0){
                if (m[abx] != WAIT) { wpr(-1); return; }
                m[abx] = COME;
                ++ ofc;
            }else {
                if (m[abx] != COME) { wpr(-1); return; }
                m[abx] = LEFT;
                -- ofc;
            if (0 == ofc){
                for (auto x: cur) m[x] = WAIT;
        // if not over, return false. 
        if (!cur.empty()) { wpr(-1); return; }
        std::cout << sz(ans) << "
        rep (i, 0, sz(ans)) std::cout << ans[i] << " 
    "[i == sz(ans) - 1];
    signed main(){
        ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
        int t = 1;
        // std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) solve();
        return 0;

    C. Sweets Eating


    一共有 (n) 个糖果,每个糖果浓度为(a_i)。一个人每天最多吃(m)个糖。在第(d)天吃浓度为(a_k)的糖的伤害为(d cdot a_k)。请你给出在吃(k)糖的情况下的最小伤害

    Note: (1le m le n le 200;000; 1le a_i le 200;000)




    m = 2
    day    add     Δ
     1      f1     0
     2      f2     0
     3      f3     f1
     4      f4     f2
     5      f5     f1 + f3

    实际上,这里有一个分层的感觉。这种涉及到分桶,进位的大多可以与模数之间联系。我们分(m)个桶,当你新添加第(j)天时,由于需要额外增加,会把bucket[j % m]桶中的加到答案中,再进一步更新桶。数很大,注意开long long


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define DEBUG 0
    #define int long long
    #define pb push_back
    #define vt std::vector
    #define lb lower_bound
    #define sz(x) (int(x.size()))
    #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
    #define mst(x, bit) memset(x, bit, sizeof(x))
    #define rep(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i < (r); ++ i)
    #define forr(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i >= (r); -- i)
    #define dmp(x) cerr << __LINE__ << "->" << #x << " " << x << "
    using ll = long long;
    using db = double;
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
    template<typename... Args>
    inline void wpr(Args... args) { std::cout << '
    '; }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void wpr(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << val << " "; wpr(args...); }
    const int maxn = 1e5 + 50;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    void solve(){
        int n, m;
        std::cin >> n >> m;
        vt<int> f(n);
        rep (i, 0, n) {
            std::cin >> f[i];
        ll ans = 0;
        // Layering is related to modulus.
        // Saving the sum of number which have same modulus.
        vt<ll> buck(m + 1, 0);
        rep (k, 0, n){
            ans += f[k];
            ans += buck[k % m];
            buck[k % m] += f[k];
            std::cout << ans << " 
    "[k == n - 1];
    signed main(){
        ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
        int t = 1;
        // std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) solve();
        return 0;

    D. Harmonious Graph



    • 假如存在(l)(r)的路径((l < r)),则存在所有((l, m) quad min(l, r))


    Note: (3le nle200;000; 1 le m le 200;000)


    不难想到将用DSU去处理。假设DSU中的某个连通分量的最小值为lower,最大值为upper。显然,我们需要使得其中所有的点都相互连接,只需要upper - lower + 1 - size(连通分量)。但是,假如我们将其看成区间的形式([lower, upper]),可能存在区间交的情况,我们需要进行区间合并之后再对每个联通分量进行处理。时间复杂度为(O(mlog n)),主要为DSU合并的时间。



    假设DSU中的终极Father永远是连通分量中最大的数。不妨定义(parent(i) 为 i的源点)。那么,假如parent(i) > i则说明区间([i, parent[i]]) 都需要合并。因此,我们每次合并((i, i + 1))即可,这样我们可以通过一次扫描简单的完成任务


    // for Solution2
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define DEBUG 0
    #define int long long
    #define pb push_back
    #define vt std::vector
    #define lb lower_bound
    #define sz(x) (int(x.size()))
    #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
    #define mst(x, bit) memset(x, bit, sizeof(x))
    #define rep(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i < (r); ++ i)
    #define forr(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i >= (r); -- i)
    #define dmp(x) cerr << __LINE__ << "->" << #x << " " << x << "
    using ll = long long;
    using db = double;
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
    template<typename... Args>
    inline void wpr(Args... args) { std::cout << '
    '; }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void wpr(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << val << " "; wpr(args...); }
    const int maxn = 1e5 + 50;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    struct DSU{
        int n, cnt;
        // here mx, mn, tot is useless. There are useful for solution 1
        vt<int> parent, mx, mn, tot;
        void init(int n){
            // 1-index
            this->n = n; cnt = n;
            parent.resize(n + 1), mx.resize(n + 1), mn.resize(n + 1), tot.resize(n + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++ i){
                parent[i] = mx[i] = mn[i] = i;
                tot[i] = 1;
        int find(int x){
            return x == parent[x] ? x : parent[x] = find(parent[x]);
        bool to_union(int x, int y){
            x = find(x);
            y = find(y);
            if (x == y) return false;
            -- cnt;
            if (y > x) swap(x, y);
            parent[y] = x;
            tot[x] += tot[y];
            mx[x] = max(mx[x], mx[y]);
            mn[x] = min(mn[x], mn[y]);
            return true;
    void solve(){
        int n, m;
        std::cin >> n >> m;
        DSU dsu1;
        rep (i, 0, m){
            int u, v; std::cin >> u >> v;
            dsu1.to_union(u, v);
        int ans = 0;
        rep (i, 1, n){
            if (dsu1.find(i) <= i) continue;
            ans += dsu1.to_union(i + 1, i);
    signed main(){
        // ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
        int t = 1;
        // std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) solve();
        return 0;

    E. Antenna Coverage


    给定(n)个点,每个点的位置为(x_i)能力值为(s_i),其覆盖范围是([x_i-s_i, x_i+s_i])


    给定最大值(m),计算覆盖([1cdots m])需要的最小硬币数量。


    • (1le n le 80; n le m le 100; 000;)
    • (1le x_i le m; 0le s_i le m)

    这题刚开始觉得是E肯定比较难,哪知道很套路。因为(n)足够小,我们可以用(mathcal{O(ncdot m)})的算法解决。



    [dp(i):= min left{egin{array}{ll} i & 默认情况 \ dp[i - 1] + 1 & 在前一共的基础上增加1个硬币 \ dp[i - 1] & 如果 extbf{本来就被覆盖了} \ dp[max(0, x[j] - s[j] - 1 - cost)] + cost & j是x[j]<i的天线,cost是从天线j覆盖到i所需开销 end{array} ight. ]


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define DEBUG 0
    // #define int long long
    #define pb push_back
    #define vt std::vector
    #define lb lower_bound
    #define sz(x) (int(x.size()))
    #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
    #define mst(x, bit) memset(x, bit, sizeof(x))
    #define rep(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i < (r); ++ i)
    #define forr(i, l, r) for (ll i = (l); i >= (r); -- i)
    #define dmp(x) cerr << __LINE__ << "->" << #x << " " << x << "
    using ll = long long;
    using db = double;
    using pii = pair<int, int>;
    using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
    template<typename... Args>
    inline void _wpr_(Args... args) { std::cout << '
    '; }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    inline void _wpr_(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << " " << val; _wpr_(args...); }
    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void wpr(T val, Args... args) { std::cout << val; _wpr_(args...); }
    const int maxn = 1e5 + 50;
    const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    int dp[maxn];
    int can[maxn];
    void solve(){
        int n, m; std::cin >> n >> m;
        // fi -> position x, se -> scope
        vt<pii> f;
        // can -> if the position i is include?
        rep (i, 0, n){
            int x, c; std::cin >> x >> c;
            rep (j, max(1, x - c), min(m, x + c) + 1) can[j] = 1;
            f.pb(make_pair(x, c));
        dp[0] = 0;
        rep (i, 1, m + 1){
            dp[i] = i;
            if (can[i]) dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - 1]);
            dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - 1] + 1);
            rep (j, 0, n){
                // if it is exceeded, not consider.
                if (f[j].first > i) continue;
                // Len -> cost
                int Len = max(0ll, i - f[j].first - f[j].second);
                // transfrom from (xi - ci - cost - 1)[the left of the point.]
                dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[max(0, f[j].first - f[j].second - Len - 1)] + Len);
    signed main(){
        ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
        int t = 1;
        // std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) solve();
        return 0;


    • A: 数形结合,增加dummy node防止边界问题。
    • B: 模拟题,贪心考虑。
    • C: 和分层有关的考虑模数
    • D: 连通分量考虑DSU,考虑遍历优化策略
    • E: 多思考dp...
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Last--Whisper/p/14520861.html
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