if(dept!=null && !"".equals(dept)){ List list = this.getDeptNameByDeptCode(dept); if(list!=null && !list.isEmpty()){ Map m=(Map)list.get(0); deptName = (String) m.get("deptName"); /*deptName = (String) list.get(0);*/ } } public List getDeptNameByDeptCode(String deptCode){ Connection conn = JdbcManager.getInstance().openCurConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet res = null; List list = new ArrayList(); try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select d.dept_name as deptName from T_SYSTEM_DEPT d where 1=1"); if (deptCode != null && !deptCode.equals("")){ hql.append(" and d.dept_code ='"+deptCode+"'"); } pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(hql.toString()); res = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("deptName", res.getString("deptName")); list.add(map); /*String deptName = res.getString("deptName"); list.add(deptName);*/ } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("获取T_SYSTEM_DEPT错误!!", e); } finally { JdbcManager.closeQuietly(res); JdbcManager.closeQuietly(pstmt); JdbcManager.closeQuietly(conn); } return list; }
if(dept!=null && !"".equals(dept)){ List list = this.getDeptNameByDeptCode(dept); if(list!=null && !list.isEmpty()){ /*Map m=(Map)list.get(0); deptName = (String) m.get("deptName");*/ deptName = (String) list.get(0); } } public List getDeptNameByDeptCode(String deptCode){ Connection conn = JdbcManager.getInstance().openCurConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet res = null; List list = new ArrayList(); try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select d.dept_name as deptName from T_SYSTEM_DEPT d where 1=1"); if (deptCode != null && !deptCode.equals("")){ hql.append(" and d.dept_code ='"+deptCode+"'"); } pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(hql.toString()); res = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { /*Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("deptName", res.getString("deptName")); list.add(map);*/ String deptName = res.getString("deptName"); list.add(deptName); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("获取T_SYSTEM_DEPT错误!!", e); } finally { JdbcManager.closeQuietly(res); JdbcManager.closeQuietly(pstmt); JdbcManager.closeQuietly(conn); } return list; }