Cracking the Coding Interview(Stacks and Queues)
1.Describe how you could use a single array to implement three stacks.
class stack_share_array { public : int top; int gap; stack_share_array( int initnum, int gap_dis):top(initnum),gap(gap_dis) { } void push( int num) { array[top] = num; top += gap; } int pop() { top -= gap; int result = array[top]; return result; } static int array[15]; }; |
stack_share_array* stackthree[3]; for ( int i = 0;i < 3;i++) { stackthree[i] = new stack_share_array(i,3); } int test1 = 10; int test2 = 20; int test3 = 30; stackthree[0]->push(test1++); stackthree[0]->push(test1++); stackthree[0]->push(test1++); stackthree[0]->push(test1++); stackthree[0]->push(test1++); stackthree[1]->push(test2++); stackthree[1]->push(test2++); stackthree[1]->push(test2++); stackthree[1]->push(test2++); stackthree[1]->push(test2++); stackthree[2]->push(test3++); stackthree[2]->push(test3++); stackthree[2]->push(test3++); stackthree[2]->push(test3++); stackthree[2]->push(test3++); |
2.How would you design a stack which,in addition to push and pop,also has a function min which returns the minimum element?Push,pop and min should all operate in O(1) time.
class stack_min { public : int array[15]; int min_array[16]; int top; stack_min():top(0) { min_array[0] = BIG; } void push( int num) { array[top] = num; top ++; if (num < min_array[top - 1]) { min_array[top] = num; } else { min_array[top] = min_array[top - 1]; } } int pop() { top --; int result = array[top]; return result; } int min() { return min_array[top]; } }; |
3.Imagine a (Literal) stack of plates.If the stack gets too high,it might topple.Therefore,in real life,we would likely start a new stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold, Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics this.SetOfStacks should be composed of several stacks, and should create a new stack once the previous one exceeds capacity.SetOfStacks.push() and SetOfStacks.pop() should behave identically to a single stack (that is,pop() should return the same values as it would if there were just a single stack).
Follow up
Implement a function popAt(int index) which performs a pop operation on a specific sub-stack.
class Stack { public : int top; int array[10]; Stack():top(0) { } void push( int num) { array[top] = num; top ++; } int pop() { top --; int result = array[top]; return result; } }; class setofstacks { public : Stack* stackArray[10]; int x; setofstacks():x(0) { for ( int i = 0;i < 10;i++) { stackArray[i] = new Stack(); } } void push( int num) { if (stackArray[x]->top < 10) { stackArray[x]->push(num); } else { x++; push(num); } } int pop() { if (stackArray[x]->top > 0) { return stackArray[x]->pop(); } else { x--; return pop(); } } int popAt( int index) { return stackArray[index]->pop(); } }; |
4.Write a program to move the disks from the first rod to the last using Stacks.
class Tower { public : // stack< int >* disks; int num; Tower( int i):num(i) { disks = new stack< int >(); } int index() { return num; } void add( int d) { if (!disks->empty() && disks->top() <= d) { return ; } else { disks->push(d); } } void movetopto(Tower* t) { int top = disks->top(); disks->pop(); t->add(top); cout<< "Move disk" <<top<< "from" <<index()<< "to" <<t->index()<<endl; } void moveDisks( int n,Tower* dst,Tower* buffer) { if (n>0) { moveDisks(n-1,buffer,dst); movetopto(dst); buffer->moveDisks(n-1,dst, this ); } } }; |
5.Implement a MyQueue class which implements a queue using two stacks.
class queue { public : Stack* stacktwo[2]; queue() { for ( int i = 0;i < 2;i++) { stacktwo[i] = new Stack(); } } void push( int num) { stacktwo[0]->push(num); } int pop() { if (stacktwo[1]->top == 0) { while (stacktwo[0]->top != 0) { stacktwo[1]->push(stacktwo[0]->pop()); } } return stacktwo[1]->pop(); } }; |
6.Write a program to sort a stack in ascending order.You should not make any assumptions about how the stack is implemented.The following are the only functions that should be used to write this program:push|pop|peek|isEmpty.
copy code from the book:
public static Stack<Interger> sort(Stack<Integer> s) { Stack<Integer> r = new Stack<Integer>(); while (!s.isEmpty()) { int tmp = s.pop(); while (!r.isEmpty() && r.peek() > tmp) s.push(r.pop()); r.push(tmp) } return r; } |