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  • 502.IPO



    Suppose LeetCode will start its IPO soon. In order to sell a good price of its shares to Venture Capital, LeetCode would like to work on some projects to increase its capital before the IPO. Since it has limited resources, it can only finish at most k distinct projects before the IPO. Help LeetCode design the best way to maximize its total capital after finishing at most k distinct projects.

    You are given several projects. For each project i, it has a pure profit Pi and a minimum capital of Ci is needed to start the corresponding project. Initially, you have W capital. When you finish a project, you will obtain its pure profit and the profit will be added to your total capital.

    To sum up, pick a list of at most k distinct projects from given projects to maximize your final capital, and output your final maximized capital.


    Input: k=2, W=0, Profits=[1,2,3], Capital=[0,1,1].
    Output: 4
    Explanation: Since your initial capital is 0, you can only start the project indexed 0.
                 After finishing it you will obtain profit 1 and your capital becomes 1.
                 With capital 1, you can either start the project indexed 1 or the project indexed 2.
                 Since you can choose at most 2 projects, you need to finish the project indexed 2 to get the maximum capital.
                 Therefore, output the final maximized capital, which is 0 + 1 + 3 = 4.







     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <vector>
     3 #include <algorithm>
     4 #include <queue>
     6 class Solution {
     7 public:
     8     //定义一个结构体用于存储profit和capital
     9     struct N
    10     {
    11         int profit;
    12         int capital;
    13         N(int p, int c){
    14             profit = p;
    15             capital = c;
    16         }
    17     };
    18     //根据capital的数值进行排序,从小到大
    19     struct cmp1{
    20         bool operator () (N n1, N n2){ return n1.capital>n2.capital; }
    21     };
    22     //根据profit的数值进行排序,从大到小
    23     struct cmp2{
    24         bool operator () (N n1, N n2){ return n1.profit < n2.profit; }
    25     };
    26     int findMaximizedCapital(int k, int W, vector<int>& Profits, vector<int>& Capital) {
    27         std::priority_queue<N, vector<N>, cmp1> C;
    28         std::priority_queue<N, vector<N>, cmp2> P;
    29         //先对所有的任务根据Capital的数值进行排序,从小到大
    30         for (int i = 0; i < Profits.size(); ++i)
    31         {
    32             N temp = { Profits[i], Capital[i] };
    33             C.push(temp);
    34         }
    35         int tasksize = k < Profits.size() ? k : Profits.size();
    36         //可执行的任务中根据Profits的数值进行排序,从大到小
    37         for (int i = tasksize; i > 0; i--){
    38             while (!C.empty() && C.top().capital <= W){
    39                 N temp = C.top();
    40                 P.push(temp);
    41                 C.pop();
    42             }
    43             if (!P.empty()){
    44                 W += P.top().profit;
    45                 P.pop();
    46             }
    47         }
    48         return W;
    49     }
    50 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MT-ComputerVision/p/6641579.html
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