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  • ASP通用分页类


      1.Conn属性    :用来获取一个已创建的Connection对象。
      2.SQL属性      :根据传入的SQL语句,自动创建RecordSet对象
      3.PageSize属性    :设置第页的记录条数
      4.FieldList属性    :如果需要显示库中的数据,一定要设置此属性。它是用来获取需要显示的正确的字段名。
      5.URL属性      :设置分页条中链接的文件地址。
      6.Template属性    :设置分页文件的模版。
      7.Init过程     :分页类初始化数据。
      8.Show过程   :显示数据。
      9.Close过程     :分页类结束




    <%Option Explicit
      Dim strStartTime,intUseTime
      strStartTime = timer()
    <!--#include file="inc_clsPages.asp"-->
      Dim clsPage,strShowTemp


      Set clsPage = New SWPage
      clsPage.Conn        = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.Mappath("../DB/datatest.mdb")
      clsPage.SQL         = "SELECT * FROM datatest"
      clsPage.PageSize    = 10
      clsPage.URL         = "pages.asp"

    '          此处加入数据显示代码

      Set clsPage = Nothing

      intUseTime = FormatNumber((timer()-strStartTime)*1000,3)
      Response.Write("<br><br><center>共用时 <font color=""#FF0000"">" & intUseTime & "</font> 毫秒</center>")


    <%'Option Explicit
      '*                                                                                  *
      '* Name    : An common process database class                *
      '* Author  : cjj                                                                *
      '* Version : V3.0                                                             *
      '* Time    : 2004-01-12                                                   *
      '* Comefrom: http://www.blueidea.com/                         *
      '* HomePage: None (Maybe Soon)                                    *
      '* Notice  :   You can use and modify it freely,                   *
      '*           BUT PLEASE HOLD THIS ITEM.                            *
      '*             If you modify it that i hope you                         *
      '*           can send a mail for me.                                     *
      '*                                                                                  *


      Const SW_intShowPages        = 10

      'SWData Class
      Private SW_blnIsHaveRS,SW_strFields,SW_blnInConn,SW_intShowPagePos,SW_strShowWidth

      SW_blnIsHaveRS    = false      '设置记录集获取标志为Fasle,就是无记录集状态
      SW_strShowWidth   = "90%"      '默认的显示宽度为90%
      SW_strFields      = ""
      SW_blnInConn      = true       '由内部创建Connection,如果设为False则由外部创建

      ' 类型:    类
      ' 目的:    给记录集分页
      Class SWPage
          Private SW_objRS,SW_objConn

          Private SW_strSQL,SW_strURL,SW_strError,SW_strFormAction,SW_strHeadJS,SW_strFootJS,SW_strKeyFiled
          Private SW_strTleBGColor,SW_strTleFTColor,SW_strTleWidth

          Private SW_intPageSize,SW_intTleBDType,SW_intShowPageType,SW_intShowType
          Private SW_lngTotalPage,SW_lngTotalRecord,SW_lngPageNo
          Private SW_aryFldName,SW_aryFldNote,SW_aryFldWidth,SW_aryFldAlign,SW_aryFldLink
          Private SW_blnInit,SW_blnOpenRS,SW_blnConn,SW_blnPageSize,SW_blnFieldList,SW_blnGetURL,SW_blnShowType,SW_blnShowPageType,SW_blnTemplate

          Public Property Let Conn(a_strConn)
              Set SW_objConn = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
              On Error Resume Next
              SW_objConn.Open a_strConn
              On Error Goto 0  
          End Property

          Public Property Let SQL(a_strSQL)
              SW_strSQL = a_strSQL

              Set SW_objRS = CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
              On Error Resume Next
              SW_objRS.Open SW_strSQL,SW_objConn,1,1
        on error goto 0
           End Property

          Public Property Let PageSize(a_intPageSize)
             SW_intPageSize = CLng(a_intPageSize)
          End Property

          Public Property Let URL(a_strURL)
              SW_strURL = a_strURL
          End Property

          Sub Init()
              Dim intPostion,strError,i,objRSTemp,lngTotalRecord

              If SW_objRS.Eof And SW_objRS.Bof Then
                 strError = strError & "<br>库中无任何记录"
              End If

              Set objRSTemp = SW_objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM SW_RecCount")
              SW_lngTotalRecord = CLng(objRSTemp("SW_RecCount").Value)

              If SW_lngTotalRecord Mod SW_intPageSize = 0 Then
                  SW_lngTotalPage = CLng(SW_lngTotalRecord \ SW_intPageSize * -1)*-1
                  SW_lngTotalPage = CLng(SW_lngTotalRecord \ SW_intPageSize * -1)*-1 + 1
              End If

              SW_lngPageNo = Trim(Request.QueryString("pageno"))
              If SW_lngPageNo = "" Then SW_lngPageNo = Trim(Request.Form("PageNo"))
              If SW_lngPageNo = "" Then SW_lngPageNo = 1
              If SW_lngPageNo <> "" And IsNumeric(SW_lngPageNo) Then SW_lngPageNo = CLng(SW_lngPageNo)
              If (SW_lngPageNo > SW_lngTotalPage AND SW_lngTotalPage<>0) Then SW_lngPageNo = SW_lngTotalPage
              SW_objRS.PageSize     = SW_intPageSize
              SW_objRS.AbsolutePage = SW_lngPageNo

              intPostion = InstrRev(SW_strURL,"?")
              SW_strFormAction = SW_strURL
              If intPostion > 0 Then
                  SW_strURL = SW_strURL & "&PageNo="
                  SW_strURL = SW_strURL & "?PageNo="
              End If
          End Sub
          ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    显示分页信息
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
          Public Sub Pages()
              Dim strPages,k,intTemp,intTemp1
              If SW_lngTotalPage = 1 Then Exit Sub
              Response.Write("<table align=""center"" class=""css_ShowPage"" width=""" & SW_strShowWidth & """>" & vbcrlf)

              Response.Write("  <tr>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("    <td>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("      <table width=""100%"">" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("         <tr>" & vbcrlf & "           <td align=""center"" valign=""middle"" class="".test1"">" & vbcrlf)

              If SW_lngTotalPage >= 1 Then
                      If SW_lngPageNo <= 1 Then
                          Response.Write ("首页 前页 <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>后页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngTotalPage & """>末页</a>" & vbcrlf)
                    If SW_lngPageNo >= SW_lngTotalPage Then
                              Response.Write ("<a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">首页</a>  <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>前页</a>  " & "后页  末页" & vbcrlf)
                              Response.Write ("<a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">首页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>前页</a> " & "<a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>后页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngTotalPage & """>末页</a>" & vbcrlf)
                       End If
                   End If
                   Response.Write (" 页次:<b>" & SW_lngPageNo & "</b>/" & SW_lngTotalPage & "页 共<b>" & SW_lngTotalRecord & "</b>条记录 <b>" & SW_intPageSize & "</b>条/页</td>" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <form name=""gopage"" action=""" & SW_strFormAction & """ method=""post"">" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <td> 第")
             Response.Write("    <input type=""text"" name=""pageno"" size=""3"" maxlength=4 title=""请输入页号,然后回车"">页 " & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("<input type=""submit"" value=""GO""></td></form></tr>" & vbcrlf)
              End If
              Response.Write("      </table>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("    </td>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("  </tr>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("</table>" & vbcrlf)
          End Sub

          Sub Close()
           Set SW_objRS   = Nothing
        Set SW_objConn = Nothing
          End Sub
      End Class



    <%Option Explicit
      Dim strStartTime,intUseTime,clsPage,strShowTemp
      strStartTime = timer()
    <!--#include file="inc_clsPages.asp"-->

    '页面显示模板设置 <文件头> + <页数设置:分页显示模式,页数显示的位置> + <数据显示> + <页数显示> + <文件尾>如果某项不需要,只要设置成<>就行了,不过<文件头>和<文件尾是必须的>

      strShowTemp = "[file=head.js] + "
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "[page=" & SW_intPageInAll & "," & SW_intShowCharacter & "] + "

      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "[data="
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "90%|"
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & SW_intVerticalView & "|"

      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "编号,用户名,生日#"
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "left,center,right#"
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "30%,30%,30%#"
      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "list.asp,,,"

      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "] + "

      strShowTemp = strShowTemp & "[file=foot.js]"

      Set clsPage = New SWPage
      clsPage.Conn        = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.Mappath("../db/datatest.mdb")
      clsPage.SQL         = "SELECT * FROM datatest"
      clsPage.PageSize    = 10
      clsPage.URL         = "pages.asp"
      clsPage.FieldList   = "id,field1,field2"
      clsPage.Template    = strShowTemp            '显示模版
      Set clsPage = Nothing

      intUseTime = FormatNumber((timer()-strStartTime)*1000,3)
      Response.Write("<br><br><center>共用时 <font color=""#FF0000"">" & intUseTime & "</font> 毫秒</center>")


      '*                                               *
      '* Name    : Asp pagnation class                 *
      '* Author  : cjj                                 *
      '* Version : V2.8                                *
      '* Time    : 2004-01-16                          *
      '* Comefrom: http://www.blueidea.com/            *
      '* HomePage: None (Maybe Soon)                   *
      '* Notice  :   You can use and modify it freely, *
      '*           BUT PLEASE HOLD THIS ITEM.          *
      '*             If you modify it that i hope you  *
      '*           can send a mail for me.             *
      '*                                               *


      Const SW_intShowChinese     = 0  '汉字,如"上一页、下一页"
      Const SW_intShowEnglish     = 1  '英文,如"Back、Next"
      Const SW_intShowCharacter   = 2  '特殊字符
      Const SW_intHorizontalView  = 0  '横排
      Const SW_intVerticalView    = 1  '竖排
      Const SW_intShowBigBorder   = 2  '粗线
      Const SW_intShowSmallBorder = 1  '细线
      Const SW_intShowNoBorder    = 0  '无线

      Const SW_intTleSmallBorder = 1  '细线
      Const SW_intTleNoBorder    = 0  '无线

      Const SW_intPageInNone      = 0  '不显示分页条
      Const SW_intPageInTop       = 1  '在顶部显示
      Const SW_intPageInBottom    = 2  '在底部显示
      Const SW_intPageInAll       = 3  '在顶、底部显示

      Const SW_intShowPages       = 10

      'SWPage Class
      Private SW_blnIsHaveRS,SW_strFields,SW_blnInConn,SW_intShowPagePos,SW_strShowWidth
      SW_blnIsHaveRS    = false      '设置记录集获取标志为Fasle,就是无记录集状态
      SW_strShowWidth   = "90%"      '默认的显示宽度为90%
      SW_strFields      = ""
      SW_blnInConn      = true       '由内部创建Connection,如果设为False则由外部创建
      SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageInAll

      ' 类型:    类
      ' 目的:    给记录集分页
      Class SWPage
          Private SW_objRS,SW_objConn

       Private SW_strSQL,SW_strURL,SW_strError,SW_strFormAction,SW_strHeadJS,SW_strFootJS

       Private SW_intPageSize,SW_intTleBDType,SW_intShowPageType,SW_intShowType
          Private SW_lngTotalPage,SW_lngTotalRecord,SW_lngPageNo
          Private SW_aryFldName,SW_aryFldNote,SW_aryFldWidth,SW_aryFldAlign,SW_aryFldLink
       Private SW_blnInit,SW_blnOpenRS,SW_blnConn,SW_blnPageSize,SW_blnFieldList,SW_blnGetURL,SW_blnShowType,SW_blnShowPageType,SW_blnTemplate

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    根据获取的信息,创建数据库连接
          ' 输入:    a_strConn:数据类型字符串
          ' 返回:    无
          Public Property Let Conn(a_strConn)
              Dim strError
              SW_blnConn = false
              Set SW_objConn = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
              On Error Resume Next
              SW_objConn.Open a_strConn
              If Err.Number <> 0 Then strError = strError & "<br>创建Connection对象失败"
              On Error Goto 0  
              If Trim(strError)="" Then
                  SW_blnConn = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Conn属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
       End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设定或显示SQL语句。
          ' 输入:    a_strSQL:   SQL语句。
          ' 返回:    SQL语句。
       Public Property Let SQL(a_strSQL)
              Dim strError

        SW_blnOpenRS = false
        SW_strSQL = a_strSQL

           Set SW_objRS = CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
              On Error Resume Next
        SW_objRS.Open SW_strSQL,SW_objConn,1,1
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then strError = "<br>记录集打开失败"
              On Error Goto 0

              If Trim(strError)="" Then
                  SW_blnOpenRS = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "   <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">SQL属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
       End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设置需要显示的数据的字段名
          ' 输入:    a_strFldName:字段名字符串,多个字段之间以逗号分隔
          ' 返回:    无
          Public Property Let FieldList(a_strFldName)
              Dim strError

        SW_blnFieldList = false
        If Trim(a_strFldName) <> "" Then
                  SW_aryFldName = Split(LCase(a_strFldName),",")
                  strError = strError & "<br>你必须设置需要显示的字段名,否则无法显示数据"
        End If
              If Trim(strError)="" Then
                  SW_blnFieldList = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">FieldList属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
       End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设定或显示每页的记录数。
          ' 输入:    a_intPageSize:   每页显示的记录数。
          ' 返回:    每页显示的记录数。
       Public Property Let PageSize(a_intPageSize)
              Dim strError

        SW_blnPageSize = false
        If Trim(a_intPageSize) = "" OR (Not(IsNumeric(a_intPageSize))) Then
                  strError = strError & "<br>非法的pagesize"
                  If (a_intPageSize <= 2147483647 And a_intPageSize>=-2147483648) Then
                      SW_intPageSize = CLng(a_intPageSize)
                      strError = strError & "<br>PageSize溢出"
         End If
         If (SW_intPageSize<=0) Then
                      strError = strError & "<br>PageSize只能是正整数"
                  End If
        End If
              If Trim(strError)="" Then
                  SW_blnPageSize = True
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">PageSize属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
       End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设定分页文件显示模板信息。
          ' 输入:    a_strTemplate:   模板描述。
          ' 返回:    无。
       Public Property Let Template(a_strTemplate)
              Dim aryTemplate,i,j,strError,strTemp,intItem,aryTemp,aryTemp1

              SW_blnTemplate = false

              aryTemplate = Split(Trim(LCase(a_strTemplate)),"+")
              intItem = UBound(aryTemplate)
              If intItem < 4 Then strError = "<br>此属性是必选项"

              If intItem < 4 Then
                  strTemp = TriM(aryTemplate(0))

                  If strcomp(Left(strTemp,6),"[file=")= 0 Then
                      SW_strHeadJS = "<script src=""" & Mid(strTemp,7,Len(strTemp)-7) & """></script>"
                      SW_strHeadJS = Mid(strTemp,7,Len(strTemp)-7)
                  End If

                  strTemp = Trim(aryTemplate(3))

                  If strComp(Left(strTemp,6),"[file=") = 0 Then
                      SW_strFootJS = "<script src=""" & Mid(strTemp,7,Len(strTemp)-7) & """></script>"
                      SW_strFootJS = Mid(strTemp,7,Len(strTemp)-7)
                  End If

         aryTemp = Split(aryTemplate(1),",")
                  If aryTemp(0) <> "" Then strTemp = Replace(aryTemp(0),"[page=","")

                  If IsNumeric(strTemp) Then strTemp = CInt(strTemp)
                  If strTemp <> SW_intPageInNone Then

                      If IsNumeric(strTemp) Then strTemp = CInt(strTemp)

                      SW_intShowPagePos = strTemp
                      strTemp = aryTemp(1)
                      If strTemp <> "" Then strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"]","")

                      If IsNumeric(strTemp) Then strTemp = CInt(strTemp)
                      SW_intShowPageType = strTemp
                      SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageShowInNone
                  End If

         aryTemp = Split(aryTemplate(2),"|")
                  For i = 0 To UBound(aryTemp)
                       strTemp = LCase(Trim(aryTemp(i)))
                       Select Case i
                       Case 0  '获取并设置显示宽度
                           If strTemp <> "" Then strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"[data=","")
                           SW_strShowWidth = strTemp
                       Case 1  '获取数据显示方式
                           If IsNumeric(strTemp) Then strTemp = CInt(strTemp)
                           SW_intShowType = strTemp
                       Case 2
                           If strTemp <> "" Then strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"]","")
                           aryTemp1 = Split(Trim(strTemp),"#")
                           If UBound(aryTemp1) >= 3 Then
                               SW_aryFldNote = Split(aryTemp1(0),",")
                               SW_aryFldAlign = Split(aryTemp1(1),",")
                               SW_aryFldWidth = Split(aryTemp1(2),",")
                               SW_aryFldLink = Split(aryTemp1(3),",")
                           End If
                       End Select
              End If

              If strError = "" Then
                  SW_blnTemplate = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Template属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
          End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设定或显示URL。
          ' 输入:    a_strURL:   需要分页的文件地址。
          ' 返回:    需要分页的文件地址。
       Public Property Let URL(a_strURL)
              Dim strError,objFSO

        SW_blnGetURL = false
        If Trim(a_strURL)="" Then
                  strError = "<br>非法的URL地址"
         Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
         If objFSO.FileExists(Server.Mappath(a_strURL)) Then
             SW_strURL = a_strURL
                      strError = strError & "<br>你能确定文件 <font color=""#ff0000"">" & a_strURL & "</font> 存在么?"
         End If
         Set objFSO = Nothing
        End If
              If strError = "" Then
                  SW_blnGetURL = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">URL属性:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
       End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设置显示标题时单元格的宽度
          ' 输入:    a_strTleWidth:单元格宽度字符串
          ' 返回:    无
          Public Property Let TleWidth(a_strWidth)
              SW_strTleWidth = a_strWidth
          End Property

       ' 类型:    属性
          ' 目的:    设置显示标题时单元格分隔线的类型
          ' 输入:    a_intBDType 单元格分隔线的类型
          ' 返回:    无
          Public Property Let TleBDType(a_intBDType)
              SW_intTleBDType = a_intBDType
          End Property

       ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    统计总记录数、计算总页数
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
       Sub Init()
              Dim intPostion,strError,i,objRSTemp,lngTotalRecord

              If Not (SW_blnConn and SW_blnOpenRS and SW_blnPageSize and SW_blnGetURL) Then
        Call ShowErrors()
        Exit Sub
              End If

        If SW_objRS.Eof And SW_objRS.Bof Then
                 strError = strError & "<br>库中无任何记录"
              End If

              Set objRSTemp = SW_objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM SW_RecCount")
              lngTotalRecord = CLng(objRSTemp("SW_RecCount").Value)
         SW_lngTotalRecord = lngTotalRecord
             If (SW_lngTotalRecord<=2147483647 AND SW_lngTotalRecord>=-2147483648) Then
                  SW_lngTotalRecord = CLng(SW_lngTotalRecord)
                  strError = strError & "<br>分页初始化时:总记录数溢出"
        End If
              If SW_lngTotalRecord <=0 Then strError = strError & "<br>分页初始化时:总记录数小于零"

              If SW_lngTotalRecord Mod SW_intPageSize = 0 Then
            SW_lngTotalPage = CLng(SW_lngTotalRecord \ SW_intPageSize * -1)*-1
         SW_lngTotalPage = CLng(SW_lngTotalRecord \ SW_intPageSize * -1)*-1 + 1
              End If

        SW_lngPageNo = Trim(Request.QueryString("pageno"))
        If SW_lngPageNo = "" Then SW_lngPageNo = Trim(Request.Form("PageNo"))
        If SW_lngPageNo = "" Then SW_lngPageNo = 1
              If SW_lngPageNo <> "" And IsNumeric(SW_lngPageNo) Then
                  If (SW_lngPageNo <= 2147483647 And SW_lngPageNo>=-2147483648) Then
                      SW_lngPageNo = CLng(SW_lngPageNo)
                      strError = strError & "<br>页数溢出,请检查!"
           End If
         If (SW_lngPageNo<=0) Then strError = strError & "<br>页数只能是正整数!"
                  strError = strError & "<br>你确信此页数 <font color=""#FF0000"">" & SW_lngPageNo & "</font> 存在?"
           End If

        If (SW_lngPageNo > SW_lngTotalPage AND SW_lngTotalPage<>0) Then SW_lngPageNo = SW_lngTotalPage

              SW_objRS.PageSize     = SW_intPageSize
           SW_objRS.AbsolutePage = SW_lngPageNo

        intPostion = InstrRev(SW_strURL,"?")
           SW_strFormAction = SW_strURL
           If intPostion > 0 Then
               SW_strURL = SW_strURL & "&PageNo="
               SW_strURL = SW_strURL & "?PageNo="
           End If

              If Trim(SW_strFields) = "" Then
                  For i = 0 To SW_objRS.Fields.Count-1
                      SW_strFields = SW_strFields & SW_objRS(i).Name & ","
              End If

              SW_strFields = LCase("," & Trim(SW_strFields))
        If IsArray(SW_aryFldName) Then
               For i = LBound(SW_aryFldName) To Ubound(SW_aryFldName)
          If  Instr(SW_strFields,"," & SW_aryFldName(i) & ",") = 0 Then strError = strError & "<br>字段名 <font color=""#ff0000"">" & SW_aryFldName(i) & "</font> 正确吗?"

         If (IsArray(SW_aryFldNote) AND UBound(SW_aryFldName)>UBound(SW_aryFldNote)) Then strError = strError & "<br>字段相应中文说明项目不能小于字段个数"

            If (IsArray(SW_aryFldWidth) AND UBound(SW_aryFldName)>UBound(SW_aryFldWidth)) Then strError = strError & "<br>字段相应宽度项目不能小于字段个数"
            If (IsArray(SW_aryFldAlign) AND UBound(SW_aryFldName)>UBound(SW_aryFldAlign)) Then strError = strError & "<br>字段数据相应对齐方式项目不能小于字段个数"
            If (IsArray(SW_aryFldLink) AND UBound(SW_aryFldName)>UBound(SW_aryFldLink)) Then strError = strError & "<br>字段数据相应文件链接项目不能小于字段个数"
        End If

        If Trim(strError) = "" Then
                  SW_blnInit = true
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#336699"" height=""28""><td><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Init过程:</font></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                  SW_strError = SW_strError & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ffffff""><td>" & strError & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
              End If
              Response.Write(SW_strHeadJS & vbcrlf)
      End Sub
       ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    显示分页信息
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
          Private Sub Pages()
              Dim strPages,k,intTemp,intTemp1

        If Not(SW_blnInit) Then  Call ShowErrors()
        If SW_lngTotalPage = 1 Then Exit Sub
              Response.Write("<table align=""center"" class=""css_ShowPage"" width=""" & SW_strShowWidth & """>" & vbcrlf)

              Response.Write("  <tr>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("    <td>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("      <table width=""100%"">" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("         <tr>" & vbcrlf & "           <td align=""center"" valign=""middle"" class="".test1"">" & vbcrlf)

        If SW_lngTotalPage >= 1 Then
                  SELECT CASE SW_intShowPageType
                  Case SW_intShowChinese
                      If SW_lngPageNo <= 1 Then
                          Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """>首页 前页 <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>后页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngTotalPage & """>末页</a>" & vbcrlf)
                    If SW_lngPageNo >= SW_lngTotalPage Then
                              Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """><a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">首页</a>  <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>前页</a>  " & "后页  末页" & vbcrlf)
                              Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """><a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">首页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>前页</a> " & "<a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>后页</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngTotalPage & """>末页</a>" & vbcrlf)
                       End If
                   End If
                   Response.Write (" 页次:<b>" & SW_lngPageNo & "</b>/" & SW_lngTotalPage & "页 共<b>" & SW_lngTotalRecord & "</b>条记录 <b>" & SW_intPageSize & "</b>条/页</td>" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <form name=""gopage"" action=""" & SW_strFormAction & """ method=""post"">" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <td> 第")
             Response.Write("    <input type=""text"" name=""pageno"" size=""3"" maxlength=4 title=""请输入页号,然后回车"">页 " & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("<input type=""submit"" value=""GO""></td></form></tr>" & vbcrlf)
                  Case SW_intShowEnglish
                      If SW_lngPageNo <= 1 Then
                          Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """>First Prev <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>Next</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngTotalPage & """>Last</a>" & vbcrlf)
                    If SW_lngPageNo >= SW_lngTotalPage Then
                              Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """><a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">First</a>  <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>Prev</a>  " & "Next  Last" & vbcrlf)
                              Response.Write ("<font color=""" & SW_strFTColor & """><a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1"">First</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """>Prev</a> " & "<a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """>Next</a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngTotalPage & """>Last</a>" & vbcrlf)
                       End If
                   End If
                   Response.Write (" Page No:<b>" & SW_lngPageNo & "</b>/" & SW_lngTotalPage & " Total Records:<b>" & SW_lngTotalRecord & "</b> PageSize:<b>" & SW_intPageSize & "</b></td>" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <form name=""gopage"" action=""" & SW_strFormAction & """ method=""post"">" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <td> ")
             Response.Write("    <input type=""text"" name=""pageno"" size=""3""  maxlength=4 title=""Please input pageno then enter""> " & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("<input type=""submit"" value=""GO""></td></form></tr>" & vbcrlf)
                  Case SW_intShowCharacter
                      strPages = ""
                      intTemp = (SW_lngPageNo \ SW_intShowPages) * SW_intShowPages
                      If SW_lngPageNo Mod SW_intShowPages = 0 Then intTemp = intTemp - 10
          For k = 1 To SW_intShowPages
                          intTemp1 = intTemp + k

           If intTemp1 > SW_lngTotalPage Then Exit For
           If SW_lngPageNo = intTemp1 Then
                              If Len(Trim(CStr(intTemp1)))<2 Then
                                  strPages = strPages & " 0" & CStr(intTemp1)
                                  strPages = strPages & " " & CStr(intTemp1)
                              End If
               strPages = strPages & " <a href=""" & SW_strURL & CStr(intTemp1) & """>"
                              If Len(Trim(CStr(intTemp1)))<2 Then
                                  strPages = strPages & "0" & CStr(intTemp1)
                                  strPages = strPages & CStr(intTemp1)
                              End If
                              strPages = strPages & "</a>"
          End If
                      If SW_lngPageNo <= 1 Then
                          Response.Write ("<font face=""Webdings"">9 7</font>" & strPages & " <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """><font face=""Webdings"">8</font></a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL & SW_lngTotalPage & """><font  face=""Webdings"">:</font></a>" & vbcrlf)
                    If SW_lngPageNo >= SW_lngTotalPage Then
                              Response.Write ("<a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1""><font  face=""Webdings"">9</font></a>  <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """><font  face=""Webdings"">7</font></a>" & strPages & " <font  face=""Webdings"">8  :</font>" & vbcrlf)
                              Response.Write ("<a href=""" & SW_strURL & "1""><font  face=""Webdings"">9</font></a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo -1 & """><font  face=""Webdings"">7</font></a> " & strPages & " <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngPageNo+1 & """><font  face=""Webdings"">8</font></a> <a href=""" & SW_strURL  & SW_lngTotalPage & """><font  face=""Webdings"">:</font></a>" & vbcrlf)
                       End If
                   End If

          Response.Write ("</td>" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <form name=""gopage"" action=""" & SW_strFormAction & """ method=""post"">" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("      <td> ")
             Response.Write("    <input type=""text"" name=""pageno"" size=""3""  maxlength=10 title=""Please input pageno then enter""> " & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("<input type=""submit"" value=""GO""></td></form></tr>" & vbcrlf)
    '              Case SW_intShowImage
                  Case Else
         End Select
        End If
              Response.Write("      </table>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("    </td>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("  </tr>" & vbcrlf)
              Response.Write("</table>" & vbcrlf)
          End Sub

       ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    显示分页数据
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
          Sub Show()
              Dim i,j

        If Not(SW_blnInit) Then Call ShowError()

        j = 0
        If SW_objRS.Eof And SW_objRS.Bof Then
                  If SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageInAll Or SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageInTop Then Call Pages()

            Response.Write("<table><tr><td height=""5""></td></tr></table>" & vbcrlf)

         SELECT CASE SW_intShowType
                  Case SW_intHorizontalView '横排
             Do While (Not SW_objRS.Eof AND j<SW_intPageSize)
                 Response.Write("  <table class=""css_showdata_tb"" width=""" & SW_strShowWidth & """ align=""center"">" & vbcrlf)
                          For i = LBound(SW_aryFldName) To UBound(SW_aryFldName)
               Response.Write("    <tr class=""css_showdata_title_H"" height=""28"">" & vbcrlf)
                              Response.Write("      <td class=""css_showdata_V"" align=""center"" width=""" & SW_strTleWidth & """>" & vbcrlf & "&nbsp;")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldNote)) Then
                                  Response.Write(SW_aryFldNote(i) & vbcrlf)
                                  Response.Write(SW_aryFldName(i) & vbcrlf)
            End If

            Response.Write("      </td>" & vbcrlf & "      <td class=""css_showdata_td"" ")

            If (IsArray(SW_aryFldWidth)) Then Response.Write(" width=""" & SW_aryFldWidth(i) & """")

                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldAlign)) Then Response.Write(" align=""" & SW_aryFldAlign(i) & """")

            Response.Write(">" & vbcrlf)

                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldLink) AND (Trim(SW_aryFldLink(i))<>"")) Then
                        Response.Write("<a href=""" & SW_aryFldLink(i) & """ target=""_blank"">" & SW_objRS(SW_aryFldName(i)) & "</a></td>" & vbcrlf)
                 Response.Write(SW_objRS(SW_aryFldName(i)) & "</td>" & vbcrlf)
                              End If

            Response.Write("    </tr>" & vbcrlf)
           Response.Write("  </table>" & vbcrlf)
           Response.Write("<table><tr><td height=""5""></td></tr></table>" & vbcrlf)
                          j = j + 1
                  CASE SW_intVerticalView  '竖排
                      If SW_intTleBDType = SW_intTleNoBorder Then
                          Response.Write("  <table class=""css_showdata_tb"" align=""center"" width=""" & SW_strShowWidth & """>" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("    <tr class=""css_title""><td colspan=""" & CStr(UBound(SW_aryFldName)+1) & """>" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("      <table border=""0"" width=""100%""><tr>")
                          For i = LBound(SW_aryFldName) To UBound(SW_aryFldName)
                              Response.Write("      <td align=""center""")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldWidth)) Then Response.Write(" width=""" & SW_aryFldWidth(i) & """>")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldNote)) Then
                                  Response.Write(SW_aryFldNote(i) & vbcrlf)
                                  Response.Write(SW_aryFldName(i) & vbcrlf)
                              End If
                              Response.Write("      </td>" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("  </tr></table></td></tr>" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("  <table  class=""css_showdata_tb"" width=""" & SW_strShowWidth & """ align=""center"">" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("    <tr class=""css_Title"" height=""28"">" & vbcrlf)
                          For i = LBound(SW_aryFldName) To UBound(SW_aryFldName)
                              Response.Write("      <td class=""css_showdata_td"" align=""center""")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldWidth)) Then Response.Write(" width=""" & SW_aryFldWidth(i) & """>")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldNote)) Then
                              End If
                              Response.Write("      </td>" & vbcrlf)
                          Response.Write("  </tr>" & vbcrlf)
                      End If

          Do While (Not SW_objRS.Eof AND j<SW_intPageSize)
                          Response.Write("    <tr class=""CSS_ShowData_tr"" height=""28"">" & vbcrlf)
                          For i = LBound(SW_aryFldName) To UBound(SW_aryFldName)
            Response.Write(       "<td class=""css_showdata_td""")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldAlign)) Then Response.Write(" align=""" & SW_aryFldAlign(i) & """ width=""" & SW_aryFldWidth(i) & """>")
                              If (IsArray(SW_aryFldLink) AND Trim(SW_aryFldLink(i)<>"")) Then
                                  Response.Write("    <a href=""" & SW_aryFldLink(i) & """ target=""_blnak"">" & SW_objRS(SW_aryFldName(i)) & "</a></td>")
                                  Response.Write(SW_objRS(SW_aryFldName(i)) & " </td>" & vbcrlf)
                              End If

           Response.Write("    </tr>" & vbcrlf)
                          j = j + 1
                      Response.Write("  </table>" & vbcrlf)
                      Response.Write("<table><tr><td height=""5""></td></tr></table>" & vbcrlf)
                  CASE ELSE
         End SELECT
                  If SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageInAll Or SW_intShowPagePos = SW_intPageInBottom Then Call Pages()
                  Response.Write( SW_strFootJS & vbcrlf)
        End If
          End Sub

       ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    显示分页类中出现的错误信息
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
       Private Sub ShowErrors()
           If SW_strError <> "" Then
                  SW_strError = "<table bgcolor=""#0000"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""0"" width=""90%"" align=""center"">" & vbcrlf & "  <tr bgcolor=""#ff9900"" height=""30""><td align=""center"" valign=""middle""><b>SWPage分页类错误信息<b></td></tr>" & vbcrlf & SW_strError & "</table>" & vbcrlf
        End If
       End Sub

       ' 类型:    过程
          ' 目的:    释放资源
          ' 输入:    无
          ' 返回:    无
          Sub Close()
           Set SW_objRS   = Nothing
        Set SW_objConn = Nothing
          End Sub
      End Class


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MaxIE/p/352508.html
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