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  • OneWire总线的Arduino库函数


      One-wire总线是DALLAS公司研制开发的一种协议,采用单根信号线,既传输时钟,又传输数据而且数据传输是双向的。它具有节省I/O 口线资源、结构简单、成本低廉、便于总线扩展和维护等诸多优点。它由一个总线主节点、一个或多个从节点组成系统,通过一根信号线对从芯片进行数据的读取。每一个符合One-wire协议的从芯片都有一个唯一的地址,48位的序列号、8位的家族代码和8位的CRC代码。主芯片对各个从芯片的寻址依据这64位的不同来进行。


      1-wire 单总线适用于单个主机系统,能够控制一个或多个从机设备。主机可以是微控制器,从机可以是单总线器件,它们之间的数据交换只通过一条信号线。当只有一个从机位于总线上时系统可按照单节点系统操作;而当多个从机位于总线上,时则系统按照多节点系统操作。



     //OneWire建立一个目标 myWire,对应一个特定引脚

    OneWire myWire(pin)

      Create the OneWire object, using a specific pin. Even though you can connect many 1 wire devices to the same pin, if you have a large number, smaller groups each on their own pin can help isolate wiring problems. You can create multiple OneWire objects, one for each pin.




      Search for the next device. The addrArray is an 8 byte array. If a device is found, addrArray is filled with the device's address and true is returned. If no more devices are found, false is returned.

      Perform a search. If this function returns a '1' then it has  enumerated the next device and you may retrieve the ROM from the OneWire_address variable. If there are no devices, no further devices, or something horrible happens in the middle of the  enumeration then a 0 is returned. If a new device is found then  its address is copied to newAddr. Use reset_search() to start over.

      Return TRUE : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer

                       FALSE : device not found, end of search




      Begin a new search. The next use of search will begin at the first device.

         You need to use this function to start a search again from the beginning.

         You do not need to do it for the first search, though you could.




      Reset the 1-wire bus. Usually this is needed before communicating with any device.

           Perform a 1-Wire reset cycle. Returns 1 if a device responds with a presence pulse. Returns 0 if there is no device or the bus is shorted or otherwise held low for more than 250uS

          Returns 1 if a device asserted a presence pulse, 0 otherwise.




      Do a ROM select. Select a device based on its address. After a reset, this is needed to choose which device you will use, and then all communication will be with that device, until another reset.

      Issue a 1-Wire rom select command, you do the reset first.




      Skip the device selection. This only works if you have a single device, but you can avoid searching and use this to immediatly access your device.

      Do a ROM skip,Issue a 1-Wire rom skip command, to address all on bus.

    // Read a bit.读一个位

    uint8_t read_bit(void);   

      Read a bit. Port and bit is used to cut lookup time and provide more certain timing.

    // Read a byte.读一个字节

    uint8_t read(void);  

    void read_bytes(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t count);

    // Write a bit. 写一个位

    void write_bit(uint8_t v);

      Write a bit. Port and bit is used to cut lookup time and provide more certain timing.

           The bus is always left powered at the end, see note in write() about that.

      Stop forcing power onto the bus. You only need to do this if  you used the 'power' flag to write() or used a write_bit() call  and aren't about to do another read or write. You would rather  not leave this powered if you don't have to, just in case  someone shorts your bus.

    // 写一个字节

    myWire.write(num, 1);

    void write(uint8_t v, uint8_t power = 0);

    void write_bytes(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t count, bool power = 0);

      Write a byte, and leave power applied to the 1 wire bus.

      The writing code uses the active drivers to raise the pin high, if you need power after the write (e.g. DS18S20 in parasite power mode) then set 'power' to 1, otherwise the pin will go tri-state at the end of the write to avoid heating in a short or other mishap.



      Write a byte. If 'power' is one then the wire is held high at the end for parasitically powered devices. You are responsible for eventually depowering it by calling depower() or doing another read or write.


    myWire.crc8(dataArray, length)

    uint8_t OneWire::crc8( uint8_t *addr, uint8_t len)

    uint16_t OneWire::crc16(uint8_t* input, uint16_t len)

       Compute a CRC check on an array of data.

      Compute a Dallas Semiconductor 8 bit CRC. These show up in the ROM and the registers. 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MyAutomation/p/9348553.html
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