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  • 北理工计算机复试上机 2013

    1. 求两个数的最大公约数(似乎有个辗转相除法,为什么不用呢,没错,我不会)




     1 // 2013_1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
     2 //
     3 #include<iostream>
     4 using namespace std;
     6 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     7 {
     8     int a,b;
     9     cout<<"输入:";
    10     cin>>a>>b;
    11     int max=a>b?b:a;//返回两个数中最小的那个
    12     int result=0;
    13     for(int i=1;i<=max;++i){
    14         if(a%i==0&&b%i==0){
    15             result=i;
    16         }
    17     }
    18 cout<<"输出:"<<result<<endl;
    19     return 0;
    20 }



        输入:Information Info Inform info Suite suite suit

        输出:Info info Inform Information suit Suite suite

     1 // 2013_2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
     2 //
     4 #include <iostream>
     5 #include<algorithm>
     6 #include<vector>
     7 #include<string>
     8 using namespace std;
    10 bool de(string a ,string b){
    11     if(a[0]>='A'&&a[0]<='Z')
    12         a[0]=a[0]+32;
    13     if(b[0]>='A'&&b[0]<='Z')
    14         b[0]=b[0]+32;
    15     return (a<b);
    16 }
    18 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    19 {
    20     vector<string> str;
    21     string s;
    22     while(1){
    23         cout<<"请输入,00结束"<<endl;
    24         while(cin>>s){
    25             if(s=="00")break;
    26             str.push_back(s);
    27         }
    28         sort(str.begin(),str.end(),de);
    29         vector<string>::iterator i;
    30         for(i=str.begin();i!=str.end();i++)
    31             cout<<*i<<" ";
    32         cout<<endl;
    33     }
    34     return 0;
    35 }

    3. 输入表达式,输出表达式先序遍历结果(没错,又是抄的)




      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<stack>
      3 #include<string>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 typedef struct no
      6 {
      7     char data;
      8     struct no *lchild,*rchild;
      9 }*node;
     10 int getpr(char a)
     11 {
     12     if(a=='+'||a=='-')return 1;
     13     if(a=='*'||a=='/')return 2;
     14     if(a=='('||a==')')return 0;
     15 }//优先级
     16 string res(string in)
     17 {
     18     stack<char> st;
     19     string post="";
     20     for(int i=0; i<in.length(); i++)
     21     {
     22         if(in[i]=='+'||in[i]=='-'||in[i]=='*'||in[i]=='/')
     23         {
     24             if(!st.empty())
     25             {
     26                 if(getpr(in[i])>getpr(st.top()))
     27                     st.push(in[i]);
     28                 else
     29                 {
     30                     while(getpr(in[i])<=getpr(st.top()))
     31                     {
     32                         if(getpr(in[i])>getpr(st.top())) break;
     33                         post+=st.top();
     34                         st.pop();
     35                         if(st.empty()) break;
     36                     }
     37                     st.push(in[i]);
     38                 }//栈不空
     39             }//if 是操作符不空
     41             if(st.empty()) st.push(in[i]);
     42         }//if 是操作符
     44         if(in[i]=='(') st.push(in[i]);
     45         if(in[i]==')')
     46         {
     47             while(st.top()!='(')
     48             {
     49                 if(st.top()=='(')break;    //是)
     50                 post+=st.top();
     51                 st.pop();
     52             }
     53             st.pop();
     54         }
     55         if(in[i]!='+'&&in[i]!='-'&&in[i]!='/'&&in[i]!='*'&&in[i]!='('&&in[i]!=')')
     56             post+=in[i];
     57     }// for(int i=0;i<in.length();i++)
     58     while(!st.empty())
     59     {
     60         post+=st.top();
     61         st.pop();
     62     }
     63     return post;
     64 }//res
     65 node create(string sa)
     66 {
     67     node ss;
     68     stack<node>st;
     69     for(int i=0; i<sa.length(); i++)
     70     {
     71         if(sa[i]!='+'&&sa[i]!='-'&&sa[i]!='/'&&sa[i]!='*')
     72         {
     73             ss=new no(),ss->data=sa[i];
     74             ss->lchild=ss->rchild=NULL;
     75             st.push(ss);
     76         }
     77         else
     78         {
     79             ss=new no(),ss->data=sa[i];
     80             ss->rchild=st.top();
     81             st.pop();
     82             ss->lchild=st.top();
     83             st.pop();
     84             st.push(ss);
     85         }
     86     }//for
     87     return st.top();
     88 }
     89 void pre(node sa)
     90 {
     91     if(sa!=NULL)
     92     {
     93         cout<<sa->data;
     94         pre(sa->lchild);
     95         pre(sa->rchild);
     96     }
     97 }
     98 main()
     99 {
    100     cout<<"请输入中缀表达式:"<<endl;
    101     string in,post;
    102     node head;
    103     head=new no();
    104     cin>>in;
    105     cout<<"转换为后缀表达式为:"<<endl;
    106     post=res(in);
    107     cout<<post<<endl;
    108     cout<<"构建表达式树......"<<endl;
    109     head=create(post);
    110     cout<<"这颗表达式树的前序(前缀表达式)为: "<<endl;
    111     pre(head);
    112     cout<<endl;
    113 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/PPWEI/p/8452727.html
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