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  • 使用 Dockerfile 文件但是不使用缓存生成镜像

      前一段时候使用 Dockerfile 重新部署 NetCore3.1 项目的时候很顺利,由来由于一些原因,我把以前的镜像删除,如果我们大家继续使用 docker  build 命令去生成镜像的话就会报错,例如:

     1 [root@localhost PatrickLiu.NetCore]# docker build -t core31v1.112 -f Dockerfile .
     2 Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.425MB
     3 Step 1/17 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim AS base
     4  ---> e3559b2d50bb
     5 Step 2/17 : WORKDIR /app
     6  ---> Using cache
     7  ---> 1c0ab1a505e2
     8 Step 3/17 : EXPOSE 80
     9  ---> Using cache
    10  ---> 49a72547d567
    11 Step 4/17 : EXPOSE 443
    12 unable to find image "sha256:c5ed536f38a6742b7c084fa87e6ac885d9697960a20860f7fd0299da578cf2c8"





        构建镜像时使用 --no-cache 参数。


        为了强制docker构建镜像时不用缓存,执行带–no-cache参数的docker build命令。下面的示例是使用了–no-cache构建镜像。


     1 [root@localhost PatrickLiu.NetCore]# docker build --no-cache -t core31v1.112 -f Dockerfile .
     2 Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.425MB
     3 Step 1/17 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim AS base
     4  ---> e3559b2d50bb
     5 Step 2/17 : WORKDIR /app
     6  ---> Running in e8178063fe45
     7 Removing intermediate container e8178063fe45
     8  ---> 0a1d582b30d4
     9 Step 3/17 : EXPOSE 80
    10  ---> Running in e7716f388165
    11 Removing intermediate container e7716f388165
    12  ---> fc54a6e3c0aa
    13 Step 4/17 : EXPOSE 443
    14  ---> Running in 449680497b7f
    15 Removing intermediate container 449680497b7f
    16  ---> acf106867ca0
    17 Step 5/17 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1-buster AS build
    18 3.1-buster: Pulling from dotnet/core/sdk
    19 e4c3d3e4f7b0: Pull complete 
    20 101c41d0463b: Pull complete 
    21 8275efcd805f: Pull complete 
    22 751620502a7a: Pull complete 
    23 8e306865fd07: Pull complete 
    24 9d2f53e752c2: Downloading [===========================>                       ]  69.19MB/123.8MB
    25 143a93e01eba: Download complete 



     1 [root@localhost PatrickLiu.NetCore]# docker build --no-cache -t core31v1.112 -f Dockerfile .
     2 Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.425MB
     3 Step 1/17 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim AS base
     4  ---> e3559b2d50bb
     5 Step 2/17 : WORKDIR /app
     6  ---> Running in e8178063fe45
     7 Removing intermediate container e8178063fe45
     8  ---> 0a1d582b30d4
     9 Step 3/17 : EXPOSE 80
    10  ---> Running in e7716f388165
    11 Removing intermediate container e7716f388165
    12  ---> fc54a6e3c0aa
    13 Step 4/17 : EXPOSE 443
    14  ---> Running in 449680497b7f
    15 Removing intermediate container 449680497b7f
    16  ---> acf106867ca0
    17 Step 5/17 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1-buster AS build
    18 3.1-buster: Pulling from dotnet/core/sdk
    19 e4c3d3e4f7b0: Pull complete 
    20 101c41d0463b: Pull complete 
    21 8275efcd805f: Pull complete 
    22 751620502a7a: Pull complete 
    23 8e306865fd07: Pull complete 
    24 9d2f53e752c2: Pull complete 
    25 143a93e01eba: Pull complete 
    26 Digest: sha256:bfd6083e9cd36b37b2a4e9f1722cc958b6654fa96cb3d84ef78492ecf00dcd32
    27 Status: Downloaded newer image for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1-buster
    28  ---> 5fe503d51830
    29 Step 6/17 : WORKDIR /src
    30  ---> Running in 4312c5d63f3f
    31 Removing intermediate container 4312c5d63f3f
    32  ---> 31cfbe6739ec
    33 Step 7/17 : COPY ["PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.csproj", "PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/"]
    34  ---> ba9ba79cc7d3
    35 Step 8/17 : RUN dotnet restore "PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.csproj"
    36  ---> Running in 8d2c9ee24614
    37   Determining projects to restore...
    38   Restored /src/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.csproj (in 4.64 sec).
    39 Removing intermediate container 8d2c9ee24614
    40  ---> 872cce519821
    41 Step 9/17 : COPY . .
    42  ---> 4fe062b14ab1
    43 Step 10/17 : WORKDIR "/src/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo"
    44  ---> Running in 431b1c2f4959
    45 Removing intermediate container 431b1c2f4959
    46  ---> b9dc3acf883c
    47 Step 11/17 : RUN dotnet build "PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
    48  ---> Running in 639b5e3d01df
    49 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.0+7fb82e5b2 for .NET
    50 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    52   Determining projects to restore...
    53   All projects are up-to-date for restore.
    54   PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo -> /app/build/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.dll
    55   PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo -> /app/build/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.Views.dll
    57 Build succeeded.
    58     0 Warning(s)
    59     0 Error(s)
    61 Time Elapsed 00:00:19.21
    62 Removing intermediate container 639b5e3d01df
    63  ---> aeb1df18b3f6
    64 Step 12/17 : FROM build AS publish
    65  ---> aeb1df18b3f6
    66 Step 13/17 : RUN dotnet publish "PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
    67  ---> Running in ac663a5be455
    68 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.0+7fb82e5b2 for .NET
    69 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    71   Determining projects to restore...
    72   All projects are up-to-date for restore.
    73   PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo -> /src/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.dll
    74   PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo -> /src/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.Views.dll
    75   PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo -> /app/publish/
    76 Removing intermediate container ac663a5be455
    77  ---> 6ffbf30a49af
    78 Step 14/17 : FROM base AS final
    79  ---> acf106867ca0
    80 Step 15/17 : WORKDIR /app
    81  ---> Running in 3dca58d70bef
    82 Removing intermediate container 3dca58d70bef
    83  ---> 37d1ad5bb22b
    84 Step 16/17 : COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
    85  ---> 09de2a366451
    86 Step 17/17 : ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "PatrickLiu.NetCore.MvcDemo.dll"]
    87  ---> Running in 2c41d28e90dc
    88 Removing intermediate container 2c41d28e90dc
    89  ---> 8bf4c94fbc04
    90 Successfully built 8bf4c94fbc04
    91 Successfully tagged core31v1.112:latest


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/PatrickLiu/p/13913759.html
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