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  • MAC OS X 下配置 SVN 使用 DiffMerge



    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import sys

    import os

    # Configure your favorite three-way diff program here.

    DIFF3 = "/Applications/DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge"

    # Subversion provides the paths we need as the last three parameters.

    LABEL_LEFT = sys.argv[-5]

    LABEL_RIGHT = sys.argv[-3]

    FILE_LEFT = sys.argv[-2]

    FILE_RIGHT = sys.argv[-1]

    # Call the three-way diff command (change the following line to make

    # sense for your three-way diff program).

    cmd = [DIFF3, '--nosplash', '-t1', LABEL_LEFT, '-t2', LABEL_RIGHT, FILE_LEFT, FILE_RIGHT]

    os.execv(cmd[0], cmd)


    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import sys

    import os

    # Configure your favorite three-way diff program here.

    DIFF3 = "/Applications/DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge"

    # Subversion provides the paths we need as the last three parameters.

    LABEL_MINE = sys.argv[-8]

    LABEL_OLDER = sys.argv[-6]

    LABEL_YOURS = sys.argv[-4]

    FILE_MINE  = sys.argv[-3]

    FILE_OLDER = sys.argv[-2]

    FILE_YOURS = sys.argv[-1]

    # Call the three-way diff command (change the following line to make

    # sense for your three-way diff program).

    cmd = [DIFF3, '--nosplash', '-t1', LABEL_MINE, '-t2', LABEL_OLDER, '-t3', LABEL_YOURS, FILE_MINE, FILE_OLDER, FILE_YOURS]

    os.execv(cmd[0], cmd)


    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import sys

    import os

    # Configure your favorite three-way diff program here.

    DIFF3 = "/Applications/DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge"

    # Subversion provides the paths we need as the last three parameters.

    FILE_BASE   = sys.argv[1]

    FILE_THEIRS = sys.argv[2]

    FILE_MINE   = sys.argv[3]

    FILE_MERGED = sys.argv[4]

    FILE_WCPATH = sys.argv[5]

    # Call the three-way diff command (change the following line to make

    # sense for your three-way diff program).

    cmd = [DIFF3, '--nosplash', '-m', '-t1', 'Incoming Merge Changes', '-t2', 'Original (merged)', '-t3', 'Current Working Copy changes', '-r', FILE_MERGED, FILE_THEIRS, FILE_BASE, FILE_MINE]

    os.execv(cmd[0], cmd)


    diff-cmd = /full-path-to-script-dir/bash-scripts/diff-wrap.py

    diff3-cmd = /full-path-to-script-dir/bash-scripts/diff3-wrap.py


    merge-tool-cmd = /full-path-to-script-dir/bash-scripts/merge-wrap.py

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Proteas/p/2955773.html
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