<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "BSTree.h" typedef struct _tag_BSTree TBSTree; struct _tag_BSTree { int count; BSTreeNode* root; }; static void recursive_display(BSTreeNode* node, BSTree_Printf* pFunc, int format, int gap, char div) // O(n) { int i = 0; if( (node != NULL) && (pFunc != NULL) ) { for(i=0; i<format; i++) { printf("%c", div); } pFunc(node); printf(" "); if( (node->left != NULL) || (node->right != NULL) ) { recursive_display(node->left, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div); recursive_display(node->right, pFunc, format + gap, gap, div); } } else { for(i=0; i<format; i++) { printf("%c", div); } printf(" "); } } static int recursive_count(BSTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { ret = recursive_count(root->left) + 1 + recursive_count(root->right); } return ret; } static int recursive_height(BSTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { int lh = recursive_height(root->left); int rh = recursive_height(root->right); ret = ((lh > rh) ? lh : rh) + 1; } return ret; } static int recursive_degree(BSTreeNode* root) // O(n) { int ret = 0; if( root != NULL ) { if( root->left != NULL ) { ret++; } if( root->right != NULL ) { ret++; } if( ret == 1 ) { int ld = recursive_degree(root->left); int rd = recursive_degree(root->right); if( ret < ld ) { ret = ld; } if( ret < rd ) { ret = rd; } } } return ret; } static int recursive_insert(BSTreeNode* root, BSTreeNode* node, BSTree_Compare* compare) { int ret = 1; int r = compare(node->key, root->key); if( r == 0 ) { ret = 0; } else if( r < 0 ) { if( root->left != NULL ) { ret = recursive_insert(root->left, node, compare); } else { root->left = node; } } else if( r > 0 ) { if( root->right != NULL ) { ret = recursive_insert(root->right, node, compare); } else { root->right = node; } } } static BSTreeNode* recursive_get(BSTreeNode* root, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare) { BSTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( root != NULL ) { int r = compare(key, root->key); if( r == 0 ) { ret = root; } else if( r < 0 ) { ret = recursive_get(root->left, key, compare); } else if( r > 0 ) { ret = recursive_get(root->right, key, compare); } } return ret; } static BSTreeNode* delete_node(BSTreeNode** pRoot) { BSTreeNode* ret = *pRoot; if( (*pRoot)->right == NULL ) { *pRoot = (*pRoot)->left; } else if( (*pRoot)->left == NULL ) { *pRoot = (*pRoot)->right; } else { BSTreeNode* g = *pRoot; BSTreeNode* c = (*pRoot)->left; while( c->right != NULL ) { g = c; c = c->right; } if( g != *pRoot ) { g->right = c->left; } else { g->left = c->left; } c->left = (*pRoot)->left; c->right = (*pRoot)->right; *pRoot = c; } return ret; } static BSTreeNode* recursive_delete(BSTreeNode** pRoot, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare) { BSTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( (pRoot != NULL) && (*pRoot != NULL) ) { int r = compare(key, (*pRoot)->key); if( r == 0 ) { ret = delete_node(pRoot); } else if( r < 0 ) { ret = recursive_delete(&((*pRoot)->left), key, compare); } else if( r > 0 ) { ret = recursive_delete(&((*pRoot)->right), key, compare); } } return ret; } BSTree* BSTree_Create() // O(1) { TBSTree* ret = (TBSTree*)malloc(sizeof(TBSTree)); if( ret != NULL ) { ret->count = 0; ret->root = NULL; } return ret; } void BSTree_Destroy(BSTree* tree) // O(1) { free(tree); } void BSTree_Clear(BSTree* tree) // O(1) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; if( btree != NULL ) { btree->count = 0; btree->root = NULL; } } int BSTree_Insert(BSTree* tree, BSTreeNode* node, BSTree_Compare* compare) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; int ret = (btree != NULL) && (node != NULL) && (compare != NULL); if( ret ) { node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; if( btree->root == NULL ) { btree->root = node; } else { ret = recursive_insert(btree->root, node, compare); } if( ret ) { btree->count++; } } return ret; } BSTreeNode* BSTree_Delete(BSTree* tree, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; BSTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( (btree != NULL) && (key != NULL) && (compare != NULL) ) { ret = recursive_delete(&btree->root, key, compare); if( ret != NULL ) { btree->count--; } } return ret; } BSTreeNode* BSTree_Get(BSTree* tree, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; BSTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( (btree != NULL) && (key != NULL) && (compare != NULL) ) { ret = recursive_get(btree->root, key, compare); } return ret; } BSTreeNode* BSTree_Root(BSTree* tree) // O(1) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; BSTreeNode* ret = NULL; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = btree->root; } return ret; } int BSTree_Height(BSTree* tree) // O(n) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = recursive_height(btree->root); } return ret; } int BSTree_Count(BSTree* tree) // O(1) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = btree->count; } return ret; } int BSTree_Degree(BSTree* tree) // O(n) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; int ret = 0; if( btree != NULL ) { ret = recursive_degree(btree->root); } return ret; } void BSTree_Display(BSTree* tree, BSTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div) // O(n) { TBSTree* btree = (TBSTree*)tree; if( btree != NULL ) { recursive_display(btree->root, pFunc, 0, gap, div); } }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#ifndef _BSTREE_H_ #define _BSTREE_H_ typedef void BSTree; typedef void BSKey; typedef struct _tag_BSTreeNode BSTreeNode; struct _tag_BSTreeNode { BSKey* key; BSTreeNode* left; BSTreeNode* right; }; typedef void (BSTree_Printf)(BSTreeNode*); typedef int (BSTree_Compare)(BSKey*, BSKey*); BSTree* BSTree_Create(); void BSTree_Destroy(BSTree* tree); void BSTree_Clear(BSTree* tree); int BSTree_Insert(BSTree* tree, BSTreeNode* node, BSTree_Compare* compare); BSTreeNode* BSTree_Delete(BSTree* tree, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare); BSTreeNode* BSTree_Get(BSTree* tree, BSKey* key, BSTree_Compare* compare); BSTreeNode* BSTree_Root(BSTree* tree); int BSTree_Height(BSTree* tree); int BSTree_Count(BSTree* tree); int BSTree_Degree(BSTree* tree); void BSTree_Display(BSTree* tree, BSTree_Printf* pFunc, int gap, char div); #endif </span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "BSTree.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ struct Node { BSTreeNode header; char v; }; void printf_data(BSTreeNode* node) { if( node != NULL ) { printf("%c", ((struct Node*)node)->v); } } int compare_key(BSKey* k1, BSKey* k2) { return (int)k1 - (int)k2; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { BSTree* tree = BSTree_Create(); struct Node n1 = {{(BSKey*)1, NULL, NULL}, 'A'}; struct Node n2 = {{(BSKey*)2, NULL, NULL}, 'B'}; struct Node n3 = {{(BSKey*)3, NULL, NULL}, 'C'}; struct Node n4 = {{(BSKey*)4, NULL, NULL}, 'D'}; struct Node n5 = {{(BSKey*)5, NULL, NULL}, 'E'}; struct Node n6 = {{(BSKey*)6, NULL, NULL}, 'F'}; BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n4, compare_key); BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n1, compare_key); BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n3, compare_key); BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n6, compare_key); BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n2, compare_key); BSTree_Insert(tree, (BSTreeNode*)&n5, compare_key); printf("Height: %d ", BSTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d ", BSTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d ", BSTree_Count(tree)); printf("Search Key 5: %c ", ((struct Node*)BSTree_Get(tree, (BSKey*)5, compare_key))->v); printf("Full Tree: "); BSTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BSTree_Delete(tree, (BSKey*)4, compare_key); printf("After Delete Key 4: "); printf("Height: %d ", BSTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d ", BSTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d ", BSTree_Count(tree)); printf("Full Tree: "); BSTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BSTree_Clear(tree); printf("After Clear: "); printf("Height: %d ", BSTree_Height(tree)); printf("Degree: %d ", BSTree_Degree(tree)); printf("Count: %d ", BSTree_Count(tree)); BSTree_Display(tree, printf_data, 4, '-'); BSTree_Destroy(tree); return 0; }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "Hash.h" #include "BSTree.h" typedef struct _tag_HashNode HashNode; struct _tag_HashNode { BSTreeNode header; HashValue* value; }; void recursive_clear(BSTreeNode* node) { if( node != NULL ) { recursive_clear(node->left); recursive_clear(node->right); free(node); } } Hash* Hash_Create() { return BSTree_Create(); } void Hash_Destroy(Hash* hash) { Hash_Clear(hash); BSTree_Destroy(hash); } void Hash_Clear(Hash* hash) { recursive_clear(BSTree_Root(hash)); BSTree_Clear(hash); } int Hash_Add(Hash* hash, HashKey* key, HashValue* value, Hash_Compare* compare) { int ret = 0; HashNode* node = (HashNode*)malloc(sizeof(HashNode)); if( ret = (node != NULL) ) { node->header.key = key; node->value = value; ret = BSTree_Insert(hash, (BSTreeNode*)node, compare); if( !ret ) { free(node); } } return ret; } HashValue* Hash_Remove(Hash* hash, HashKey* key, Hash_Compare* compare) { HashValue* ret = NULL; HashNode* node = (HashNode*)BSTree_Delete(hash, key, compare); if( node != NULL ) { ret = node->value; free(node); } return ret; } HashValue* Hash_Get(Hash* hash, HashKey* key, Hash_Compare* compare) { HashValue* ret = NULL; HashNode* node = (HashNode*)BSTree_Get(hash, key, compare); if( node != NULL ) { ret = node->value; } return ret; } int Hash_Count(Hash* hash) { return BSTree_Count(hash); }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#ifndef _HASH_H_ #define _HASH_H_ typedef void Hash; typedef void HashKey; typedef void HashValue; typedef int (Hash_Compare)(HashKey*, HashKey*); Hash* Hash_Create(); void Hash_Destroy(Hash* hash); void Hash_Clear(Hash* hash); int Hash_Add(Hash* hash, HashKey* key, HashValue* value, Hash_Compare* compare); HashValue* Hash_Remove (Hash* hash, HashKey* key, Hash_Compare* compare); HashValue* Hash_Get(Hash* hash, HashKey* key, Hash_Compare* compare); int Hash_Count(Hash* hash); #endif</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Hash.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ struct Student { char* id; char* name; int age; }; int compare_id(HashKey* k1, HashKey* k2) { return strcmp((char*)k1, (char*)k2); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Hash* hash = Hash_Create(); struct Student s1 = {"9001201", "Delphi", 30}; struct Student s2 = {"0xABCDE", "Java", 20}; struct Student s3 = {"koabc", "C++", 40}; struct Student s4 = {"!@#$%^", "C#", 10}; struct Student s5 = {"Python", "Python", 10}; struct Student* ps = NULL; Hash_Add(hash, s1.id, &s1, compare_id); Hash_Add(hash, s2.id, &s2, compare_id); Hash_Add(hash, s3.id, &s3, compare_id); Hash_Add(hash, s4.id, &s4, compare_id); Hash_Add(hash, s5.id, &s5, compare_id); ps = Hash_Get(hash, "koabc", compare_id); printf("ID: %s ", ps->id); printf("Name: %s ", ps->name); printf("Age: %d ", ps->age); Hash_Destroy(hash); return 0; }</span></strong>