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  • 3044 矩形面积求并

    题目描述 Description


    输入描述 Input Description



        接下来n行每行4个实数x1,y1,x2,y1(0 <= x1 < x2 <= 100000;0 <= y1 < y2 <= 100000),表示矩形的左下角坐标和右上角坐标

    输出描述 Output Description


    样例输入 Sample Input

        10 10 20 20
        15 15 25 25.5

    样例输出 Sample Output



      1 const
      2         maxn=110;
      3 type
      4         node=record
      5           l,r,lc,rc,cnt:longint;
      6           sum,cover:double;
      7         end;
      8 var
      9         tree:array[0..maxn*4]of node;
     10         x:array[0..maxn*2]of double;
     11         l,r,c:array[0..maxn*2]of longint;
     12         y,lll,rrr:array[0..maxn*2]of double;
     13         n,tot,ll,rr:longint;
     14         ans:double;
     16 procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
     17 var
     18         t:longint;
     19 begin
     20         t:=x;x:=y;y:=t;
     21 end;
     23 procedure swap(var x,y:double);
     24 var
     25         t:double;
     26 begin
     27         t:=x;x:=y;y:=t;
     28 end;
     30 procedure sort(l,r:longint);
     31 var
     32         i,j:longint;
     33         y:double;
     34 begin
     35         i:=l;
     36         j:=r;
     37         y:=x[(l+r)>>1];
     38         repeat
     39           while x[i]<y do
     40             inc(i);
     41           while x[j]>y do
     42             dec(j);
     43           if i<=j then
     44           begin
     45             swap(x[i],x[j]);
     46             inc(i);
     47             dec(j);
     48           end;
     49         until i>j;
     50         if i<r then sort(i,r);
     51         if j>l then sort(l,j);
     52 end;
     54 procedure build(l,r:longint);
     55 var
     56         now,mid:longint;
     57 begin
     58         inc(tot);
     59         now:=tot;
     60         tree[now].l:=l;
     61         tree[now].r:=r;
     62         with tree[now] do
     63           begin
     64             cover:=0;
     65             cnt:=0;
     66             if l=r then
     67             begin
     68               sum:=x[r+1]-x[r];
     69               lc:=0;
     70               rc:=0;
     71               exit;
     72             end;
     73             mid:=(l+r)>>1;
     74             lc:=tot+1;
     75             build(l,mid);
     76             rc:=tot+1;
     77             build(mid+1,r);
     78             sum:=x[r+1]-x[l];
     79           end;
     80 end;
     82 procedure sort2(ll,rr:longint);
     83 var
     84         i,j:longint;
     85         z:double;
     86 begin
     87         i:=ll;
     88         j:=rr;
     89         z:=y[(ll+rr)>>1];
     90         repeat
     91           while y[i]<z do
     92             inc(i);
     93           while y[j]>z do
     94             dec(j);
     95           if i<=j then
     96           begin
     97             swap(l[i],l[j]);
     98             swap(r[i],r[j]);
     99             swap(y[i],y[j]);
    100             swap(c[i],c[j]);
    101             inc(i);
    102             dec(j);
    103           end;
    104         until i>j;
    105         if i<rr then sort2(i,rr);
    106         if j>ll then sort2(ll,j);
    107 end;
    109 function find(k:double):longint;
    110 var
    111         l,r,mid:longint;
    112 begin
    113         l:=1;
    114         r:=n*2;
    115         while l<>r do
    116           begin
    117             mid:=(l+r)>>1;
    118             if x[mid]=k then exit(mid);
    119             if x[mid]>k then r:=mid-1
    120             else l:=mid+1;
    121           end;
    122         exit(l);
    123 end;
    125 procedure init;
    126 var
    127         i:longint;
    128         x1,y1,x2,y2:double;
    129 begin
    130         read(n);
    131         if n=0 then halt;
    132         ans:=0;
    133         tot:=0;
    134         for i:=1 to n do
    135           begin
    136             read(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    137             lll[i*2-1]:=x1;
    138             rrr[i*2-1]:=x2;
    139             y[i*2-1]:=y1;
    140             c[i*2-1]:=1;
    141             lll[i*2]:=x1;
    142             rrr[i*2]:=x2;
    143             y[i*2]:=y2;
    144             c[i*2]:=-1;
    145             x[i*2-1]:=x1;
    146             x[i*2]:=x2;
    147           end;
    148         sort(1,n*2);
    149         build(1,n*2-1);
    150         for i:=1 to n*2 do
    151           begin
    152             l[i]:=find(lll[i]);
    153             r[i]:=find(rrr[i]);
    154           end;
    155         sort2(1,n*2);
    156 end;
    158 procedure insert(now,c:longint);
    159 var
    160         mid:longint;
    161 begin
    162         with tree[now] do
    163           begin
    164             if (ll<=l) and (rr>=r) then
    165             begin
    166               inc(cnt,c);
    167               if cnt>0 then cover:=sum
    168               else cover:=tree[lc].cover+tree[rc].cover;
    169               exit;
    170             end;
    171             mid:=(l+r)>>1;
    172             if ll<=mid then insert(lc,c);
    173             if rr>mid then insert(rc,c);
    174             if cnt>0 then cover:=sum
    175             else cover:=tree[lc].cover+tree[rc].cover;
    176           end;
    177 end;
    179 procedure work;
    180 var
    181         i:longint;
    182 begin
    183         for i:=1 to n*2 do
    184           begin
    185             if y[i]<>y[i-1] then ans:=ans+tree[1].cover*(y[i]-y[i-1]);
    186             ll:=l[i];
    187             rr:=r[i]-1;
    188             insert(1,c[i]);
    189           end;
    190         writeln(ans:0:2);
    191 end;
    193 begin
    194         while true do
    195           begin
    196             init;
    197             work;
    198           end;
    199 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Randolph87/p/3688678.html
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