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  • Linux Shell 使用 if-then 结构化命令

    使用  if-then 结构化命令


      许多程序要求对shell脚本中的命令施加一些逻辑流程控制。有一类命令会根据条件使脚本跳过某些命令。这样的命令通常称为结构化命令(structured command)。

      结构化命令允许你改变程序执行的顺序。在bash shell中有不少结构化命令,我们会逐个研究。本节来看一下if-then和case语句。

    1、使用if-then 语句


    1 if command
    2 then
    3 commands
    4 fi

      如果你在用其他编程语言的if-then语句,这种形式可能会让你有点困惑。在其他编程语言中,if语句之后的对象是一个等式,这个等式的求值结果为TRUE或FALSE。但bash shell的if语句并不是这么做的。

      bash shell的if语句会运行if后面的那个命令。如果该命令的退出状态码(参见上篇博文)是0(该命令成功运行),位于then部分的命令就会被执行。如果该命令的退出状态码是其他值, then部分的命令就不会被执行,bash shell会继续执行脚本中的下一个命令。fi语句用来表示if-then语句到此结束。


    1 $ cat if-then1.sh 
    2 #!/bin/bash
    3 #testing the if statement
    4 if pwd
    5 then
    6     echo "it worked"
    7 fi
    8 $


    1 $ ./if-then1.sh 
    2 /home/zhengchuanyu/xiaoyu
    3 it worked
    4 $


     1 $ cat if-then2.sh 
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 #testing a bad command
     4 if IamNotaCommand
     5 then
     6     echo "it worked"
     7 fi
     9 echo "we are outside thie if statement"
    10 $ chmod a+x if-then2.sh 
    11 $ ./if-then2.sh 
    12 ./if-then2.sh: line 3: IamNotaCommand: command not found
    13 we are outside thie if statement
    14 $ 

      在这个例子中,我们在if语句行故意放了一个不能工作的命令。由于这是个错误的命令,所以它会产生一个非零的退出状态码,且bash shell会跳过then部分的echo语句。还要注意,运行if语句中的那个错误命令所生成的错误消息依然会显示在脚本的输出中。有时你可能不想看到错误信息。在后面的博文中将会讨论如何避免这种情况。

      说明 你可能在有些脚本中看到过if-then语句的另一种形式:
      if command; then

      在then部分,你可以使用不止一条命令。可以像在脚本中的其他地方一样在这里列出多条命令。bash shell会将这些命令当成一个块,如果if语句行的命令的退出状态值为0,所有的命令都会被执行;如果if语句行的命令的退出状态不为0,所有的命令都会被跳过。

     1 $ cat if-then3.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing multiple commands in the then section
     4 #
     5 testuser=Christine
     6 #
     7 if grep $testuser /etc/passwd
     8 then
     9 echo "This is my first command"
    10 echo "This is my second command"
    11 echo "I can even put in other commands besides echo:"
    12 ls -a /home/$testuser/.b*
    13 fi
    14 $


    1 $ ./if-then3.sh
    2 Christine:x:501:501:Christine B:/home/Christine:/bin/bash
    3 This is my first command
    4 This is my second command
    5 I can even put in other commands besides echo:
    6 /home/Christine/.bash_history /home/Christine/.bash_profile
    7 /home/Christine/.bash_logout /home/Christine/.bashrc
    8 $


     1 $ cat if-then3.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing multiple commands in the then section
     4 #
     5 testuser=NoSuchUser
     6 #
     7 if grep $testuser /etc/passwd
     8 then
     9 echo "This is my first command"
    10 echo "This is my second command"
    11 echo "I can even put in other commands besides echo:"
    12 ls -a /home/$testuser/.b*
    13 fi
    14 $
    15 $ ./if-then3.sh
    16 $


     2、if-then-else 语句

      在if-then语句中,不管命令是否成功执行,你都只有一种选择。如果命令返回一个非零退出状态码,bash shell会继续执行脚本中的下一条命令。在这种情况下,如果能够执行另一组命令就好了。这正是if-then-else语句的作用。

      if command

      当if语句中的命令返回退出状态码0时,then部分中的命令会被执行,这跟普通的if-then语句一样。当if语句中的命令返回非零退出状态码时,bash shell会执行else部分中的命令。

     1 $ cat if-then4.sh 
     2 #!/bin/sh
     3 #testing the else section
     5 testUser=noSuchUser
     7 if grep $testUser /etc/passwd
     8 then
     9         echo "The bash files for user $testuser are:"
    10         ls -a /home/$testuser/.b*
    11         echo
    12 else
    13         echo "The user $testuser does not exist on this system."
    14         echo
    15 fi
    16 $ 
    1 $ ./if-then4.sh 
    2 The user  does not exist on this system.
    4 $ 




     1 $ cat if-then5.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Testing nested ifs
     4 #
     5 testuser=NoSuchUser
     6 #
     7 if grep $testuser /etc/passwd
     8 then
     9 echo "The user $testuser exists on this system."
    10 else
    11 echo "The user $testuser does not exist on this system."
    12 if ls -d /home/$testuser/
    13 then
    14 echo "However, $testuser has a directory."
    15 fi
    16 fi
    17 $
    18 $ ./if-then5.sh
    19 The user NoSuchUser does not exist on this system.
    20 /home/NoSuchUser/
    21 However, NoSuchUser has a directory.
    22 $


       if command1
      elif command2
      more commands





     1 $ cat numeric_test.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Using numeric test evaluations
     4 #
     5 value1=10
     6 value2=11
     7 #
     8 if [ $value1 -gt 5 ]
     9 then
    10 echo "The test value $value1 is greater than 5"
    11 fi
    12 #
    13 if [ $value1 -eq $value2 ]
    14 then
    15 echo "The values are equal"
    16 else
    17 echo "The values are different"
    18 fi
    19 #
    20 $


      if [ $value1 -gt 5 ]


      if [ $value1 -eq $value2 ]


    1 $ ./numeric_test.sh
    2 The test value 10 is greater than 5
    3 The values are different
    4 $


     1 $ cat floating_point_test.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Using floating point numbers in test evaluations
     4 #
     5 value1=5.555
     6 #
     7 echo "The test value is $value1"
     8 #
     9 if [ $value1 -gt 5 ]
    10 then
    11 echo "The test value $value1 is greater than 5"
    12 fi
    13 #
    14 $ ./floating_point_test.sh
    15 The test value is 5.555
    16 ./floating_point_test.sh: line 8:
    17 [: 5.555: integer expression expected
    18 $

      此例,变量value1中存储的是浮点值。接着,脚本对这个值进行了测试。显然这里出错了。记住,bash shell只能处理整数。如果你只是要通过echo语句来显示这个结果,那没问题。但是,在基于数字的函数中就不行了,例如我们的数值测试条件。最后一行就说明我们不能在test命令中使用浮点值。






     1 $ cat test7.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing string equality
     4 testuser=rich
     5 #
     6 if [ $USER = $testuser ]
     7 then
     8 echo "Welcome $testuser"
     9 fi
    10 $
    11 $ ./test7.sh
    12 Welcome rich
    13 $


     1 $ cat test8.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing string equality
     4 testuser=baduser
     5 #
     6 if [ $USER != $testuser ]
     7 then
     8 echo "This is not $testuser"
     9 else
    10 echo "Welcome $testuser"
    11 fi
    12 $
    13 $ ./test8.sh
    14 This is not baduser
    15 $




    •   大于号和小于号必须转义,否则shell会把它们当作重定向符号,把字符串值当作文件名;
    •   大于和小于顺序和sort命令所采用的不同。


     1 $ cat badtest.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # mis-using string comparisons
     4 #
     5 val1=baseball
     6 val2=hockey
     7 #
     8 if [ $val1 > $val2 ]
     9 then
    10 echo "$val1 is greater than $val2"
    11 else
    12 echo "$val1 is less than $val2"
    13 fi
    14 $
    15 $ ./badtest.sh
    16 baseball is greater than hockey
    17 $ ls -l hockey
    18 -rw-r--r-- 1 rich rich 0 Sep 30 19:08 hockey
    19 $


     1 $ cat test9.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # mis-using string comparisons
     4 #
     5 val1=baseball
     6 val2=hockey
     7 #
     8 if [ $val1 > $val2 ]
     9 then
    10 echo "$val1 is greater than $val2"
    11 else
    12 echo "$val1 is less than $val2"
    13 fi
    14 $
    15 $ ./test9.sh
    16 baseball is less than hockey
    17 $


     1 $ cat test9b.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing string sort order
     4 val1=Testing
     5 val2=testing
     6 #
     7 if [ $val1 > $val2 ]
     8 then
     9 echo "$val1 is greater than $val2"
    10 else
    11 echo "$val1 is less than $val2"
    12 fi
    13 $
    14 $ ./test9b.sh
    15 Testing is less than testing
    16 $
    17 $ sort testfile
    18 testing
    19 Testing
    20 $


      说明 test命令和测试表达式使用标准的数学比较符号来表示字符串比较,而用文本代码来表示数值比较。这个细微的特性被很多程序员理解反了。如果你对数值使用了数学运算符号,shell会将它们当成字符串值,可能无法得到正确的结果。



     1 $ cat test10.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing string length
     4 val1=testing
     5 val2=''
     6 #
     7 if [ -n $val1 ]
     8 then
     9 echo "The string '$val1' is not empty"
    10 else
    11 echo "The string '$val1' is empty"
    12 fi
    13 #
    14 if [ -z $val2 ]
    15 then
    16 echo "The string '$val2' is empty"
    17 else
    18 echo "The string '$val2' is not empty"
    19 fi
    20 #
    21 if [ -z $val3 ]
    22 then
    23 echo "The string '$val3' is empty"
    24 else
    25 echo "The string '$val3' is not empty"
    26 fi
    27 $
    28 $ ./test10.sh
    29 The string 'testing' is not empty
    30 The string '' is empty
    31 The string '' is empty
    32 $


      if [ -n $val1 ]


      if [ -z $var2 ]


      if [ -z $val3 ]


    窍门 空的和未初始化的变量会对shell脚本测试造成灾难性的影响。如果不是很确定一个变量的内容,最好在将其用于数值或字符串比较之前先通过-n或-z来测试一下变量是否含有值。






     1 $ cat test11.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Look before you leap
     4 #
     5 jump_directory=/home/arthur
     6 #
     7 if [ -d $jump_directory ]
     8 then
     9 echo "The $jump_directory directory exists"
    10 cd $jump_directory
    11 ls
    12 else
    13 echo "The $jump_directory directory does not exist"
    14 fi
    15 #
    16 $
    17 $ ./test11.sh
    18 The /home/arthur directory does not exist
    19 $




     1 $ cat test12.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Check if either a directory or file exists
     4 #
     5 location=$HOME
     6 file_name="sentinel"
     7 #
     8 if [ -e $location ]
     9 then #Directory does exist
    10 echo "OK on the $location directory."
    11 echo "Now checking on the file, $file_name."
    12 #
    13 if [ -e $location/$file_name ]
    14 then #File does exist
    15 echo "OK on the filename"
    16 echo "Updating Current Date..."
    17 date >> $location/$file_name
    18 #
    19 else #File does not exist
    20 echo "File does not exist"
    21 echo "Nothing to update"
    22 fi
    23 #
    24 else #Directory does not exist
    25 echo "The $location directory does not exist."
    26 echo "Nothing to update"
    27 fi
    28 #
    29 $
    30 $ ./test12.sh
    31 OK on the /home/Christine directory.
    32 Now checking on the file, sentinel.
    33 File does not exist
    34 Nothing to update
    35 $
    36 $ touch sentinel
    37 $
    38 $ ./test12.sh
    39 OK on the /home/Christine directory.
    40 Now checking on the file, sentinel.
    41 OK on the filename
    42 Updating Current Date...
    43 $




     1 $ cat test13.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Check if either a directory or file exists
     4 #
     5 item_name=$HOME
     6 echo
     7 echo "The item being checked: $item_name"
     8 echo
     9 #
    10 if [ -e $item_name ]
    11 then #Item does exist
    12 echo "The item, $item_name, does exist."
    13 echo "But is it a file?"
    14 echo
    15 #
    16 if [ -f $item_name ]
    17 then #Item is a file
    18 echo "Yes, $item_name is a file."
    19 #
    20 else #Item is not a file
    21 echo "No, $item_name is not a file."
    22 fi
    23 #
    24 else #Item does not exist
    25 echo "The item, $item_name, does not exist."
    26 echo "Nothing to update"
    27 fi
    28 #
    29 $ ./test13.sh
    30 The item being checked: /home/Christine
    31 The item, /home/Christine, does exist.
    32 But is it a file?
    33 No, /home/Christine is not a file.
    34 $




     1 $ cat test14.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing if you can read a file
     4 pwfile=/etc/shadow
     5 #
     6 # first, test if the file exists, and is a file
     7 if [ -f $pwfile ]
     8 then
     9 # now test if you can read it
    10 if [ -r $pwfile ]
    11 then
    12 tail $pwfile
    13 else
    14 echo "Sorry, I am unable to read the $pwfile file"
    15 fi
    16 else
    17 echo "Sorry, the file $file does not exist"
    18 fi
    19 $
    20 $ ./test14.sh
    21 Sorry, I am unable to read the /etc/shadow file
    22 $

      /etc/shadow文件含有系统用户加密后的密码,所以它对系统上的普通用户来说是不可读的。-r比较确定该文件不允许进行读取,因此测试失败,bash shell执行了if-then语句的else部分。



     1 $ cat test15.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Testing if a file is empty
     4 #
     5 file_name=$HOME/sentinel
     6 #
     7 if [ -f $file_name ]
     8 then
     9 if [ -s $file_name ]
    10 then
    11 echo "The $file_name file exists and has data in it."
    12 echo "Will not remove this file."
    13 #
    14 else
    15 echo "The $file_name file exists, but is empty."
    16 echo "Deleting empty file..."
    17 rm $file_name
    18 fi
    19 else
    20 echo "File, $file_name, does not exist."
    21 fi
    22 #
    23 $ ls -l $HOME/sentinel
    24 -rw-rw-r--. 1 Christine Christine 29 Jun 25 05:32 /home/Christine/sentinel
    25 $
    26 $ ./test15.sh
    27 The /home/Christine/sentinel file exists and has data in it.
    28 Will not remove this file.
    29 $

      -f比较测试首先测试文件是否存在。如果存在,由-s比较来判断该文件是否为空。空文件会被删除。可以从ls –l的输出中看出sentinel并不是空文件,因此脚本并不会删除它。



     1 $ cat test16.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Check if a file is writable.
     4 #
     5 item_name=$HOME/sentinel
     6 echo
     7 echo "The item being checked: $item_name"
     8 echo
     9 [...]
    10 echo "Yes, $item_name is a file."
    11 echo "But is it writable?"
    12 echo
    13 #
    14 if [ -w $item_name ]
    15 then #Item is writable
    16 echo "Writing current time to $item_name"
    17 date +%H%M >> $item_name
    18 #
    19 else #Item is not writable
    20 echo "Unable to write to $item_name"
    21 fi
    22 #
    23 else #Item is not a file
    24 echo "No, $item_name is not a file."
    25 fi
    26 [...]
    27 $
    28 $ ls -l sentinel
    29 -rw-rw-r--. 1 Christine Christine 0 Jun 27 05:38 sentinel
    30 $
    31 $ ./test16.sh
    32 The item being checked: /home/Christine/sentinel
    33 The item, /home/Christine/sentinel, does exist.
    34 But is it a file?
    35 Yes, /home/Christine/sentinel is a file.
    36 But is it writable?
    37 Writing current time to /home/Christine/sentinel
    38 $
    39 $ cat sentinel
    40 0543
    41 $

      如果使用chmod关闭文件sentinel的用户 写入权限,-w测试表达式会返回非零的退出状态码,时间戳不会被写入文件。

     1 $ chmod u-w sentinel
     2 $
     3 $ ls -l sentinel
     4 -r--rw-r--. 1 Christine Christine 5 Jun 27 05:43 sentinel
     5 $
     6 $ ./test16.sh
     7 The item being checked: /home/Christine/sentinel
     8 The item, /home/Christine/sentinel, does exist.
     9 But is it a file?
    10 Yes, /home/Christine/sentinel is a file.
    11 But is it writable?
    12 Unable to write to /home/Christine/sentinel
    13 $



      -x 比较是判断特定文件是否有执行权限的一个简单方法。虽然可能大多数命令用不到它,但如果你要在shell脚本中运行大量脚本,它就能发挥作用。

     1 $ cat test17.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing file execution
     4 #
     5 if [ -x test16.sh ]
     6 then
     7 echo "You can run the script: "
     8 ./test16.sh
     9 else
    10 echo "Sorry, you are unable to execute the script"
    11 fi
    12 $
    13 $ ./test17.sh
    14 You can run the script:
    15 [...]
    16 $
    17 $ chmod u-x test16.sh
    18 $
    19 $ ./test17.sh
    20 Sorry, you are unable to execute the script
    21 $



      -O 比较可以测试出你是否是文件的属主。

     1 $ cat test18.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # check file ownership
     4 #
     5 if [ -O /etc/passwd ]
     6 then
     7 echo "You are the owner of the /etc/passwd file"
     8 else
     9 echo "Sorry, you are not the owner of the /etc/passwd file"
    10 fi
    11 $
    12 $ ./test18.sh
    13 Sorry, you are not the owner of the /etc/passwd file
    14 $



      -G 比较会检查文件的默认组,如果它匹配了用户的默认组,则测试成功。由于 -G 比较只会检查默认组而非用户所属的所有组,这会叫人有点困惑。这里有个例子。

     1 $ cat test19.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # check file group test
     4 #
     5 if [ -G $HOME/testing ]
     6 then
     7 echo "You are in the same group as the file"
     8 else
     9 echo "The file is not owned by your group"
    10 fi
    11 $
    12 $ ls -l $HOME/testing
    13 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rich rich 58 2014-07-30 15:51 /home/rich/testing
    14 $
    15 $ ./test19.sh
    16 You are in the same group as the file
    17 $
    18 $ chgrp sharing $HOME/testing
    19 $
    20 $ ./test19
    21 The file is not owned by your group
    22 $




     1 $ cat test20.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing file dates
     4 #
     5 if [ test19.sh -nt test18.sh ]
     6 then
     7 echo "The test19 file is newer than test18"
     8 else
     9 echo "The test18 file is newer than test19"
    10 fi
    11 if [ test17.sh -ot test19.sh ]
    12 then
    13 echo "The test17 file is older than the test19 file"
    14 fi
    15 $
    16 $ ./test20.sh
    17 The test19 file is newer than test18
    18 The test17 file is older than the test19 file
    19 $
    20 $ ls -l test17.sh test18.sh test19.sh
    21 -rwxrw-r-- 1 rich rich 167 2014-07-30 16:31 test17.sh
    22 -rwxrw-r-- 1 rich rich 185 2014-07-30 17:46 test18.sh
    23 -rwxrw-r-- 1 rich rich 167 2014-07-30 17:50 test19.sh
    24 $


     1 $ cat test21.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 # testing file dates
     4 #
     5 if [ badfile1 -nt badfile2 ]
     6 then
     7 echo "The badfile1 file is newer than badfile2"
     8 else
     9 echo "The badfile2 file is newer than badfile1"
    10 fi
    11 $
    12 $ ./test21.sh
    13 The badfile2 file is newer than badfile1
    14 $

      这个小例子演示了如果文件不存在,-nt比较会返回一个错误的结果。在你尝试使用 -nt 或 -ot 比较文件之前,必须先确认文件是存在的。

  • 相关阅读:
    ACM第六周竞赛题目——A LightOJ 1317
    数学概念——D 期望
    数学概念——A 几何概型
    数学概念——E 期望(经典问题)
    数学概念——F 概率(经典问题)birthday paradox
    数学概念——H 最美素数
    数学概念——G 最大公约数
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Reverse-xiaoyu/p/13174517.html
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