If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
'--------------------------下面的是错误的 如果2006-10-31 那么-1月 就是 2006-9-31 所以是错误的
Dim year, month, day As Integer
day = Now.Day
If Now.Month >= 2 Then
month = Now.Month - 1
year = Now.Year
month = 12
year = Now.Year - 1
End If
Dim dt As Date = New Date(year, month, day)
Me.txt_BDate.Value = Format(dt, "yyyy\/MM\/dd")
Me.txt_BDate.Value = Format(Now.AddMonth(-1),"yyyy\/MM\/dd")
Me.txt_EDate.Value = Format(Now, "yyyy\/MM\/dd")
End If
Dim str_BDate As String = Me.txt_BDate.Value
Dim str_EDate As String = Me.txt_EDate.Value
str_EDate = CDate(str_EDate).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
If str_BDate <> "" Then
str_sql += " and Send_Time>='" + str_BDate + "' "
End If
If str_EDate <> "" Then
str_sql += " and Send_Time<='" + str_EDate + "' "
End If