1 实现指定秘钥的凯撒密码加密
2 已知秘钥解密
3 未知秘钥,采用暴力破解
4 对破解出的密码,与单词词典比对,找出明文的那一条,得到加密的秘钥
MAX_KEY_SIZE = 26 def getMode(): while True: print('请选择加密或解密模式,或者选择暴力破解:') print('加密:encrypt(e)') print('解密:decrypt(d)') print('暴力破解:brute(b)') mode = input().lower() if mode in 'encrypt e decrypt d brute b'.split(): return mode else: print('请输入"encrypt"或"e"或"decrypt"或"d"或"brute"或"b"!') def getMessage(): print('请输入你的信息:') return input() def getKey(): key = 0 while True: print('请输入密钥数字(1-25)') key = int(input()) if (key >=1 and key <= MAX_KEY_SIZE): return key def getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key): if mode[0] == 'd': key = -key #如果是解密的 就反过来 translated = '' for symbol in message: if symbol.isalpha(): #是否都是字母 num = ord(symbol) #得到字符symbol对应的ASCII码 num += key #解密出对应的ASCII码 if symbol.isupper(): if num > ord('Z'): num -= 26 elif num < ord('A'): num += 26 elif symbol.islower(): if num > ord('z'): num -= 26 elif num < ord('a'): num += 26 translated += chr(num) #与ord对应 将码转字符 else: translated += symbol #不是字母的位置就直接添加了 write_file(translated,"cipher.txt") return translated def write_file(str,filename): with open(filename,'w') as fp: fp.write(str) mode = getMode() message = getMessage() if mode[0] != 'b': key = getKey() print('你要翻译的信息是:') if mode[0] != 'b': print(getTranslatedMessage(mode, message, key)) else: for key in range(1, MAX_KEY_SIZE + 1): print(key, getTranslatedMessage('decrypt', message, key))
Caesar_ Decrypt.py
########################功能####################### #1、文件读入4万个常用单词、密文 #2、解密后存文件 #3、cipher 是存的原始密文 cipher_no 是把原始密文的标点符号过滤后的密文 ########################程序########################### import time #存放100常用单词的文本 WORDS_FILE_NAME = 'diction.txt' #WORDS_FILE_NAME = 'words.txt' #加密所用的对照表 KEY_FILE_NAME = 'duizhao.txt' #存放密文的文本 CIPHER_FILE_NAME = 'cipher.txt' #存放明文的文本 PLAIN_FILE_NAME = 'plain.txt' letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' #读入一个文本 def read_file(filename): lines = '' with open(filename,'r') as fp: for line in fp: lines += line return lines #写入字符串到文本 def write_file(str,filename): with open(filename,'w') as fp: fp.write(str) #根据秘钥加密 def encrypt(key,textFileString): lines = '' #读入待加密文本 lines = read_file(textFileString) lines.lower() #读入对应转换表 letters1 = '' #选择对应的转换表 with open(KEY_FILE_NAME, 'r') as fp1: for line in fp1: key -= 1 if key == -1: #找到key那一行 letters1 += line #进行加密 cstring = '' length = len(lines) for i in range(0, length): if lines[i] >= 'a' and lines[i] <= 'z': for j in range(0, 26): if lines[i] == letters[j]: #letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' cstring += letters1[j] #进行相应位的替换 else: cstring += lines[i] return cstring #根据指定的秘钥解密 def decipher1(key,textFileString): #从文件读入数据 lines = '' cstring = ''#密文结果 lines = read_file(textFileString) #全部转换为小写字母 lines.lower() #根据key进行解密 letters1 = '' with open(KEY_FILE_NAME,'r') as fp1: for line in fp1: key += 1 if key == 27: letters1+=line #开始解密 length = len(lines) for i in range(0,length): if lines[i]>='a' and lines[i] <= 'z': for j in range(0, 26): if lines[i] == letters[j]: cstring+=letters1[j] else: cstring += lines[i] return cstring #根据常用词汇表解密 def decipher2(textFileString): #读入一百个单词 words = read_file(WORDS_FILE_NAME).split(' ') #读取文件所有内容 并以回车分词 max = 0; index = 0; #暴力破解选择一个秘钥 filename_no = read_file(textFileString).replace(',','') filename_no = filename_no.replace('.','') filename_no = filename_no.replace(':','') filename_no = filename_no.replace('"','') filename_no = filename_no.replace('?','') write_file(filename_no,'cipher_no.txt') #符号替换完 存入_no print("暴力破解的所有结果:") for i in range(1,26): pstring = decipher1(i,'cipher_no.txt') print("秘钥为%d"%i,"时,解密的结果:",pstring) plainWords = pstring.split(' ') #对比 length = len(plainWords) temp = 0 for j in range(0,length): if plainWords[j] in words: temp += 1 # 在词库里面的词语数量 if temp > max: max = temp index = i print("经过词典比对,最终得出正确的明文:") print('破解秘钥是%d'%index) # print('单词个数%d',length) print('单词的匹配程度{}%'.format(float('%.2f'%(max*100/length)))) #写入文件 str = decipher1(index,textFileString) write_file(str,PLAIN_FILE_NAME) return decipher1(index,textFileString) def main(): print('主程序入口') start_time = time.time() print('解密后的结果: '+decipher2('cipher.txt')) #解密 #print('加密后的结果: '+encrypt(3, 'D:\2018Python_Learningpythonlearning\plain.txt')) #加密 end_time = time.time() run_time = end_time-start_time print('程序的运行时间为:{}'.format(run_time)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()