Trigger:在SQL SERVER 2005之前,触发器需要使用日志来获取DELETED AND INSERTED的数据,因此会打乱日志顺序写的模式,造成磁盘压力,在SQL Server2005 之后,触发器改用行版本来获取DELETED AND INSERTED,从而减少对磁盘的影响,但增加对TempDB的压力
Online Index: 在创建或重建索引时,可以指定ONLINE选项,当ONLINE=TURE时,只有在Index开始和结束时才申请表锁,其余时间用户可以操作和访问表中数据。SQL server使用row version来保持索引建立期间相同的数据视图,数据版本存储在TempDB中。
MARS: Multiple active result set, SQL server use row versioning to provide statement consistency to the transcation as mars allows multiple statements within the same transcation to be active at the same time.
Snapshot isolation level and read commited snapshot level: use row version to provide a consistent view in a transcation with snapshot isoaltion level.