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  • 深入Delphi FMX从FMX.Types开始(一、原理)

    深入Delphi FMX从FMX.Types开始(一、原理)




    1.003、Caret及其光标闪烁相关(2071、872行次),  TFlasherInterval = -1..1000;









    1.012、判断并捕获FMX应用的句柄是否有效相关(1826行次), TFmxHandle = THandle;  THandle = NativeUInt;  Result := (Hnd <> 0);
























    深入Delphi FMX从FMX.Types开始(一、原理)



    TShowVirtualKeyboard = procedure (const Displayed: boolean;
    const Caret: TCustomCaret;
    var VirtualKeyboardState: TVirtualKeyboardStates);

    procedure RegisterShowVKProc(const ShowVirtualKeyboard: TShowVirtualKeyboard);

    TKeyKind = (Usual, Functional, Unknown);

    TKeyKindHelper = record helper for TKeyKind
    TVirtualKeyboardType = (Default, NumbersAndPunctuation, NumberPad, PhonePad, Alphabet, URL, NamePhonePad,
    EmailAddress, DecimalNumberPad);

    TVirtualKeyboardTypeHelper = record helper for TVirtualKeyboardType
    vktDefault = TVirtualKeyboardType.Default deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.Default';
    vktNumbersAndPunctuation = TVirtualKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation';
    vktNumberPad = TVirtualKeyboardType.NumberPad deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.NumberPad';
    vktPhonePad = TVirtualKeyboardType.PhonePad deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.PhonePad';
    vktAlphabet = TVirtualKeyboardType.Alphabet deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.Alphabet';
    vktURL = TVirtualKeyboardType.URL deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.URL';
    vktNamePhonePad = TVirtualKeyboardType.NamePhonePad deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.NamePhonePad';
    vktEmailAddress = TVirtualKeyboardType.EmailAddress deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardType.EmailAddress';

    TVirtualKeyboardState = (AutoShow, Visible, Error, Transient);

    TVirtualKeyboardStateHelper = record helper for TVirtualKeyboardState
    vksAutoShow = TVirtualKeyboardState.AutoShow deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardState.AutoShow';
    vksVisible = TVirtualKeyboardState.Visible deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardState.Visible';
    vksError = TVirtualKeyboardState.Error deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardState.Error';
    vksTransient = TVirtualKeyboardState.Transient deprecated 'Use TVirtualKeyboardState.Transient';

    TVirtualKeyboardStates = set of TVirtualKeyboardState;

    TReturnKeyType = (Default, Done, Go, Next, Search, Send);

    TReturnKeyTypeHelper = record helper for TReturnKeyType
    rktDefault = TReturnKeyType.Default deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Default';
    rktDone = TReturnKeyType.Done deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Done';
    rktGo = TReturnKeyType.Go deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Go';
    rktNext = TReturnKeyType.Next deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Next';
    rktSearch = TReturnKeyType.Search deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Search';
    rktSend = TReturnKeyType.Send deprecated 'Use TReturnKeyType.Send';

    IVirtualKeyboardControl = interface
    procedure SetKeyboardType(Value: TVirtualKeyboardType);
    function GetKeyboardType: TVirtualKeyboardType;
    property KeyboardType: TVirtualKeyboardType read GetKeyboardType write SetKeyboardType;
    procedure SetReturnKeyType(Value: TReturnKeyType);
    function GetReturnKeyType: TReturnKeyType;
    property ReturnKeyType: TReturnKeyType read GetReturnKeyType write SetReturnKeyType;
    function IsPassword: Boolean;


    SharedContext: TRttiContext;
    ClonePropertiesCache: TDictionary<string, TList<TRttiProperty>>;

    1.003、Caret及其光标闪烁相关(2071、872行次),  TFlasherInterval = -1..1000;

    /// <summary>Registers the flasher class for the TCustomCaret object specified
    /// in the CaretClass parameter.</summary>
    procedure RegisterFlasherClass(const FlasherClass: TFmxObjectClass; const CaretClass: TCaretClass);
    /// <summary>Returns the class of a flasher registered for the TCustomCaret
    /// object specified in the CaretClass parameter.</summary>
    function FlasherClass(const CaretClass: TCaretClass): TFmxObjectClass;
    /// <summary>Returns the flasher object registered for the TCustomCaret object
    /// specified in the CaretClass parameter.</summary>
    function Flasher(const CaretClass: TCaretClass): TFmxObject;
    /// <summary>Checks whether a flasher is registered for the TCustomCaret object
    /// specified in the CaretClass parameter.</summary>
    function AssignedFlasher(const CaretClass: TCaretClass): boolean;

    TCaretDisplayChanged = procedure (Sender: TCustomCaret; const VirtualKeyboardState: TVirtualKeyboardStates) of object;

    TCaretClass = class of TCustomCaret;

    TCustomCaret = class (TPersistent)
    [Weak]FOwner: TFMXObject;
    FIControl: IControl;
    FVisible: Boolean;
    FDisplayed: Boolean;
    FTemporarilyHidden: Boolean;
    FChanged: Boolean;
    FUpdateCount: Integer;
    FOnDisplayChanged: TCaretDisplayChanged;
    FColor: TAlphaColor;
    FDefaultColor: TAlphaColor;
    FPos: TPointF;
    FSize: TSizeF;
    FInterval: TFlasherInterval;
    FReadOnly: Boolean;
    procedure SetColor(const Value: TAlphaColor);
    procedure SetPos(const Value: TPointF);
    procedure SetSize(const Value: TSizeF);
    procedure SetTemporarilyHidden(const Value: boolean);
    procedure SetVisible(const Value: Boolean);
    procedure SetInterval(const Value: TFlasherInterval);
    procedure SetReadOnly(const Value: boolean);
    procedure StartTimer;
    function GetWidth: Word;
    procedure SetWidth(const Value: Word);
    function GetFlasher: IFlasher;
    procedure SetDefaultColor(const Value: TAlphaColor);
    function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
    procedure DoDisplayChanged(const VirtualKeyboardState: TVirtualKeyboardStates); virtual;
    procedure DoUpdateFlasher; virtual;
    constructor Create(const AOwner: TFMXObject); virtual;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
    /// <summary>
    /// hide the caret
    /// </summary>
    procedure Hide; virtual;
    /// <summary>
    /// if possible (CanShow = True and Visible = True), the caret show.
    /// </summary>
    procedure Show; virtual;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method is performed after changing the Displayed
    /// </summary>
    property Pos: TPointF read FPos write SetPos;
    property Size: TSizeF read FSize write SetSize;
    property Color: TAlphaColor read FColor write SetColor default TAlphaColorRec.Null;
    property DefaultColor: TAlphaColor read FDefaultColor write SetDefaultColor;
    property Interval: TFlasherInterval read FInterval write SetInterval default 0;
    property Owner: TFMXObject read FOwner;
    property Control: IControl read FIControl;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure EndUpdate;
    class function FlasherName: string; virtual; abstract;
    property UpdateCount: integer read FUpdateCount;
    /// <summary>
    /// The update of the "Flasher", if UpdateCount = 0.
    /// </summary>
    procedure UpdateFlasher;
    /// <summary>
    /// This property controls the visibility of a caret, for the control in which the input focus.
    /// </summary>
    property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible;
    /// <summary>
    /// The function returns true, if the control is visible, enabled,
    /// has the input focus and it in an active form
    /// </summary>
    function CanShow: Boolean; virtual;
    /// <summary>
    /// This property is set to True, after the successful execution of
    /// method Show, and is set to False after method Hide
    /// </summary>
    property Displayed: Boolean read FDisplayed;
    /// <summary>
    /// If this property is 'true', the blinking control is invisible
    /// and does not take values of Visible, Displayed.
    /// When you change the properties, methods DoShow, DoHide, DoDisplayChanged not met.
    /// </summary>
    property TemporarilyHidden: boolean read FTemporarilyHidden write SetTemporarilyHidden;
    /// <summary>
    /// Blinking visual component is displayed.
    /// Usually this line, having a thickness of one or two pixels.
    /// </summary>
    property Flasher: IFlasher read GetFlasher;
    property ReadOnly: boolean read FReadOnly write SetReadOnly;
    property Width: Word read GetWidth write SetWidth default 0;

    property OnDisplayChanged: TCaretDisplayChanged read FOnDisplayChanged write FOnDisplayChanged;


    TDisplay = record


    TEnumerableFilter<F; T: TFmxObject> = class(TEnumerable<T>)
    constructor Create(const FullEnum: TEnumerable<F>; SelfDestruct: Boolean = False; const Pred: TPredicate<T> = nil);
    class function Filter(const Src: TEnumerable<F>; const Predicate: TPredicate<T> = nil): TEnumerableFilter<F,T>;

    TFilterEnumerator = class(TEnumerator<T>)
    constructor Create(const Enumerable: TEnumerable<F>; const Cleanup: TEnumerableFilter<F,T>;
    const Pred: TPredicate<T>);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property Current: T read GetCurrent;
    function MoveNext: Boolean;
    TIdleMessage = class(System.Messaging.TMessage)
    function DelAmp(const AText: string): string
    { Debugging }
    /// <summary>Provides static methods for debug messages.</summary>
    Log = class abstract
    public type
    /// <summary>A conversion function used to convert array elements in ArrayToString</summary>
    TToStringFunc = reference to function(const AObject: TObject): string;
    /// <summary>A timestamp of specific point in procedure execution. TLogMarks are used by Log.Trace.
    /// See Trace and TLogToken.</summary>
    TLogMark = record
    /// <summary>A short message</summary>
    Msg: string;
    /// <summary>Timestamp</summary>
    Time: TDateTime;
    /// <summary>A token received in Trace callback. Token can be used to mark specific points in time during
    /// procedure execution. Use Mark(Message) to mark specific moment in time. Marks will be printed
    /// in sequence with their elapsed times in Trace output.</summary>
    TLogToken = class
    /// <summary>Mark time during timed execution of a procedure.</summary>
    procedure Mark(const Msg: string);
    /// <summary>Get a mark at Index.</summary>
    property MarkAt[const Index: Integer]: TLogMark read GetMarkAt;
    /// <summary>Count of accumulated Marks.</summary>
    property Count: Integer read GetCount;
    /// <summary>Log a debug message. Same arguments as Format.</summary>
    class procedure d(const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload;
    /// <summary>Log a simple debug message.</summary>
    class procedure d(const Msg: string); overload; inline;
    /// <summary>Log a debug message with Tag, object data of Instance, Method that invokes the logger and message Msg.
    /// </summary>
    class procedure d(const Tag: string; const Instance: TObject; const Method, Msg: string); overload; inline;
    /// <summary>Log a debug message with Tag, object data of Instance and a message Msg</summary>
    class procedure d(const Tag: string; const Instance: TObject; const Msg: string); overload; inline;
    /// <summary>Log a time stamp with message Msg</summary>
    class procedure TimeStamp(const Msg: string); overload;
    /// <summary>Perform a timed execution of Func and print execution times, return function result.
    /// Proc receives a parameter TLogToken which can be used to mark specific points where timestamps should be taken
    /// in addition to complete procedure time.</summary>
    class function Trace<TResult>(const Tag: string; const Func: TFunc<TLogToken, TResult>;
    const Threshold: Integer = -1): TResult; overload;
    /// <summary>A convenience variant of Trace&lt;TResult&gt; when token is not needed.</summary>
    class function Trace<TResult>(const Tag: string; const Func: TFunc<TResult>; const Threshold: Integer = -1): TResult; overload;
    /// <summary>A convenience variant of Trace&lt;TResult&gt; for procedures.</summary>
    class procedure Trace(const Tag: string; const Proc: TProc<TLogToken>; const Threshold: Integer = -1); overload;
    /// <summary>A convenience variant of Trace&lt;TResult&gt; for procedures when token is not needed.</summary>
    class procedure Trace(const Tag: string; const Proc: TProc; const Threshold: Integer = -1); overload;
    /// <summary>Get a basic string representation of an object, consisting of ClassName and its pointer</summary>
    class function ObjToString(const Instance: TObject): string;
    /// <summary>Get a string representation of array using MakeStr function to convert individual elements.</summary>
    class function ArrayToString(const AArray: TEnumerable<TFmxObject>; const MakeStr: TToStringFunc): string; overload;
    /// <summary>Get a string representation of array using TObject.ToString to convert individual elements.</summary>
    class function ArrayToString(const AArray: TEnumerable<TFmxObject>): string; overload;
    /// <summary>转储导出指定的TFmxObject及其所有子对象字符串Dump complete TFmxObject with all its children.</summary>
    class procedure DumpFmxObject(const AObject: TFmxObject; const Nest: Integer = 0);

    AnchorAlign: array [TAlignLayout] of TAnchors

    procedure RegisterFmxClasses(const RegClasses: array of TPersistentClass); overload;
    procedure RegisterFmxClasses(const RegClasses: array of TPersistentClass;
    const GroupClasses: array of TPersistentClass); overload;
    procedure DisposeOfAndNil(var AObject);
    1.012、判断并捕获FMX应用的句柄是否有效相关(1826行次), TFmxHandle = THandle;  THandle = NativeUInt;  Result := (Hnd <> 0);
    function IsHandleValid(Hnd: TFmxHandle): Boolean;
    { TLang }

    TLang = class(TFmxObject)
    { vcl }
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure AddLang(const AName: string);
    procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string);
    procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: string);
    property Original: TStrings read FOriginal;
    property Resources: TStrings read FResources;
    property LangStr[const Index: string]: TStrings read GetLangStr;
    property AutoSelect: Boolean read FAutoSelect write FAutoSelect default True;
    property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName;
    property StoreInForm: Boolean read FStoreInForm write FStoreInForm default True;
    property Lang: string read FLang write SetLang;

    { Lang }

    procedure LoadLangFromFile(const AFileName: string);
    procedure LoadLangFromStrings(const AStr: TStrings);
    procedure ResetLang;

    TCustomTranslateProc = function(const AText: string): string;

    CustomTranslateProc: TCustomTranslateProc;

    { This function use to collect string which can be translated. Just place this function at Application start. }

    procedure CollectLangStart;
    procedure CollectLangFinish;
    { This function return Strings with collected text }
    function CollectLangStrings: TStrings;

    function Translate(const AText: string): string;
    function TranslateText(const AText: string): string;
    { Align }

    procedure ArrangeControl(const Control: IAlignableObject; AAlign: TAlignLayout; const AParentWidth, AParentHeight: Single;
    const ALastWidth, ALastHeight: Single; var R: TRectF);

    procedure AlignObjects(const AParent: TFmxObject; APadding: TBounds; AParentWidth, AParentHeight: Single;
    var ALastWidth, ALastHeight: Single; var ADisableAlign: Boolean);

    procedure RecalcAnchorRules(const Parent : TFmxObject; Anchors : TAnchors; const BoundsRect : TRectF;
    var AOriginalParentSize:TPointF; var AAnchorOrigin:TPointF; var AAnchorRules:TPointF);
    procedure RecalcControlOriginalParentSize(const Parent: TFmxObject; ComponentState : TComponentState;
    const Anchoring: Boolean; var AOriginalParentSize : TPointF);
    { Resources }

    TCustomFindStyleResource = function(const AStyleLookup: string; const Clone: Boolean = False): TFmxObject of object;

    procedure AddCustomFindStyleResource(const ACustomProc: TCustomFindStyleResource);
    procedure RemoveCustomFindStyleResource(const ACustomProc: TCustomFindStyleResource);

    procedure AddResource(const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure RemoveResource(const AObject: TFmxObject);
    function FindStyleResource(const AStyleLookup: string; const Clone: Boolean = False): TFmxObject;
    { Pixel Formats }

    function PixelToFloat4(Input: Pointer; InputFormat: TPixelFormat): TAlphaColorF;
    procedure Float4ToPixel(const Input: TAlphaColorF; Output: Pointer; OutputFormat: TPixelFormat);

    function PixelToAlphaColor(Input: Pointer; InputFormat: TPixelFormat): TAlphaColor;
    procedure AlphaColorToPixel(Input: TAlphaColor; Output: Pointer; OutputFormat: TPixelFormat);

    procedure ScanlineToAlphaColor(Input: Pointer; Output: PAlphaColor; PixelCount: Integer; InputFormat: TPixelFormat);
    procedure AlphaColorToScanline(Input: PAlphaColor; Output: Pointer; PixelCount: Integer; OutputFormat: TPixelFormat);
    procedure ChangePixelFormat(const AInput: Pointer; const AOutput: Pointer; const APixelCount: Integer;
    const AInputFormat, AOutputFormat: TPixelFormat);

    function PixelFormatToString(Format: TPixelFormat): string;
    function FindClosestPixelFormat(Format: TPixelFormat; const FormatList: TPixelFormatList): TPixelFormat;
    ///<summary>Provider a persistent object for the designer. A different TPersistent can be routed into the
    /// designer using this interface. This can be used to expose properties of non-controls in the
    /// Object Inspector.</summary>
    IPersistentProvider = interface
    ///<summary>Return the provided persistent</summary>
    function GetPersistent: TPersistent;

    ///<summary>Shim is a representative of a visual non-control object in the Designer. The shim needs to implement
    /// this interface in order to let the Designer know about its bounding rectangles.
    IPersistentShim = interface
    ///<summary>Return bounding rectangle of shim.</summary>
    function GetBoundsRect: TRect;

    ///<summary>Extension of TPersistent directly exposed to the Designer.</summary>
    IDesignablePersistent = interface
    ///<summary>GetDesignParent should return a TPersistent known to the designer, e.g. its parent TControl.</summary>
    function GetDesignParent: TPersistent;
    ///<summary>Bounding rectangle representing this TPersistent in the designer</summary>
    function GetBoundsRect: TRect;
    /// Bind this persistent with its shim, thus enabling GetBoundsRect without using the host.
    /// Example: TItemAppearanceProperties as IDesignablePersistent are bound to the TListItemShim
    /// Their counterpart FmxReg.TListViewObjectsProperties are bound to the same TListItemShim
    procedure Bind(AShim: IPersistentShim);
    /// Unbind this persistent. The implementation would normally clear its reference to IPersistentShim.
    procedure Unbind;
    ///<summary>True if this TPersistent is currently in Design mode and wants the Designer to create
    ///IItem for itself.</summary>
    function BeingDesigned: Boolean;

    ///<summary>Interface for TPersistent to receive bounding rectangle changes from the Designer.</summary>
    IMovablePersistent = interface
    /// <summary>Set bounds rectangle.</summary>
    procedure SetBoundsRect(const AValue: TRect);

    ///<summary>Interface that allows binding a TPersistent with a TreeView Sprig in StructureView</summary>
    ISpriggedPersistent = interface
    { TGuillotineBinPack }

    TFreeChoiceHeuristic = (BestAreaFit, BestShortSideFit, BestLongSideFit, WorstAreaFit, WorstShortSideFit,

    TSplitMethodHeuristic = (ShorterLeftoverAxis, LongerLeftoverAxis, MinimizeArea, MaximizeArea, ShorterAxis,

    TGuillotineBinPack = class
    constructor Create; overload;
    constructor Create(const ASize: TPoint); overload;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    procedure Init(const ASize: TPoint);
    procedure MergeFreeList;

    function Insert(const NodeSize: TPoint; const Merge: Boolean = True;
    const FreeChoice: TFreeChoiceHeuristic = TFreeChoiceHeuristic.BestAreaFit;
    const SplitMethod: TSplitMethodHeuristic = TSplitMethodHeuristic.MinimizeArea): TRect;

    property Size: TPoint read FSize;
    property Occupancy: Single read GetOccupancy;
    property SupportsRectangleInversion: Boolean read FSupportsRectangleInversion write FSupportsRectangleInversion;
    { TLineInfo }

    PLineMetric = ^TLineMetric;
    TLineMetric = record
    Index: integer;
    Len: integer;

    TLineMetricInfo = class
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Clear; virtual;
    property Count: integer read GetCount write SetCount;
    property Metrics[ind: integer]: PLineMetric read GetMetrics;
    { TTimer }

    TTimerProc = procedure of object;

    IFMXTimerService = interface(IInterface)
    function CreateTimer(Interval: Integer; TimerFunc: TTimerProc): TFmxHandle;
    function DestroyTimer(Timer: TFmxHandle): Boolean;
    function GetTick: Double;

    TTimer = class(TFmxObject)
    cIdNoTimer: TFmxHandle = TFmxHandle(-1);

    { TCustomPopupMenu }

    TCustomPopupMenu = class(TFmxObject)
    [Weak] FPopupComponent: TComponent;
    FOnPopup: TNotifyEvent;
    procedure DoPopup; virtual;
    property OnPopup: TNotifyEvent read FOnPopup write FOnPopup;
    procedure Popup(X, Y: Single); virtual; abstract;
    property PopupComponent: TComponent read FPopupComponent write FPopupComponent;
    TTabList = class(TAggregatedObject, ITabList)
    strict private
    constructor Create(const TabStopController: ITabStopController);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Clear;
    procedure Add(const TabStop: IControl); virtual;
    procedure Remove(const TabStop: IControl); virtual;
    procedure Update(const TabStop: IControl; const NewValue: TTabOrder);
    function IndexOf(const TabStop: IControl): Integer; virtual;
    function GetCount: Integer; virtual;
    function GetItem(const Index: Integer): IControl; virtual;
    function GetTabOrder(const TabStop: IControl): TTabOrder;
    function FindNextTabStop(const Current: IControl; const MoveForward: Boolean; const Climb: Boolean): IControl;
    TTabListClass = class of TTabList;
    ITabList = interface
    procedure Add(const TabStop: IControl);
    procedure Remove(const TabStop: IControl);
    procedure Update(const TabStop: IControl; const NewValue: TTabOrder);
    function GetTabOrder(const TabStop: IControl): TTabOrder;
    function GetCount: Integer;
    function GetItem(const Index: Integer): IControl;
    function FindNextTabStop(const Current: IControl; const MoveForward: Boolean; const Climb: Boolean): IControl;
    property Count: Integer read GetCount;

    ITabStopController = interface
    function GetTabList: ITabList;
    property TabList: ITabList read GetTabList;
    /// <summary>Index for getting fast access to nested objects by <c>StyleName</c>.</summary>
    TStyleIndexer = class
    constructor Create(const AStyle: TFmxObject);
    destructor Destroy; override;

    /// <summary>Marks index for lazy update.</summary>
    procedure NeedRebuild;
    /// <summary>Updates index, if it's required only.</summary>
    procedure RebuildIfNeeded;
    /// <summary>Finds style object by specified <c>StyleLookup</c> value and returns object in <c>AObject</c>.</summary>
    function FindStyleObject(const AStyleLookup: string; var AObject: TFmxObject): Boolean;
    /// <summary>Clears index.</summary>
    procedure Clear;
    TEnumProcResult = (Continue, Discard, Stop);
    { TFmxObject }

    TEnumProcResult = (Continue, Discard, Stop);

    /// <summary>Index for getting fast access to nested objects by <c>StyleName</c>.</summary>
    TStyleIndexer = class

    TFmxObject = class(TComponent, IFreeNotification, IActionClient)
    public type
    /// <summary> Determines the current state of the object
    /// <para>CallingFreeNotify - state is set before sending notifications in <b>BeforeDestruction</b> method.
    /// See also <b>IFreeNotification</b></para>
    /// <para>CallingRelease - state is set in <b>Release</b> method</para>
    /// </summary>
    TObjectState = set of (CallingFreeNotify, CallingRelease) deprecated 'Support to this state will be removed';
    strict private
    function GetParentComponent: TComponent; override;
    function HasParent: Boolean; override;
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
    procedure Release; virtual; deprecated 'Support for this method will be removed';
    function Released: Boolean; deprecated 'Support for this method will be removed';
    /// <summary> Describes the current state of this instance. Indicates that a component needs to avoid certain
    /// actions. <para>See also <b>TComponent.ComponentState</b></para></summary>
    function ObjectState: TObjectState; deprecated 'Support for this funcionality will be removed';
    procedure SetRoot(ARoot: IRoot);
    { design }
    procedure SetDesign(Value: Boolean; SetChildren: Boolean = True);
    { clone }
    function Clone(const AOwner: TComponent): TFmxObject;
    { childs }
    procedure AddObject(const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure RemoveObject(const AObject: TFmxObject); overload;
    procedure RemoveObject(Index: Integer); overload;
    function ContainsObject(AObject: TFmxObject): Boolean; virtual;
    procedure Exchange(const AObject1, AObject2: TFmxObject); virtual;
    procedure DeleteChildren;
    function IsChild(AObject: TFmxObject): Boolean; virtual;
    procedure BringChildToFront(const Child: TFmxObject);
    procedure SendChildToBack(const Child: TFmxObject);
    procedure BringToFront; virtual;
    procedure SendToBack; virtual;
    procedure AddObjectsToList(const AList: TFmxObjectList);
    procedure Sort(Compare: TFmxObjectSortCompare); virtual;
    /// <summary>Loops through the children of this object, and runs the specified procedure once per object as the first parameter in each call.</summary>
    procedure EnumObjects(const Proc: TFunc<TFmxObject, TEnumProcResult>);
    { animation property }
    procedure AnimateFloat(const APropertyName: string; const NewValue: Single; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In; AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure AnimateFloatDelay(const APropertyName: string; const NewValue: Single; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    Delay: Single = 0.0; AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In;
    AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure AnimateFloatWait(const APropertyName: string; const NewValue: Single; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In; AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure AnimateInt(const APropertyName: string; const NewValue: Integer; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In; AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure AnimateIntWait(const APropertyName: string; const NewValue: Integer; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In; AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure AnimateColor(const APropertyName: string; NewValue: TAlphaColor; Duration: Single = 0.2;
    AType: TAnimationType = TAnimationType.In; AInterpolation: TInterpolationType = TInterpolationType.Linear);
    deprecated 'Use FMX.Ani.TAnimator instead';
    procedure StopPropertyAnimation(const APropertyName: string);
    { notify }
    procedure AddFreeNotify(const AObject: IFreeNotification);
    procedure RemoveFreeNotify(const AObject: IFreeNotification);
    { resource }
    function FindStyleResource(const AStyleLookup: string; const AClone: Boolean = False): TFmxObject; overload; virtual;
    { }
    property Root: IRoot read FRoot;
    property Stored: Boolean read FStored write SetStored;
    { tags }
    property TagObject: TObject read FTagObject write FTagObject;
    property TagFloat: Single read FTagFloat write FTagFloat;
    property TagString: string read FTagString write FTagString;
    { children }
    property ChildrenCount: Integer read GetChildrenCount;
    property Children: TFmxChildrenList read FChildrenList;
    property Data: TValue read GetData write SetData;
    property Parent: TFmxObject read FParent write SetParent;
    property Index: Integer read GetIndex write SetIndex;
    property ActionClient: boolean read GetActionClient;
    property StyleName: string read FStyleName write SetStyleName;

    TTabList = class(TAggregatedObject, ITabList)
    TTabListClass = class of TTabList;

    TFmxObjectSortCompare = reference to function (Left, Right: TFmxObject): Integer;

    TFmxObjectList = TList<TFmxObject>;

    TFmxChildrenList = class(TEnumerable<TFmxObject>)
    strict private
    constructor Create(const AChildren: TFmxObjectList);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property Count: Integer read GetChildCount;
    function IndexOf(const Obj: TFmxObject): Integer; virtual;
    property Items[Index: Integer]: TFmxObject read GetChild; default;
    { TTransform }

    TTransform = class(TPersistent)
    constructor Create; virtual;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
    property Matrix: TMatrix read FMatrix;
    property OnChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanged write FOnChanged;
    property Position: TPosition read FPosition write SetPosition;
    property Scale: TPosition read FScale write SetScale;
    property RotationAngle: Single read FRotationAngle write SetRotationAngle;
    property RotationCenter: TPosition read FRotationCenter write FRotationCenter;
    TSpline = class(TObject)
    constructor Create(const Polygon: TPolygon);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure SplineXY(const t: Single; var X, Y: Single);
    IItemsContainer = interface
    function GetItemsCount: Integer;
    function GetItem(const AIndex: Integer): TFmxObject;
    function GetObject: TFmxObject;
    IContainerObject = interface
    function GetContainerWidth: Single;
    function GetContainerHeight: Single;
    property ContainerWidth: single read GetContainerWidth;
    property ContainerHeight: single read GetContainerHeight;
    INativeControl = interface
    function GetHandle: TFmxHandle;
    procedure SetHandle(const Value: TFmxHandle);
    function GetHandleSupported: boolean;
    property HandleSupported: boolean read GetHandleSupported;
    property Handle: TFmxHandle read GetHandle write SetHandle;
    IAlignRoot = interface
    procedure Realign;
    procedure ChildrenAlignChanged;
    IRoot = interface
    procedure AddObject(const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure InsertObject(Index: Integer; const AObject: TFmxObject);
    procedure RemoveObject(const AObject: TFmxObject); overload;
    procedure RemoveObject(Index: Integer); overload;
    procedure BeginInternalDrag(const Source: TObject; const ABitmap: TObject);
    function GetActiveControl: IControl;
    procedure SetActiveControl(const AControl: IControl);
    function GetCaptured: IControl;
    procedure SetCaptured(const Value: IControl);
    function GetFocused: IControl;
    procedure SetFocused(const Value: IControl);
    function NewFocusedControl(const Value: IControl): IControl;
    function GetHovered: IControl;
    procedure SetHovered(const Value: IControl);
    function GetObject: TFmxObject;
    function GetBiDiMode: TBiDiMode;
    { access }
    property Captured: IControl read GetCaptured write SetCaptured;
    property Focused: IControl read GetFocused write SetFocused;
    property Hovered: IControl read GetHovered write SetHovered;
    property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode read GetBiDiMode;
    IContent = interface
    function GetParent: TFmxObject;
    function GetObject: TFmxObject;
    function GetChildrenCount: Integer;
    property Parent: TFmxObject read GetParent;
    property ChildrenCount: Integer read GetChildrenCount;
    procedure Changed;
    IControl = interface(IFreeNotificationBehavior)
    function GetObject: TFmxObject;
    procedure SetFocus;
    function GetIsFocused: Boolean;
    function GetCanFocus: Boolean;
    function GetCanParentFocus: Boolean;
    function GetEnabled: Boolean;
    function GetAbsoluteEnabled: Boolean;
    function GetPopupMenu: TCustomPopupMenu;
    function EnterChildren(AObject: IControl): Boolean;
    function ExitChildren(AObject: IControl): Boolean;
    procedure DoEnter;
    procedure DoExit;
    procedure DoActivate;
    procedure DoDeactivate;
    procedure DoMouseEnter;
    procedure DoMouseLeave;
    function ShowContextMenu(const ScreenPosition: TPointF): Boolean;
    function ScreenToLocal(P: TPointF): TPointF;
    function LocalToScreen(P: TPointF): TPointF;
    function ObjectAtPoint(P: TPointF): IControl;
    procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single);
    procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single);
    procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single);
    procedure MouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; var Handled: Boolean);
    procedure MouseClick(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single);
    procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; var KeyChar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; var KeyChar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure Tap(const Point: TPointF);
    procedure DialogKey(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
    procedure AfterDialogKey(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
    function FindTarget(P: TPointF; const Data: TDragObject): IControl;
    procedure DragEnter(const Data: TDragObject; const Point: TPointF);
    procedure DragOver(const Data: TDragObject; const Point: TPointF; var Operation: TDragOperation);
    procedure DragDrop(const Data: TDragObject; const Point: TPointF);
    procedure DragLeave;
    procedure DragEnd;
    function CheckForAllowFocus: Boolean;
    procedure Repaint;
    function GetDragMode: TDragMode;
    procedure SetDragMode(const ADragMode: TDragMode);
    procedure BeginAutoDrag;
    function GetParent: TFmxObject;
    function GetLocked: Boolean;
    function GetVisible: Boolean;
    procedure SetVisible(const Value: Boolean);
    function GetHitTest: Boolean;
    function GetCursor: TCursor;
    function GetInheritedCursor: TCursor;
    function GetDesignInteractive: Boolean;
    function GetAcceptsControls: Boolean;
    procedure SetAcceptsControls(const Value: Boolean);
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure EndUpdate;
    function GetTabStopController: ITabStopController;
    function GetTabStop: Boolean;
    procedure SetTabStop(const TabStop: Boolean);
    /// <summary>This method returns true if the control has an available hint to display.</summary>
    function HasHint: Boolean;
    /// <summary>If HasHint is true, this method is invoked in order to know if the control has an available
    /// string to swho as hint.</summary>
    function GetHintString: string;
    /// <summary>If HasHint is true, this method is invoked in order to know if the control has a custom hint
    /// object to manage the hint display. This usually returns an instance of THint to allow the form to manage
    /// it.</summary>
    function GetHintObject: TObject;
    { access }
    property AbsoluteEnabled: Boolean read GetAbsoluteEnabled;
    property Cursor: TCursor read GetCursor;
    property InheritedCursor: TCursor read GetInheritedCursor;
    property DragMode: TDragMode read GetDragMode write SetDragMode;
    property DesignInteractive: Boolean read GetDesignInteractive;
    property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled;
    property Parent: TFmxObject read GetParent;
    property Locked: Boolean read GetLocked;
    property HitTest: Boolean read GetHitTest;
    property PopupMenu: TCustomPopupMenu read GetPopupMenu;
    property Visible: Boolean read GetVisible write SetVisible;
    property AcceptsControls: Boolean read GetAcceptsControls write SetAcceptsControls;
    property IsFocused: Boolean read GetIsFocused;
    property TabStop: Boolean read GetTabStop write SetTabStop;
    IFreeNotificationBehavior = interface
    procedure AddFreeNotify(const AObject: IFreeNotification);
    procedure RemoveFreeNotify(const AObject: IFreeNotification);
    TPixelFormat = (None, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, RGBA16, BGR_565, BGRA4, BGR4, BGR5_A1, BGR5, BGR10_A2, RGB10_A2, L, LA,
    LA4, L16, A, R16F, RG16F, RGBA16F, R32F, RG32F, RGBA32F);

    TPixelFormatList = TList<TPixelFormat>;

    PixelFormatBytes: array[TPixelFormat] of Integer = ({ None } 0, { RGB } 4, { RGBA } 4, { BGR } 4, { BGRA } 4,
    { RGBA16 } 8, { BGR_565 } 2, { BGRA4 } 2, { BGR4 } 2, { BGR5_A1 } 2, { BGR5 } 2, { BGR10_A2 } 4, { RGB10_A2 } 4,
    { L } 1, { LA } 2, { LA4 } 1, { L16 } 2, { A } 1, { R16F } 2, { RG16F } 4, { RGBA16F } 8, { R32F } 4, { RG32F } 8,
    { RGBA32F } 16);

    NullRect: TRectF = (Left: 0; Top: 0; Right: 0; Bottom: 0);

    AllCorners: TCorners = [TCorner.TopLeft, TCorner.TopRight,
    TCorner.BottomLeft, TCorner.BottomRight];

    AllSides: TSides = [TSide.Top, TSide.Left, TSide.Bottom, TSide.Right];

    ClosePolygon: TPointF = (X: $FFFF; Y: $FFFF) deprecated 'Non-closed polygons are not supported.';

    /// <summary>A special polygon point marker typically used for converting paths to polygons and vice-versa,
    /// usually indicating path closure. For the rendering methods, this marker has no meaning and the actual
    /// interpretation may be platform-dependent.</summary>
    PolygonPointBreak: TPointF = (X: $FFFFFF; Y: $FFFFFF);

    AllStyledSettings: TStyledSettings = [TStyledSetting.Family,
    DefaultStyledSettings: TStyledSettings = [TStyledSetting.Family,

    InvalidSize : TSizeF = (cx: -1; cy: -1);

    AlignmentToTTextAlign: array [TAlignment] of TTextAlign =
    (TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Trailing, TTextAlign.Center);

    TOSPlatform = (Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux);

    TPointArray = array [0..0] of TPointF;

    TLongByteArray = array [0..MaxInt - 1] of Byte;
    PLongByteArray = ^TLongByteArray;
    版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「pulledup」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

  • 相关阅读:
    实验三 面向对象分析与设计
    实验二 结构化分析与设计
    实验四 决策树算法及应用
    实验三 朴素贝叶斯算法及应用
    实验二 K-近邻算法及应用
    实验一 感知器及其应用
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Thenext/p/14544563.html
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