在项目中会经常遇到血条跟随啊(要求做成2D血条),或者其他的2D UI跟随,那么小生现在在这里已经写好组件,可以供大家直接使用,直接拿到接口便可以使用了,别的不说先上代码
//-------------------------------------------- // NGUI: HUD Text // Copyright 漏 2012 Tasharen Entertainment //-------------------------------------------- using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// Attaching this script to an object will make it visibly follow another object, even if the two are using different cameras to draw them. /// </summary> [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Examples/Follow Target")] public class UIFollowTarget : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// 3D target that this object will be positioned above. /// </summary> public Transform target; /// <summary> /// Game camera to use. /// </summary> public Camera gameCamera; /// <summary> /// UI camera to use. /// </summary> public Camera uiCamera; /// <summary> /// Whether the children will be disabled when this object is no longer visible. /// </summary> public bool disableIfInvisible = true; Transform mTrans; bool mIsVisible = false; Vector3 pos; /// <summary> /// Cache the transform; /// </summary> void Awake () { mTrans = transform; } /// <summary> /// Find both the UI camera and the game camera so they can be used for the position calculations /// </summary> void Start() { if (target != null) { if (gameCamera == null) gameCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(target.gameObject.layer); if (uiCamera == null) uiCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(gameObject.layer); SetVisible(false); } else { Debug.LogError("Expected to have 'target' set to a valid transform", this); enabled = false; } } /// <summary> /// Enable or disable child objects. /// </summary> void SetVisible (bool val) { mIsVisible = val; for (int i = 0, imax = mTrans.childCount; i < imax; ++i) { NGUITools.SetActive(mTrans.GetChild(i).gameObject, val); } } /// <summary> /// Update the position of the HUD object every frame such that is position correctly over top of its real world object. /// </summary> void Update() { if (target != null) { pos = gameCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(target.position); } // Determine the visibility and the target alpha bool isVisible = (gameCamera.orthographic || pos.z > 0f) && (!disableIfInvisible || (pos.x > 0f && pos.x < 1f && pos.y > 0f && pos.y < 1f)); // Update the visibility flag if (mIsVisible != isVisible) SetVisible(isVisible); // If visible, update the position if (isVisible) { transform.position = uiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(pos); pos = mTrans.localPosition; pos.x = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x); pos.y = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y); pos.z = 0f; mTrans.localPosition = pos; } OnUpdate(isVisible); } /// <summary> /// Custom update function. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnUpdate (bool isVisible) { } } using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ArchUIInfo : MonoBehaviour { //上面的脚本是NGUI插件代码咯,小生我现在还没这么厉害写的这么流,这个脚本就是我写的组件咯 private bool m_bInited = false; private UILabel m_info = null; private UISprite m_foreground = null; private Transform m_target = null; private const string m_strRes = "Final/UI/ArchUI/ArchUIInfo";//做好的预支体 private static UIRoot m_root; private float m_Scale;//缩放比例 void Start() { Init(); } private void Init() { if (m_bInited) return; m_bInited = true; m_info = GetChild("Label").GetComponent<UILabel>(); m_foreground = GetChild("Sprite").GetComponent<UISprite>(); m_Scale = Vector3.Distance(m_target.position, Camera.main.transform.position); } void Update() { if (m_target != null) { float newScale = m_Scale / Vector3.Distance(m_target.position, Camera.main.transform.position); transform.position = WorldToUI(m_target.position); transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (newScale * 0.3f); } } public void SetData(string ArchName,Transform target) { m_target = target; Init(); m_info.text = ArchName; // m_root = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<UIRoot>(); UIFollowTarget m_UIFollowTarget = AddComponent<UIFollowTarget>(gameObject); if (m_UIFollowTarget != null) m_UIFollowTarget.target = target; //Camera camera = m_root.GetComponentInChildren<Camera>(); Camera camera = transform.parent.root.GetComponentInChildren<Camera>(); m_UIFollowTarget.uiCamera = camera; m_UIFollowTarget.gameCamera = Camera.main; } public static void ShowUI(BWUI ui,string ArchName, Transform target) { GameObject parent = null; if (ui == null) { m_root = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<UIRoot>(); parent = m_root.gameObject; } else { parent = ui.gameObject; } GameObject instObj = Resources.Load(m_strRes) as GameObject; if (instObj == null) { BwTrace.LogError("ArchUIInfo::ShowUI()...instObj:为空"); return; } GameObject inst = NGUITools.AddChild(parent, instObj); if (inst == null) { BwTrace.LogError("ArchUIInfo::ShowUI()...inst:为空"); return; } inst.name = instObj.name; ArchUIInfo _ArchUIInfo = inst.GetComponent<ArchUIInfo>(); if (_ArchUIInfo == null) _ArchUIInfo=inst.AddComponent<ArchUIInfo>(); _ArchUIInfo.SetData(ArchName, target); } private Vector3 WorldToUI(Vector3 point) { Vector3 pt = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(point); Vector3 ff = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(pt); ff.z = 0; return ff; } private GameObject GetChild(string name) { if (name == "this") return gameObject; if (name == null) return null; Transform trans = gameObject.transform.Find(name); if (trans == null) { //Debug.LogError("gameObject.name:" + gameObject.name + ";GetChild()trans == null"); return null; } return trans.gameObject; } private T AddComponent<T>(GameObject obj) where T : Component { T co = obj.GetComponent<T>(); if (co == null) co = obj.AddComponent<T>(); return co; } }