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  • C++:友元运算符重载函数



    运算符运算符重载函数按运算类型为:双目运算符重载函数,如加、减、乘、除、赋值;   单目运算符重载函数:自加、自减、取正负号

    切记:成员运算符. 和->,sezeof等不能重载。运算符重载函数的参数至少有一个是类类型或引用类型,


     1 #include<iostream>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 class Complex
     4 {
     5 public:
     6     Complex(double r=0.0,double i=0.0);
     7     void print();
    8 friend Complex operator+(Complex &a,Complex &b); 9 friend Complex operator-(Complex &a,Complex &b); 10 private: 11 double real; 12 double imag; 13 }; 14 Complex::Complex(double r,double i) //在类外定义函数,需要用::作用域符号 15 { 16 real = r; 17 imag = i; 18 } 19 Complex operator+(Complex &a,Complex &b) 20 { 21 Complex temp; //创建一个临时对象 22 temp.real = a.real + b.real; 23 temp.imag = a.imag + b.imag; 24 return temp; 25 } 26 Complex operator-(Complex &a,Complex &b) 27 { 28 Complex temp; //创建一个临时对象 29 temp.real = a.real - b.real; 30 temp.imag = a.imag - b.imag; 31 return temp; 32 } 33 void Complex::print() 34 { 35 cout<<real; 36 if(imag>0) cout<<"+"; 37 if(imag!=0) cout<<imag<<'i'<<endl; 38 } 39 int main(int agrs,const char *agrv[]) 40 { 41 Complex A1(2.3,4.6),A2(3.6,2.8),A3,A4; 42 A3 = A1 + A2;//A3 = operator+(A1,A2); //对运算符重载函数的调用,前面的为隐式调用,后面的为显示调用 43 A4 = A1 - A2;//A4 = operator-(A1-A2); 44 A1.print(); 45 A2.print(); 46 A3.print(); 47 A4.print(); 48 49 return 0; 50 }


    Program ended with exit code: 0
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/XYQ-208910/p/4760757.html
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