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  • Objective Evaluation Index of image


          在做红外图像细节增强算法研究时,很重要一点就是要对经过算法处理的图像结果进行评价,分成两种评价方法。一种是视觉效果评价:主观的人眼观察,主要是通过观察者能否看到更多图像细节,给人的感觉是否真实自然,与其他算法处理的图像的亮度和对比度的比较。在论文中的呈现方式,就是把各个算法的处理结果和原图一起呈现给观察者,再对图像某一具体区域进行详细分析,如图像中的文字,黑暗区域,栏杆树木和建筑物等细节信息进行比较,看那种算法的结果更清晰,暴露出更多的细节。当然咯,主观评价方式往往取决于观察者,并不是一种客观可靠的方式,往往需要几种公认的图像质量客观评价指标,对红外图像细节增强算法的处理结果进行比较。通过阅读大量的SCI文献,如IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Optic Engineering, Applied Optics, Optik, Infrared Physics & Technology等多种权威期刊的图像处理论文精读,本文选取了四种经典的客观评价指标:RMSC, SSIM, FSIM, MOS



    一  RMSC

    The Root-Mean-Square Contrast (RMSC) index,即均方根对比度,用来衡量图像的对比度,其值越大对比度越高。其中, 为图像总像素的均值。I为图像某点的像素。M和N分别为图像的高和宽。

    The  MATLAB code of RMSC is following:




    function rmsc_out = RMSC_cal(I)
    %I = double(S);
    % I = imread('./DATA/Ablation_wFilter.tif');
    % I = imread('./DATA/LYF2.jpg');
    %I=  rgb2gray(I);%将 RGB 图像或颜色图转换为灰度图
    I= double(I);
    avg=mean2(I);  %求图像均值
    for x=1:m
        for y=1:n
        s=s+(I(x,y)-avg)^2; %求得所有像素与均值的平方和。
    rmsc_out=sqrt(s/(m*n)); %利用方差公式求得. sqrt返回数组 X 的每个元素的平方根


     1 clc;
     2 close all;
     3 clear;
     4 %--------without the ROGABF
     5 I1=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF1.png');
     6 I2=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF2.png');
     7 I3=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF3.png');
     8 I4=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF4.png');
     9 %324*256
    10 %512*512
    11 I5=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF11.png');
    12 %--------without the ROGABF
    13 %--------without the wFilter
    14 % I1=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_wFilter1.png');
    15 % I2=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_wFilter2.png');
    16 % I3=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_wFilter3.png');
    17 % I4=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_wFilter4.png');
    18 % %324*256
    19 % %512*512
    20 % I5=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_wFilter11.png');
    21 %------without the wFilter
    22 %output five result of RMSC at a time
    23 RMSC_out = zeros(1,5);
    24 I = cell(1,5);
    25 I{1,1}=I1;I{1,2}=I2;
    26 I{1,3}=I3;I{1,4}=I4;I{1,5}=I5;
    27  for k = 1:5
    28       temp = I{k};
    29 RMSC_out(k)  = RMSC_cal(temp);
    30  end
    31  RMSC_out;
    32  mean(RMSC_out)
    33 %output five result of RMSC at a time

    二  SSIM

    The Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index between two images, 图像结构相似性,是一种衡量两幅图像相似度的指标。用来判断图片压缩后的质量。由于这个图像指标很流行,百度搜索一大堆,而且MATLAB有函数可以调用,故不再详细介绍。接下来,只是给出我平时用SSIM评价红外图像质量的MATLAB代码:

    How to use SSIM  in MATLAB:

    close all;
    % A=imread('GABF1_dde_S4.jpg');
    % ref=imread('S4.tif');
    A= im2double(OUT);
    ref = im2double(S);%S1-S4.mat
    %ref = im2double(S11);%S11.mat
    %A=imresize(A,[254,324],'nearest');     %近邻内插法,调整图像大小为254×324 
    % ref1=ref(:,:,1);
    % ref2=ref(:,:,2);
    % ref3=ref(:,:,3);
    % ref_a=zeros(254,324,3);%先申请变量空间;
    % ref_a(:,:,1)=ref1;
    % ref_a(:,:,2)=ref2;
    % ref_a(:,:,3)=ref3;
    % %ref=horzcat(ref1,ref2,ref3);
    % A=imresize(A,[256,324],'bilinear'); %双线性内插法,调整图像大小为256×324
    % %A=imresize(A,4,'bicubic');  %双立方内插法,放大4倍
    % %ref ima
    % ref_a=imresize(ref_a,[256,324],'bilinear'); %双线性内插法,调整图像大小为256×324
    % ref=im2uint8(ref_a);
    % ref=ref(:,:,3);
    % A=A(:,:,3);
    mval = ssim(A,ref)
    The use of SSIM Code

    上面的MATLAB代码,注释为以前的编写的,输入图像和参考图像以tif和bmp格式。没注释则为今天编写的,为mat格式,更加准确,一般经典的图像增强算法,输入图像都是mat格式。即把结果保存为mat格式,用save,直接在命令窗口输入help save查看保存为mat格式的具体用法。论文的算法,输入也是mat格式。


    close all;
    %--------The reference image
    %-%--------The reference image for ssim
    %--------without the ROGABF
    % I1=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF1.png');
    % I2=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF2.png');
    % I3=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF3.png');
    % I4=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF4.png');
    % I5=imread('E:paperMATLAB_CODEGABF_DDE93_Ablation/ablation/SA_ROGABF11.png');
    %--------without the ROGABF
    %--------without the wFilter
    %------without the wFilter
    %output five result of ssim at a time
    %the reference image
    ssim_out = zeros(1,5);
    ref = cell(1,5);
    %the reference image
    I = cell(1,5);
     for k = 1:5
          tempA = double(I{k});
          tempref = double(ref{k});
    ssim_out(k)  = ssim(tempA,tempref);
    %output five result of RMSC at a time


    三  FSIM

    feature similarity index mersure(FSIM),是SSIM的变种,该算法认为一张图片中的所有像素并非具有相同的重要性,比如物体边缘的像素点对于界定物体的结构肯定比其他背景区域的像素点更为重要;另外一种重要的评价指标VIF尽管在不同的子带上具有不同的权重,但是在具体的某一子带上参与计算的像素点均具有相同的权重;根据图像本身的特性,这样不加区分并不合适。因此改进的方向实际上重在如何区分这些重要点并给与合适的权重。在GitHub上可以搜到代码,要想进一步理解,可以去搜作者的论文。

    在MATLAB软件里有函数可以调用,直接help FSIM, 即[FSIM, FSIMc] = FeatureSIM(img1, img2);

    function [FSIM, FSIMc] = FSIM(imageRef, imageDis)
    % ========================================================================
    % FSIM Index with automatic downsampling, Version 1.0
    % Copyright(c) 2010 Lin ZHANG, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou and David Zhang
    % All Rights Reserved.
    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Permission to use, copy, or modify this software and its documentation
    % for educational and research purposes only and without fee is here
    % granted, provided that this copyright notice and the original authors'
    % names appear on all copies and supporting documentation. This program
    % shall not be used, rewritten, or adapted as the basis of a commercial
    % software or hardware product without first obtaining permission of the
    % authors. The authors make no representations about the suitability of
    % this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
    % or implied warranty.
    % This is an implementation of the algorithm for calculating the
    % Feature SIMilarity (FSIM) index between two images.
    % Please refer to the following paper
    % Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou, and David Zhang,"FSIM: a feature similarity
    % index for image qualtiy assessment", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2378-2386, 2011.
    %Input : (1) imageRef: the first image being compared
    %        (2) imageDis: the second image being compared
    %Output: (1) FSIM: is the similarty score calculated using FSIM algorithm. FSIM
    %	     only considers the luminance component of images. For colorful images, 
    %            they will be converted to the grayscale at first.
    %        (2) FSIMc: is the similarity score calculated using FSIMc algorithm. FSIMc
    %            considers both the grayscale and the color information.
    %Note: For grayscale images, the returned FSIM and FSIMc are the same.
    %Given 2 test images img1 and img2. For gray-scale images, their dynamic range should be 0-255.
    %For colorful images, the dynamic range of each color channel should be 0-255.
    %[FSIM, FSIMc] = FeatureSIM(img1, img2);
    [rows, cols] = size(imageRef(:,:,1));
    I1 = ones(rows, cols);
    I2 = ones(rows, cols);
    Q1 = ones(rows, cols);
    Q2 = ones(rows, cols);
    if ndims(imageRef) == 3 %images are colorful
        Y1 = 0.299 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) + 0.587 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) + 0.114 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));
        Y2 = 0.299 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) + 0.587 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) + 0.114 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));
        I1 = 0.596 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) - 0.274 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) - 0.322 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));
        I2 = 0.596 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) - 0.274 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) - 0.322 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));
        Q1 = 0.211 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) - 0.523 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) + 0.312 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));
        Q2 = 0.211 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) - 0.523 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) + 0.312 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));
    else %images are grayscale
        Y1 = imageRef;
        Y2 = imageDis;
    Y1 = double(Y1);
    Y2 = double(Y2);
    % Downsample the image
    minDimension = min(rows,cols);
    F = max(1,round(minDimension / 256));
    aveKernel = fspecial('average',F);
    aveI1 = conv2(I1, aveKernel,'same');
    aveI2 = conv2(I2, aveKernel,'same');
    I1 = aveI1(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    I2 = aveI2(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    aveQ1 = conv2(Q1, aveKernel,'same');
    aveQ2 = conv2(Q2, aveKernel,'same');
    Q1 = aveQ1(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    Q2 = aveQ2(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    aveY1 = conv2(Y1, aveKernel,'same');
    aveY2 = conv2(Y2, aveKernel,'same');
    Y1 = aveY1(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    Y2 = aveY2(1:F:rows,1:F:cols);
    % Calculate the phase congruency maps
    PC1 = phasecong2(Y1);
    PC2 = phasecong2(Y2);
    % Calculate the gradient map
    dx = [3 0 -3; 10 0 -10;  3  0 -3]/16;
    dy = [3 10 3; 0  0   0; -3 -10 -3]/16;
    IxY1 = conv2(Y1, dx, 'same');     
    IyY1 = conv2(Y1, dy, 'same');    
    gradientMap1 = sqrt(IxY1.^2 + IyY1.^2);
    IxY2 = conv2(Y2, dx, 'same');     
    IyY2 = conv2(Y2, dy, 'same');    
    gradientMap2 = sqrt(IxY2.^2 + IyY2.^2);
    % Calculate the FSIM
    T1 = 0.85;  %fixed
    T2 = 160; %fixed
    PCSimMatrix = (2 * PC1 .* PC2 + T1) ./ (PC1.^2 + PC2.^2 + T1);
    gradientSimMatrix = (2*gradientMap1.*gradientMap2 + T2) ./(gradientMap1.^2 + gradientMap2.^2 + T2);
    PCm = max(PC1, PC2);
    SimMatrix = gradientSimMatrix .* PCSimMatrix .* PCm;
    FSIM = sum(sum(SimMatrix)) / sum(sum(PCm));
    % Calculate the FSIMc
    T3 = 200;
    T4 = 200;
    ISimMatrix = (2 * I1 .* I2 + T3) ./ (I1.^2 + I2.^2 + T3);
    QSimMatrix = (2 * Q1 .* Q2 + T4) ./ (Q1.^2 + Q2.^2 + T4);
    lambda = 0.03;
    SimMatrixC = gradientSimMatrix .* PCSimMatrix .* real((ISimMatrix .* QSimMatrix) .^ lambda) .* PCm;
    FSIMc = sum(sum(SimMatrixC)) / sum(sum(PCm));
    function [ResultPC]=phasecong2(im)
    % ========================================================================
    % Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Peter Kovesi
    % School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
    % The University of Western Australia
    % http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/
    % Permission is hereby  granted, free of charge, to any  person obtaining a copy
    % of this software and associated  documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    % in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
    % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    % copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    % The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
    % References:
    %     Peter Kovesi, "Image Features From Phase Congruency". Videre: A
    %     Journal of Computer Vision Research. MIT Press. Volume 1, Number 3,
    %     Summer 1999 http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-journals/Videre/001/v13.html
    nscale          = 4;     % Number of wavelet scales.    
    norient         = 4;     % Number of filter orientations.
    minWaveLength   = 6;     % Wavelength of smallest scale filter.    
    mult            = 2;   % Scaling factor between successive filters.    
    sigmaOnf        = 0.55;  % Ratio of the standard deviation of the
                                 % Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's
                                 % transfer function in the frequency domain
                                 % to the filter center frequency.    
    dThetaOnSigma   = 1.2;   % Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations    
                                 % and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian
                                 % function used to construct filters in the
                                 % freq. plane.
    k               = 2.0;   % No of standard deviations of the noise
                                 % energy beyond the mean at which we set the
                                 % noise threshold point. 
                                 % below which phase congruency values get
                                 % penalized.
    epsilon         = .0001;                % Used to prevent division by zero.
    thetaSigma = pi/norient/dThetaOnSigma;  % Calculate the standard deviation of the
                                            % angular Gaussian function used to
                                            % construct filters in the freq. plane.
    [rows,cols] = size(im);
    imagefft = fft2(im);              % Fourier transform of image
    zero = zeros(rows,cols);
    EO = cell(nscale, norient);       % Array of convolution results.                                 
    estMeanE2n = [];
    ifftFilterArray = cell(1,nscale); % Array of inverse FFTs of filters
    % Pre-compute some stuff to speed up filter construction
    % Set up X and Y matrices with ranges normalised to +/- 0.5
    % The following code adjusts things appropriately for odd and even values
    % of rows and columns.
    if mod(cols,2)
        xrange = [-(cols-1)/2:(cols-1)/2]/(cols-1);
        xrange = [-cols/2:(cols/2-1)]/cols;	
    if mod(rows,2)
        yrange = [-(rows-1)/2:(rows-1)/2]/(rows-1);
        yrange = [-rows/2:(rows/2-1)]/rows;	
    [x,y] = meshgrid(xrange, yrange);
    radius = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);       % Matrix values contain *normalised* radius from centre.
    theta = atan2(-y,x);              % Matrix values contain polar angle.
                                      % (note -ve y is used to give +ve
                                      % anti-clockwise angles)
    radius = ifftshift(radius);       % Quadrant shift radius and theta so that filters
    theta  = ifftshift(theta);        % are constructed with 0 frequency at the corners.
    radius(1,1) = 1;                  % Get rid of the 0 radius value at the 0
                                      % frequency point (now at top-left corner)
                                      % so that taking the log of the radius will 
                                      % not cause trouble.
    sintheta = sin(theta);
    costheta = cos(theta);
    clear x; clear y; clear theta;    % save a little memory
    % Filters are constructed in terms of two components.
    % 1) The radial component, which controls the frequency band that the filter
    %    responds to
    % 2) The angular component, which controls the orientation that the filter
    %    responds to.
    % The two components are multiplied together to construct the overall filter.
    % Construct the radial filter components...
    % First construct a low-pass filter that is as large as possible, yet falls
    % away to zero at the boundaries.  All log Gabor filters are multiplied by
    % this to ensure no extra frequencies at the 'corners' of the FFT are
    % incorporated as this seems to upset the normalisation process when
    % calculating phase congrunecy.
    lp = lowpassfilter([rows,cols],.45,15);   % Radius .45, 'sharpness' 15
    logGabor = cell(1,nscale);
    for s = 1:nscale
        wavelength = minWaveLength*mult^(s-1);
        fo = 1.0/wavelength;                  % Centre frequency of filter.
        logGabor{s} = exp((-(log(radius/fo)).^2) / (2 * log(sigmaOnf)^2));  
        logGabor{s} = logGabor{s}.*lp;        % Apply low-pass filter
        logGabor{s}(1,1) = 0;                 % Set the value at the 0 frequency point of the filter
                                              % back to zero (undo the radius fudge).
    % Then construct the angular filter components...
    spread = cell(1,norient);
    for o = 1:norient
      angl = (o-1)*pi/norient;           % Filter angle.
      % For each point in the filter matrix calculate the angular distance from
      % the specified filter orientation.  To overcome the angular wrap-around
      % problem sine difference and cosine difference values are first computed
      % and then the atan2 function is used to determine angular distance.
      ds = sintheta * cos(angl) - costheta * sin(angl);    % Difference in sine.
      dc = costheta * cos(angl) + sintheta * sin(angl);    % Difference in cosine.
      dtheta = abs(atan2(ds,dc));                          % Absolute angular distance.
      spread{o} = exp((-dtheta.^2) / (2 * thetaSigma^2));  % Calculate the
                                                           % angular filter component.
    % The main loop...
    EnergyAll(rows,cols) = 0;
    AnAll(rows,cols) = 0;
    for o = 1:norient                    % For each orientation.
      sumE_ThisOrient   = zero;          % Initialize accumulator matrices.
      sumO_ThisOrient   = zero;       
      sumAn_ThisOrient  = zero;      
      Energy            = zero;      
      for s = 1:nscale,                  % For each scale.
        filter = logGabor{s} .* spread{o};   % Multiply radial and angular
                                             % components to get the filter. 
        ifftFilt = real(ifft2(filter))*sqrt(rows*cols);  % Note rescaling to match power
        ifftFilterArray{s} = ifftFilt;                   % record ifft2 of filter
        % Convolve image with even and odd filters returning the result in EO
        EO{s,o} = ifft2(imagefft .* filter);      
        An = abs(EO{s,o});                         % Amplitude of even & odd filter response.
        sumAn_ThisOrient = sumAn_ThisOrient + An;  % Sum of amplitude responses.
        sumE_ThisOrient = sumE_ThisOrient + real(EO{s,o}); % Sum of even filter convolution results.
        sumO_ThisOrient = sumO_ThisOrient + imag(EO{s,o}); % Sum of odd filter convolution results.
        if s==1                                 % Record mean squared filter value at smallest
          EM_n = sum(sum(filter.^2));           % scale. This is used for noise estimation.
          maxAn = An;                           % Record the maximum An over all scales.
          maxAn = max(maxAn, An);
      end                                       % ... and process the next scale
      % Get weighted mean filter response vector, this gives the weighted mean
      % phase angle.
      XEnergy = sqrt(sumE_ThisOrient.^2 + sumO_ThisOrient.^2) + epsilon;   
      MeanE = sumE_ThisOrient ./ XEnergy; 
      MeanO = sumO_ThisOrient ./ XEnergy; 
      % Now calculate An(cos(phase_deviation) - | sin(phase_deviation)) | by
      % using dot and cross products between the weighted mean filter response
      % vector and the individual filter response vectors at each scale.  This
      % quantity is phase congruency multiplied by An, which we call energy.
      for s = 1:nscale,       
          E = real(EO{s,o}); O = imag(EO{s,o});    % Extract even and odd
                                                   % convolution results.
          Energy = Energy + E.*MeanE + O.*MeanO - abs(E.*MeanO - O.*MeanE);
      % Compensate for noise
      % We estimate the noise power from the energy squared response at the
      % smallest scale.  If the noise is Gaussian the energy squared will have a
      % Chi-squared 2DOF pdf.  We calculate the median energy squared response
      % as this is a robust statistic.  From this we estimate the mean.
      % The estimate of noise power is obtained by dividing the mean squared
      % energy value by the mean squared filter value
      medianE2n = median(reshape(abs(EO{1,o}).^2,1,rows*cols));
      meanE2n = -medianE2n/log(0.5);
      estMeanE2n(o) = meanE2n;
      noisePower = meanE2n/EM_n;                       % Estimate of noise power.
      % Now estimate the total energy^2 due to noise
      % Estimate for sum(An^2) + sum(Ai.*Aj.*(cphi.*cphj + sphi.*sphj))
      EstSumAn2 = zero;
      for s = 1:nscale
        EstSumAn2 = EstSumAn2 + ifftFilterArray{s}.^2;
      EstSumAiAj = zero;
      for si = 1:(nscale-1)
        for sj = (si+1):nscale
          EstSumAiAj = EstSumAiAj + ifftFilterArray{si}.*ifftFilterArray{sj};
      sumEstSumAn2 = sum(sum(EstSumAn2));
      sumEstSumAiAj = sum(sum(EstSumAiAj));
      EstNoiseEnergy2 = 2*noisePower*sumEstSumAn2 + 4*noisePower*sumEstSumAiAj;
      tau = sqrt(EstNoiseEnergy2/2);                     % Rayleigh parameter
      EstNoiseEnergy = tau*sqrt(pi/2);                   % Expected value of noise energy
      EstNoiseEnergySigma = sqrt( (2-pi/2)*tau^2 );
      T =  EstNoiseEnergy + k*EstNoiseEnergySigma;       % Noise threshold
      % The estimated noise effect calculated above is only valid for the PC_1 measure. 
      % The PC_2 measure does not lend itself readily to the same analysis.  However
      % empirically it seems that the noise effect is overestimated roughly by a factor 
      % of 1.7 for the filter parameters used here.
      T = T/1.7;        % Empirical rescaling of the estimated noise effect to 
                        % suit the PC_2 phase congruency measure
      Energy = max(Energy - T, zero);          % Apply noise threshold
      EnergyAll = EnergyAll + Energy;
      AnAll = AnAll + sumAn_ThisOrient;
    end  % For each orientation
    ResultPC = EnergyAll ./ AnAll;
    % LOWPASSFILTER - Constructs a low-pass butterworth filter.
    % usage: f = lowpassfilter(sze, cutoff, n)
    % where: sze    is a two element vector specifying the size of filter 
    %               to construct [rows cols].
    %        cutoff is the cutoff frequency of the filter 0 - 0.5
    %        n      is the order of the filter, the higher n is the sharper
    %               the transition is. (n must be an integer >= 1).
    %               Note that n is doubled so that it is always an even integer.
    %                      1
    %      f =    --------------------
    %                              2n
    %              1.0 + (w/cutoff)
    % The frequency origin of the returned filter is at the corners.
    % Copyright (c) 1999 Peter Kovesi
    % School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
    % The University of Western Australia
    % http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/
    % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    % in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
    % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 
    % all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    % The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
    % October 1999
    % August  2005 - Fixed up frequency ranges for odd and even sized filters
    %                (previous code was a bit approximate)
    function f = lowpassfilter(sze, cutoff, n)
        if cutoff < 0 || cutoff > 0.5
    	error('cutoff frequency must be between 0 and 0.5');
        if rem(n,1) ~= 0 || n < 1
    	error('n must be an integer >= 1');
        if length(sze) == 1
    	rows = sze; cols = sze;
    	rows = sze(1); cols = sze(2);
        % Set up X and Y matrices with ranges normalised to +/- 0.5
        % The following code adjusts things appropriately for odd and even values
        % of rows and columns.
        if mod(cols,2)
    	xrange = [-(cols-1)/2:(cols-1)/2]/(cols-1);
    	xrange = [-cols/2:(cols/2-1)]/cols;	
        if mod(rows,2)
    	yrange = [-(rows-1)/2:(rows-1)/2]/(rows-1);
    	yrange = [-rows/2:(rows/2-1)]/rows;	
        [x,y] = meshgrid(xrange, yrange);
        radius = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);        % A matrix with every pixel = radius relative to centre.
        f = ifftshift( 1 ./ (1.0 + (radius ./ cutoff).^(2*n)) );   % The filter
    FSIM Code


    四 MOS

           the mean opinion score(MOS),一种主观的评价方式,即对图像的处理效果打分,我的理解为观察者对算法的处理结果从对比度,真实性,细节清晰度等三方面进行打分,如每一项满分5分,值越大说明处理结果越好,具体的介绍见下面的文献[ref]:

    【ref】Realtime infrared image detail enhancement based on fast guided image filter and plateau equalization.

    五  信息熵(entropy)


    The matlab code of entropy

    %I_gray = rgb2gray(I);
    [ROW,COL] = size(I_gray);
    %新建一个size =256的矩阵,用于统计256个灰度值的出现次数
    temp = zeros(256);
    for i= 1:ROW
    for j = 1:COL
    temp(I_gray(i,j)+1)= temp(I_gray(i,j)+1)+1;
    res = 0.0 ; 
    for  i = 1:256
    temp(i) = temp(i)/(ROW*COL);
    if temp(i)~=0.0
    res = res - temp(i) * (log(temp(i)) / log(2.0));
    Entropy Code

    当然图像的评价指标还有psnr, mse等都是常见的,由于简单,故不会作为论文中的客观评价指标。本文选取的为RMSC, SSIM, MOS三种。还有算法运行时间,这个与MATLAB软件,个人电脑的内存,CPU型号,系统等有关,故作为评价指标并不可靠,谨记!通常用算法复杂度衡量更准确。算法运行时间,在matlab中用tic与 toc函数分别加在算法的开头与末尾即可。

    六 常见图像处理指标(图像的均值和标准差)


    1. 求图像的均值
    close all;
    i=imread('d:/lena.jpg'); %载入真彩色图像路径
    i=rgb2gray(i); %转换为灰度图
    i=double(i);  %将uint8型转换为double型,否则不能计算统计量
    for x=1:m
        for y=1:n
            s=s+i(x,y); %求像素值总和 s  , i(x,y)表示位于某个坐标下的像素值
    a1=mean(mean(i)); %第一种方法:先计算列向量均值,再求总均值。
    a2=mean2(i); %第二种方法:用函数mean2求总均值
    a3=s/(m*n);  %第三种方法:按公式计算,像素值总和除以像素个数。
    a4=sum(sum(i))/(m*n); %第四种方法:也是按公式计算,但是用sum来求像素值总和。
    close all
    i=imread('d:/lena.jpg'); %载入真彩色图像
    i=rgb2gray(i); %转换为灰度图
    i=double(i);  %将uint8型转换为double型,否则不能计算统计量
    avg=mean2(i);  %求图像均值
    for x=1:m
        for y=1:n
        s=s+(i(x,y)-avg)^2; %求得所有像素与均值的平方和。
    a1=var(i(:)); %第一种方法:利用函数var求得。
    a2=s/(m*n-1); %第二种方法:利用方差公式求得
    a3=(std2(i))^2; %第三种方法:利用std2求得标准差,再平方即为方差。

    六 MATLAB调试(找错与改正)

    错误使用 conv2

    不支持 N 维数组。


    出错 filter2 (line 59)第二级

            y = conv2(hcol, hrow, x, shape);


    出错 ssim (line 188)第一级

    mu1   = filter2(window, img1, 'valid');


    出错 SSIM_CAL (line 24)顶层

    mval = ssim(A,ref)



    一是看懂MATLAB提示,最底下为最顶层函数1,往上为第一级函数1.1,第二级函数1.1.1。在上面的例子,SSIM_CAL 为顶层函数,在其24行的ssim函数(第一级)出错。在ssim函数的188行的filter2函数(第二级)出错。再继续深入到filter2函数中的59行出错,即conv2函数出错;就是问题源头所在、已找到错误。




    3.函数+循环结构= 飞一般的感觉









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