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  • C# 添加、删除、读取Word形状(基于Spire.Cloud.Word.SDK)

    本文介绍调用Spire.Cloud.SDK for .NET 提供的接口shapesApi来操作Word形状,包括添加形状AddShape(),添加形状时,可设置形状类型、颜色、大小、位置、倾斜、轮廓、文本环绕方式、顺序);删除形状DeleteShape()和读取形状属性GetShapeProperties()等。调用接口方法及步骤参考以下步骤:


    步骤二:App ID及Key获取。在“我的应用”板块中创建应用以获得App ID及App Key。

    步骤三:源文档上传。在“文档管理”板块,上传源文档。这里可以建文件夹,将文档存放在文件夹下。不建文件夹时,源文档及结果文档直接保存在根目录。本文示例中,建了两个文件夹,分别用于存放源文档及结果文档。(云平台提供免费1 万次调用次数和 2G 文档内存)

    C# 示例代码

    1. 添加形状到Word

    using System;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Client;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Api;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Model;
    namespace AddShape
        class Program
            static string appId = "App ID";
            static string appKey = "App Key";
            static string basePath = "https://api.e-iceblue.cn";
            static Configuration wordConfiguration = new Configuration(appId, appKey, basePath);
            static ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
            static void Main(string[] args)
                ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
                string name = "test.docx";//源文档
                string paragraphPath = "sections/0/paragraphs/0";//段落路径
                int indexInParagraph = 1;//添加形状的段落
                string folder = "input";//源文档所在文件夹
                string storage = null;//使用冰蓝云配置的2G空间存贮文档,可设置为null
                string password = null;//源文档密码
                ShapeFormat shapeformat = new ShapeFormat(50, 50, ShapeFormat.ShapeTypeEnum.Star)
                    HorizontalOrigin = ShapeFormat.HorizontalOriginEnum.Page,
                    VerticalOrigin = ShapeFormat.VerticalOriginEnum.Page,
                    VerticalPosition = 40,
                    HorizontalPosition = 230,
                    FillColor = new Color(255, 69, 0),
                    Rotation = 45,
                    StrokeWeight = 2,
                    StrokeColor = new Color(255, 255, 0),
                    TextWrappingType = ShapeFormat.TextWrappingTypeEnum.Both,
                    TextWrappingStyle = ShapeFormat.TextWrappingStyleEnum.InFrontOfText,
                    ZOrder = 1
                string destFilePath = "output/AddShape.docx";//结果文档路径


    2. 删除Word中的形状

    using System;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Api;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Client;
    namespace DeleteShape
        class Program
            static string appId = "App ID";
            static string appKey = "App Key";
            static string basePath = "https://api.e-iceblue.cn";
            static Configuration wordConfiguration = new Configuration(appId, appKey, basePath);
            static ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
            static void Main(string[] args)
                ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
                string name = "AddShape.docx";//源文档
                string paragraphPath = "sections/0/paragraphs/0";//段落路径
                int index = 0;//要删除形状的索引
                string folder = "output";//源文档所在文件夹
                string storage = null;//使用冰蓝云配置的2G空间存贮文档,可设置为null
                string password = null;//源文档密码
                string destFilePath = "output/DeleteShape.docx";//结果文档路径


    3. 读取Word形状属性

    using System;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Client;
    using Spire.Cloud.Word.Sdk.Api;
    namespace GetShapeProperties
        class Program
            static string appId = "App ID";
            static string appKey = "App Key";
            static string basePath = "https://api.e-iceblue.cn";
            static Configuration wordConfiguration = new Configuration(appId, appKey, basePath);
            static ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
            static void Main(string[] args)
                ShapesApi shapesApi = new ShapesApi(wordConfiguration);
                string name = "AddShape.docx";//源文档
                string paragraphPath = "Section/0/Body/0/Paragraph/0";
                int index = 0;//读取的形状索引
                string folder = "output";//源文档所在文件夹
                string storage = null;//使用冰蓝云配置的2G空间存贮文档,可设置为null
                string password = null;//源文档密码
                System.Console.WriteLine(shapesApi.GetShapeFormat(name, paragraphPath, index, folder, storage, password));



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Yesi/p/12222219.html
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